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  1. S

    Rainbow Media Unveils DIVINE HD First Ever 24/7 High-Definition Gay Movie Channel

    Punishing? Maybe Voom with not receiving any more of my money, Directv will do just fine for now, I cannot suport a company that is so anti-family Steve :mad: Moderator Note: Post has been edited.
  2. S

    Rainbow Media Unveils DIVINE HD First Ever 24/7 High-Definition Gay Movie Channel

    I doubt they will listen to those with Morals, because the Rainbow Warriers are out of their closets and are proud, scary too, they dared to name their Queer channel "Divine" which is a slap in the face of the Almighty God which is Divine. I'm canceling once I get my Directv setup back...
  3. S

    Rainbow Media Unveils DIVINE HD First Ever 24/7 High-Definition Gay Movie Channel

    I see the Pro-Queers here deleted the posts that disagreed to their beliefs, is that how these Straightaphobics run this Forum? Divine is a mistake, and it will bury them fast. Good riddance!!!!!!!!! Steve
  4. S

    DivineHD: Should it be "a la carte"?

    That is the ultimate goal, all channel should be ala carte. Steve