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  1. K

    West coast voomers, do you have rain fade?

    We've had several storms since my 24" upgrade and the signal has held up very well. @party
  2. K

    West coast voomers, do you have rain fade?

    Finally got my 24" in dish installed. No rain today (or in the forecast), but we did have a very heavy fog this morning. I don't know if this would normally be a problem, but my signal strength was '99' when checked by the installer :clap . I'll report back next time we get a *real* storm in...
  3. K

    West coast voomers, do you have rain fade?

    Well, "the Crave guy" was a no-show again today. Called Crave and their customer service rep rudely explained over and over again that the problem was that I hadn't made an appointment. She couldn't seem to be able to process that I had in fact made an appointment (through VOOM) and was...
  4. K

    West coast voomers, do you have rain fade?

    :river Another storm, more rain fade (right in the middle of Steve Winwood, no less :mad: ). At least it's not a complete blackout like last time; only pixelated hiccups. Got "the Crave guy" scheduled (again) to install a 24" dish on Friday. Assuming he shows up and shows up with the...
  5. K

    West coast voomers, do you have rain fade?

    The "dish guy" from Crave Electronics came out and was clueless (as usual) that I explicitly requested that he be equipped with a 24' dish before coming out. Instead of upgrading my dish, he stomped around on my roof for 30 minutes. When I explained that I had requested that he NOT show up...
  6. K

    West coast voomers, do you have rain fade?

    Boy do I ever have rain fade... I live on the Bay Area Peninsula and have had VOOM for months now. Up until our first big rain on Sunday, I've been pretty happy with the satellite reception (not so happy with OTA, but that's more due to my location). I now realize that I can forget about...
  7. K

    Bay Area VOOMers?

    Regarding your question, I don't know, but highly doubt it. Best of luck with your installation.
  8. K

    Bay Area VOOMers?

    Have you checked the LOS to the VOOM satellite to the east? I've heard this is sometimes a problem in SF and may be a particular challenge at the far western edge of the city. I'm on the peninsula, high on a hill overlooking the bay with a clear view of Hayward and my dish points DOWN.
  9. K

    Bay Area VOOMers?

    Thought I'd provide an update on the status of a Bay Area Voomer. So far, my SAT signal hovers around 90, so I'm pretty happy about that. It being July in CA, I haven't had a chance to detect any changes when it rains. My OTA is another story, however. As I indicated earlier in this...
  10. K

    Bay Area VOOMers?

    Thanks. I suspect I'll have to go through the same exercise with my OTA reception. One of the benefits of the receiver "rental" plan is that it doesn't lock us into VOOM and they have an "incentive" to be responsive to our issues.
  11. K

    Bay Area VOOMers?

    I live about halfway up the side of a hill, so there's the rest of a big hill to the west and somewhat of a hill to the north. I have a straight line of sight east across the bay to Fremont, however. I suspect I'm SOL when it comes to receiving a signal from Sutro; but my main concern is...
  12. K

    Bay Area VOOMers?

    I live in Belmont, CA on the eastern side of a hill with a clear view of the bay from about 60 to 140 azimuth. And an angle of 14 shouldn't be a problem. However, the hill blocks Sutro Tower to the north, so the OTA channels will probably be a problem. Is there anyone else on this forum who...