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  1. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    I apologize for having exhausted your sense of humor, as well. I'm sure some people appreciate the ability to make light of an unfortunate situation. I further apologize for having wasted ten or so seconds of your imperial existence reading the prior posts, and another five or so reading this one.
  2. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    Can I at least get a little message that says: "Hi, I'm a computer that uses technology from 1986. Something bad happened that I can't figure out, so I'm calling a do-over. Enjoy replicating all of your settings, wasting a night in the process!"
  3. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    I'd like to know the answer to this, too. If, for some reason, the drive was not actually reformatted as has been suggested, it may provide a means to get our recordings back.
  4. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    This would make an awful lot of sense (in a non-user friendly sort of way). In the old days, bad sectors could be blocked off, rendering the rest of the drive still useful. I wish it would notify you when it does this, though. Does the guide mention any notification? Thanks!
  5. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    I understand that, believe me. My goal here is more to determine if others have experienced it, or if it really was a glitch. I'm certain there's a command that could be sent from the satellite to cause this, whether it's publicized or not. But more importantly, if this is the first sign of my...
  6. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    This much is true, but that takes four clicks to get to and would be awfully hard to do by accident. So unless we want to blame my wife (which I am not about to, because she lost the latest episode of Desperate Housewives and is quite unhappy), I don't think anybody performed a reset. Just...
  7. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    What are all of the methods to perform a "full reset" rather than just rebooting? We commonly have to reboot the darn thing after 1-second power outages and are used to pulling the plug from the back to reboot. But full reset that's not. Thanks for the welcome!
  8. K

    What happened to my HR20?

    Hi all, long-time lurker, first-time poster. DirecTV "tech" support was no help, so I hereby submit to your collective wisdom for assistance. My wife turned on our HR20 tonight and said, "Oh my God, it's all gone!" Sure enough, all of our saved recordings were gone, and those that were...