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  1. Z

    OTA /FTA on sonicview pvr1000

    Oops Thank You for the info, can you recommend a system with similar capabilities that does do OTA and FTA? Zepo
  2. Z

    OTA /FTA on sonicview pvr1000

    I just bought a SV pvr1000 with the intent of getting OTA now and setting up FTA later. I am having major grief in getting this thing to do anything at all so I am questioning my inital premise. CAN YOU TELL ME if this thing does OTA at all or if I am barking up the wrong tree? It has an ant...
  3. Z

    Which PVR to get?

    Thank you for the response, that is the type of +- information/experience I am looking for.
  4. Z

    Which PVR to get?

    Have you worked with either the viewsat or sonicview the manhattan listed above looks ok as well as far as features go. Any suggestions as to what I may have better luck with as first timer with patience? The manhattan looks UK based, are there any issues to be aware of with compatibility...
  5. Z

    Which PVR to get?

    I do not plan on using a motor, Does this make the viewsat a better option than the Pansat with hicupps?
  6. Z

    Which PVR to get?

    So I hear one negative for the Pansat, any positives or experience with any of the others? I am more likely to go with one KNOWN negative than no KNOWN information. Are there other forums or discussion groups I should look to before a purchase of the pansat? I usually research the heck out of...
  7. Z

    Which PVR to get?

    The right PVR wanted. I came across your review here and found it helpful, I am looking for a PVR twin tuner FTA receiver that I can also input OTA. I have found 4 so far, the Pansat 6000 HSX, Sonicview PVR 1000, Dreambox 7025SI, and Viewsat PVR 7000. Have you reviewed any of these others are...
  8. Z

    Changing alignment colors in the Fortec setup.

    Hard way around approach. Assuming you only want to change the colors while you are dealing with the alignment so that you can see it better. What kind of connection are you using from the receiver to the TV? If you are using a component or s-video input you could pull 1 wire from the input...