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  1. texaswolf

    Fate of HD Absolute

    yeah, at election time, i called to get FoxNews added, they had to add the AT200 to do it. The CSR said i could change back make a long story short, they wouldn't let me back into the Absolute pack because it is no longer offered, until Feb 09. SInce it was a CSR screw up they...
  2. texaswolf

    Tech Chat Recap 11-10-08

    Glad they are finally putting folders in EHD's. Still waiting for multiple EHD function....sick of switching drives in and out.
  3. texaswolf

    FOX NEWS HD - Where are you?

    Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer did a surprisingly good job of keeping it in the middle this election year....however when ever they allow Cafferty on, it completely makes them look left sided, with his drunk demeanor and eye rolling of anything republican...they need to put him back on the...
  4. texaswolf

    FOX NEWS HD - Where are you?

    hmmm considering it was CNN i was watching when their "special investigative" team broke news about the Obama-Ayers relationship being more than was told by Obama, and the ACORN fraud being hunted down by the same team on CNN...i'd say you might want to check your sources, and not bash one news...
  5. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    I can't stand SD anymore, but i grin and bear it...hoping HD versions will be added soon...and will be taking E* up on the HD pack...dumping the SD...well...after Sci fi is HD
  6. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    lol...NO...Never! He just seems to be picked on by everyone when it comes to pricing...Not his fault at all:rolleyes:
  7. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    The place where you are forbidden to speak of E* in negative way....and if you challenge the E* will be removed....muahahahahaha:devil: ahem....sorry
  8. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    Yeah I have to agree...I'm sorry but BSG beats out these shows...
  9. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    Considering Charlie didn't know the difference between 720, 1080i, and 1080p on the last CC....i seriously doubt he will demand "only true HD content".... and have you noticed that it is mostly Charlie that gets these "unfair" prices....perhaps his negotiation tactics and enjoyment of taking on...
  10. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    Will they be able to just air the channels in HD, or does Chuck need to negotiate with them about broadcasting it in HD? That alone could be what takes along time...considering his stubborn negotiation tactics.
  11. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    lol...i tried that again and they told me i already have a bunch of rebates all ready...which is true...never hurts to get more...heh heh heeeeh:devil:
  12. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    exactly...had one tell me there WILL be new HD by years end....another told me a few days later "I have no information on new HD" Yeah a lady at the cancellation dept. argued this point with me...after i asked about all the channels Direct has that we don' by one...she said "no we dont...
  13. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    yeah i figured they would have been HD a while ago.
  14. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    oh yeah i forgot...we should be right, WHERES MY SCIFI HD CHARLIE!?!?!:hungry: nah more fun to bitch and complain:D
  15. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    yeah really, only to piss us off even more:mad:
  16. texaswolf

    Charlie Chat Caps and Bytes 12-10-07

    considering they didn't even have a list of cities...just dots on a crappy map...i wouldn't get to excited....Chuck isn't doing to good at reassuring current subs that the future is gonna be bright.
  17. texaswolf

    Charlie Chat Caps and Bytes 12-10-07

    He is acting like there is no Direct tv..."Nobody does HD better"....WTF? Is he living in his own world or what?
  18. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    yeah but NBC/Universal owns Scifi, wouldn't they have the deep pocket backing?
  19. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    yeah i agree, i think it would have done very well on Scifi...they could have gone more in depth with the "trekkie" stuff
  20. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    Bingo. I would just watch it there. I'm still annoyed that SciFi couldn't pick up Enterprise before it was canceled. I think Cuban would have if he could. Rumors were circling that he was going to try and pick up The Black Donellys if the first season DVD sales went well.
  21. texaswolf

    The Matrix on A&E in hd

    I recorded them from a premium (cinemax i think)....look great and in 5.1
  22. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    and even SciFi:up
  23. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    My is Sunday
  24. texaswolf

    Sci-Fi HD...when can we watch?

    lol...exactly what i did...recorded that and razor, and stored them on the hard drive....just hoping we really would get it this month...Tin man shows again hopefully we get it today...and I hope they replay razor soon too.
  25. texaswolf

    Bad news regarding Dish and "DRM"

    I can record and move things to the external from HBO just of now...