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  1. mediafury

    7 Years with Dish. Boy How Things Have Changed.

    Some things never change, though .. In 2004, I had been subscribed to Dish about 3 years and had been married 12 years and the customer service was abominable then. In 2011, I still maintain a subscription to Dish and although I've been divorced for just over a year, surprise, the Award...
  2. mediafury

    installer refused to install - suggestions?

    Pshaw! Of COURSE not! why an installer would NEVER do such a thing! absolutely not! Customer service is their middle name! and if you believe that, I got some swamp land in the Sahara Desert you might find attractive .. i'm being sarcastic, sorry, I've just been burnt by too many of them...
  3. mediafury

    What happened to Dish's "tech support"?

    heh .. now that was RICH I've heard all kinds of interesting stories from customers about their appliance problems but this has to be right up there! There was the lady who called in wanting warranty service on her new dryer because the baffles in the tumbler all broke off during usage...
  4. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    heard that loud and clear Well, that was one whale of a learning curve. I don't think I'll forget this for a while. Not a peep out of the satellite since then. Once again, thanks ..
  5. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    What a difference a week makes. Well, after running the cable, I came to the conclusion that the cabling had some terminal damage I had over looked so I decided to jettison it. I really, really, really didn't want to fool with this on my only day off last Saturday, so what do I do? I decide to...
  6. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    Update: We've had the dish connected and for three days and have watched it as needed. I have not wanted to leave my TV running with local networks on when I and my wife aren't watching it, but we've done so to keep an eye on it. We haven't noticed a single loss of signal so far.
  7. mediafury

    What happened to Dish's "tech support"?

    Bots, Droids and Noids True. I work in a call center and understand that feeling. But when EVERYONE you speak of sounds like drones reading scripts in the same monotone, distant singsong delivery, you get the feel IMMEDIATELY that the turn over at that call center is so bad that there are...
  8. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    ARRRRRRRGH. Barely 10 minutes after I posted this AM, we lost everything again. AGAIN I am contemplating doing some serious damage to something. Once again, we've lost the 110. Once again, that blasted error message (we're working on getting your local channels back .. Don't call us ..)...
  9. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    Color me cautiously optimistic After about a couple dozen false starts, you might see why I'm just a wee bit skeptical now .. .. but, upon doing examination of the cabling already there, I discovered that there was one connection between lengths that involved two F connectors and a coupler...
  10. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    outstanding advice .. Yes, I do think graphically. You did a good job of bringing that down to earth for me also. Any kind of damage to the physical electrical integrity of a coaxial cable when it involves RF signal - especially of DSS range stuff - could indeed attentuate the signal. The...
  11. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    Now that explained some things in a big way. That's why I'm the noob and you guys are the senseis. Mr Experience here didn't come close to discussing this. Thank you for taking the time to explain that .. and forgive me for my density, but how would cabling issues block the 110 commands? Are...
  12. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    Ok, I've got 75, solid as a rock. Only all lit in red. On 119, transponder 11, which is what comes up every time I go to check it out, it's the same signal strength. This is in all green and warbles at a high pitch. Again, I'm just at a loss to know why one sat is OK and the other is not if...
  13. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    Thanks for all of the input, folks. TV is desired in the house here, but it's not vital to our lives. I've been too busy to get back here. Now that the weekend is here, I'm going to dive into this some more. Ok, let's begin with the cabling issue. It may well indeed be that. I'm willing to...
  14. mediafury

    oooooooook .. this noob would appreciate a word ..

    I vented on the chit chat forum and I feel better already .. I've been wrestling with my DISH set up since June. To make a wearisome and inFURIating story short, I cannot seem to resolve an issue I keep having with the LNBF switch on my system that causes me to lose reception of the 110...