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  1. Crocodile Locke

    The Road

    Went to see The Road the other day and it was excellent. Don't get me wrong it isn't a feel-good sort of movie, but it'll sure make you appreciate what you've got. Viggo Mortensen should at least get nominated for an Academy Award and probably the film too for best picture. Too bad it's only a...
  2. Crocodile Locke


    I'm afraid Cameron might be slipping...he must have caught the same bug George Lucas did with the whole over reliance on on CGI. :( It looks like a CGI sci-fi adaptation of the Smurfs to me, but I'd much rather go see that than that steaming pile least Avatar will have a plot.
  3. Crocodile Locke


    Haven't seen it yet, but the trailer has me interested. Yeah, good ol' Bruce is hangin' in there pretty well despite his age. I still pop in the original Die Hard every once in awhile.:eek: Yippie ki-yay ****** ******! :eek: :)
  4. Crocodile Locke

    Post Apocalyptic Fun

    Very much so. If you aren't familiar with it, Fallout 3 is a videogame set in the post apocalyptic landscape of Washington D.C. filled with lots of strange characters you interact with. The player's character can even get a dog much like the dog Max has in The Road Warrior - The programmers way...
  5. Crocodile Locke

    Post Apocalyptic Fun

    I'm looking forward to The Road (Viggo Mortensen, Charlize Theron), coming out in November and The Book of Eli (Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman) coming next January. Both look very promising. The Road looks very dark with a scary sort of realism to it. The Book of Eli doesn't seem quite as dark...