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    Repoint to 118 from 121

    superdish repoint to118.7 i have superdish 121 in the below repointing kit image there is a small lnb and big thick lnb. which satellite signal does the small lnb pick up is this the right repointing kit for superdish to get 118.7
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    can dish 500 pick up 118.7 signal

    i got an old dish 500 from my friend. can this dish pick up 118.7 with a single circular dish pro lnb.. pls help me
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    Repoint to 118 from 121

    I have superdish 121 and currently trying to convert 121 to 118.7 i found this re-alignment 118.7 kit on ebay... does anyone know that this lnbset set work with superdish for sure and be able to recieve international channels from 118.7W (Anik F3) ebay link---- NEW Superdish to DISH500+...