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  1. ChetK

    Charlie Chat and Voom 21

    I don't think it's that we're brainwashed. However, we do understand that companies like E* have to make money. If they have too many SD channels, likely, they had them before HD came into the mix. We also understand that HD isn't their only source of income. If it was, they'd probably end...
  2. ChetK

    Charlie Chat and Voom 21

    Not if there's not enough bandwidth. Although, I'll agree that more HD options is a good thing, not at the expense of quality. I think the 21 exclusive channels could be condensed down into 5 good channels. There simply wasn't enough content or bandwidth to fill 21 channels with high-quality...
  3. ChetK

    Charlie Chat and Voom 21

    By the way, if it was, in fact, only $299, you should have jumped all over it. In reality, it's $249 as a non-refundable down payment and $5 per month after that. If you want to disconnect, you have to give them the hardware and you don't get you $249 back.
  4. ChetK

    Charlie Chat and Voom 21

    What? This is new news. Only $299 for existing customers? I've been told the 942 isn't available to existing customers. Their web site says the exact same thing. I don't know whether the 942 is Mpeg-4 compatible or not. Also, I doubt E* will add Voom 21 channels. At least, I hope not.
  5. ChetK

    Charlie Chat and Voom 21

    :rolleyes: I doubt it. Who do you think they are? Voom?
  6. ChetK

    VOOM Web Site is DOWN!!!

    I'll take that bet and raise you!
  7. ChetK

    Cablevision Enters into Interim Agreement Regarding VOOM

    I wish I had a few hundred MILLION dollars to throw down the garbage disposal. Especially if there was more where that came from. Heck, I'd tell him what he should do with ALL of his companies for half that! :D
  8. ChetK

    Will there be a statement today???

    Don't worry 1080iBeVuMin, no offense taken. I'm not saying that nobody likes those channels, but if they were popular channels, Voom wouldn't be in the perdictiment that it's in now. AxE, thanks for proving my beliefs on picture quality. It seems that most around here either choose not to...
  9. ChetK

    Will there be a statement today???

    You must be thinking of D*. E* doesn't have HDLite. I have E* and had V*, but I always thought E*'s PQ was tons better. Plus, the 6000U hasn't crashed once in the 2.5 years I've owned it. The V* motorola box crashed at least 2.5 times every one day. :D It won't matter once HD-DVDs...
  10. ChetK

    Will there be a statement today???

    Yes. And the whole purpose of that is so they can minimize bandwidth. If they can take the same HD source and downconvert it to SD subscribers, wouldn't that make more sense than having to accept two different feeds from the same station? Of course, they'd still broadcast the HD locals in...
  11. ChetK

    Will there be a statement today???

    I don't understand why everybody gives E* such a hard time. Their picture quality is better than Voom's. I have never had a problem with their web site or their customer service or their billing dept. After a year, I can downgrade my service to only include the HD pack and whatever else I...
  12. ChetK

    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    Well, that just about sums up the whole Voom experience now doesn't it?
  13. ChetK

    Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

    How much do any of you want to bet that all of this is one big marketing ploy to release the DVR?
  14. ChetK

    Thank You letters to VOOM and Charles Dolan

    Shouldn't there be a thread like this that goes straight to Charlie encouraging him to keep many of the HD offerings that Voom has/had with his newly acquired bandwidth?
  15. ChetK

    The End of VOOM?

    Do you really blame him? I think you hit the nail on the head. What do you think they were doing at CES? March for a PVR. :rolleyes: Please! And you're right, they didn't do a very good job of selling it. They were to busy working the numbers (how many exclusive HD channels again) than...
  16. ChetK

    The End of VOOM?

    I hate to say I told you so...So I'll let vurbano do it. LOL :D
  17. ChetK

    5 more slots for VOOM sats

    Well, that's all nice to hear about DTV. Maybe in 1.5 to 2 years, I can get an HDTivo from DTV, with LOTS of HD channels at a great price. By then, the HDTive should be readily available and not buggy at all. Can't wait!
  18. ChetK

    Something I Drug out of a CSR &A SV

    Something really sad about this is that I'm not supposed to get taxed for Satellite service in Texas and I am anyway. I'd be willing to bet that Voom is taking that as pure profit.
  19. ChetK

    Good News And Bad!!! (All Coming from CSR. Take it as you will)

    As far as my ignorant comment, I'd just like to explain what I mean. By no means was it intended as an insult. I realize that some may take it that way. However, you shouldn't. I'm ignorant about a lot of things and if someone pointed it out, I'd tell them that they are correct (and then...
  20. ChetK

    Good News And Bad!!! (All Coming from CSR. Take it as you will)

    Darrell, sorry man, but I'm not going to complain about HD PQ anymore. I'm pretty sure it's not doing any good and the ignorant ones just don't care and are getting tired of hearing us complain. I agree that it's sad, but I have to disagree with one thing: In this case, I don't thing the...
  21. ChetK

    Good News And Bad!!! (All Coming from CSR. Take it as you will)

    What I find most disturbing is this talk of smaller bit rates once the new compression scheme hits. I don't want the signal compressed MORE!!! I don't care what scheme you use. Keep the same bit rate and move to WM9 and THEN the picture quality should be what it needs to be. If compression...
  22. ChetK

    Mass Exodus from Voom to DirecTV in October?

    In order for Voom to stay alive in this arena is to release a relatively bug-free PVR and sell it at a third of the price as the HDTivo and increase picture quality. It's that simple. If they can't do that, then why are they here? Remember, Voom is still the underdog when it comes to...