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  1. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    I hope the first week of July be better than the June 25th, 2014 massacre. I hope! Move on!
  2. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    If I turn back the hands of time and travel to Washington, DC to witness SCOTUS ruling in favor of the NAB 6-3 and Aereo losing the battle. In protest (if I didn't got arrested) rant out loud saying This is a Travesty to America! You backstabbers and you're not going to get away with this crime...
  3. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    I've forgot to tell you no I'm not an Anarchist. I love America!
  4. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    I'm glad I don't live in those countries. Proud to be an American! :usa2
  5. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    navychop, I'll say the same damn thing to punish The NAB for corrupting America IMHO! :)
  6. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    What the hell are you saying??? :confused:
  7. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    osu1991, Probably you don't watch soap operas but the NBC affiliate in Las Vegas, Nevada (KSNV-TV) stunned their viewers by dropping Days Of Our Lives in favor of extended less-important hour of local news last year. As a result all NBC affiliates have cleared the soap by 1984 (when Des...
  8. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    One thing I also forgot to tell you. I'll be pissed if I get a letter that I got sued by The NAB for Defamation. I hope it never happens. I hate getting letters like this for example.
  9. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Also are telling the truth about The NAB and NAB's abusive power! :) The NAB's rip-off site of ATV Alliance pretend to support retransmission consent reform...They're LYING! ;) They also blamed Pay-Television providers for...
  10. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Here's my review on this issue! Chet Kanojia=Good guy and very Patriotic Barry Diller=Good guy and very Patriotic too Kanojia and Diller were the protagonists SCOTUS=Backstabbers NAB=Arch nemeses Broadcasters/Les Moonves=Villian Those were the antagonists! That's for damn sure! ;)
  11. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    I apologize for my rant on my last post. Still devastated like everybody else on this controversial SCOTUS ruling. As I say before I hate corporate greed and corruption like The NAB, MPAA, RIAA, ESRB, and US Anti-Doping Agency as well. I felt The NAB took away freedom. That's my POV!
  12. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    To quote your saying "Blow it off, it's a done deal and nothing you or I can do now will change it" damn it I hate hearing There's Nothing You Can Do BS nonsense you said primestar31! I call it The five DREADFUL words I HATE to HEAR. For God's sake I won't accept that and your dull and lame...
  13. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Foxbat, The business model is totally OUTDATED damn it. No the NAB Don't Give a Damn about low and middle class who can't get a decent OTA digital TV signal and can't afford Pay-TV (like Cable/Telco/Satellite) and it's a ROUGH ECONOMY we are in right now. Imagine greedy Gordon Smith and...
  14. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    DishSubLA, Damn Congress needs to changed the Damned Outdated Copyright Laws IMHO, I also agree with you. But unfortunately The Corrupted NAB, politicians who with the NAB's side, and broadcast network executives like CBS' Les Moonves for example loves unfair outdated silly laws and prefers to...
  15. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Thank you for being on my side. It cheered me up! :)
  16. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Well my YouTube reaction to Aereo's SCOTUS loss is almost going Virial with almost 100 views! :)
  17. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Say people watch local news on the TV station's website. I did for out-of-market news from Charleston, SC like or and as examples. Here's the Pros and Cons! PROS: It's an actual newscast, weather and sports. CONS: You...
  18. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Nonsense!! :mad: Following SCOTUS backstabbed Aereo with their controversial 6-3 verdict yesterday and siding the greedy corrupted broadcasters and the NAB. The blood is still in the hands of the broadcasters (including Les Moonves of CBS), The NAB's Smith & Wharton for slaying Aereo at SCOTUS...
  19. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    I know that Aereo was only offered in select markets. But my theory in Aereo's SCOTUS 6-3 loss by The Broadcasters aka The NAB yesterday: The verdict was RIGGED by Gordon Smith and Dennis Wharton of the National Association of Broadcasters (aka The NAB!) and 6 of the justices went along with...
  20. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    Also Homeschooling is illegal in Germany. So damn unfair too! :mad: Unfortunately it's the law there. Thank God I'm an American and love the USA! :D Still freedom doesn't come free sadly. :(
  21. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    I know countries like Great Britain have so-called TV License (unfortunately it's the law there) and some say it's unfair...Agree with them 100% all the damn way! ;)
  22. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    As Denis Wharton said at NAB's website "Aereo characterized our lawsuit as an attack on innovation; that claim is demonstrably false" That's a bunch of Damn Lies from the NAB...They hate innovation from the start! :mad: I'm glad folks like ACA and American Television Alliance are for reforming...
  23. shkarter1985

    Supreme Court ruled in favor of TV Networks

    I didn't say that meStevo, The ruling was (as I say many times) a Travesty to USA! The NAB has Officially KILLED the true American Dream especially for those who are cord-cutters (low and middle class). BTW The 1976 Copyright Act is OUTDATED and needs to be updated for 21st Century needs for...