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  1. capman

    It's official: The Format War is Over! Toshiba pulls the plug on HD DVD

    I'm thinkin that when all tv goes digital, people will buy HDTV's and WILL want to buy a High Definition player. My uncle doesn't have a hdtv yet, but when its time he says he will get the tv and the blu ray player with it. I mentioned hd dvd to him, but he hadn't heard much about it. Most...
  2. capman

    It's official: The Format War is Over! Toshiba pulls the plug on HD DVD

    So do you think that American Gangster will be on blu soon, or should I just buy it on HD DVD today?
  3. capman

    What made you choose the format you did

    Heh, if PS3 was the first player to support bd 1.1, then maybe sony wanted it that way so if you wanted to use the extra features you'd have to buy a PS3. Sounds just like something sony would do. Good marketing for them, bad for us. Either way, doesn't matter to me cause I bought a PS3 soon...
  4. capman

    What made you choose the format you did

    I bought into blu first cause I bought a ps3. I wasn't even thinking of buying a HD DVD player until Warner only released smallville season 5 on HD. So I had to buy a A1 unit. The only problem I have with HD that I've never experienced with blu is long load time (A1) I know its the first...
  5. capman

    Netflix: Higher prices for high-def a possibility

    Central coast area in CA. About 1 HR from Santa Barbara.
  6. capman

    High-def Discs Double Size of Download Market

    Until I can download a movie and save a physcial copy of it, I will never buy into it. What if your hard drive gets corrupted or fails, you lose your movie. I'm sure they won't let you download it again. Cause then you could theoretically give your friend your login and they could download...
  7. capman

    Netflix: Higher prices for high-def a possibility

    This is my queue on netflix, all are available now Superbad UR Comedy Now Blu-ray License to Wed PG-13 Comedy Now Blu-ray Resident Evil R Horror Now Blu-ray Trading Places R Comedy Now Blu-ray Entrapment PG-13 Thrillers Now Blu-ray...
  8. capman

    So I take back my praise of Netflix - BB ?

    Well, I have been a customer since 2005, but I like bb better. Just netflix has them more available than bb. Or did, but still for me they do :D
  9. capman

    So I take back my praise of Netflix - BB ?

    I really have no idea what you guys are talking about. I have about 12 bd's in my netflix queue and all fairly new releases I might add. Out of all 12 there is one short wait and the rest are available now. I have 1 out because I liked BB much better since I could exchange in store and get a...
  10. capman

    Warner announces extended HD DVD Support

    Nah, I think they'll go VMD exclusive :D
  11. capman

    HD-DVD owners need to buy HD-DVD drive

    So are you guys saying not to buy HD DVD's anymore? I really wanted to get the kingdom, but maybe a rental would be better. What about the upcoming movies from universal? Not sure which ones there are, but I'm sure there is something good. I don't know if universal will go blu just yet.
  12. capman

    Michael Bay on the Format War

    I think its kinda true that M$ wants HD DVD to win or still wants a format war. In late October there was a deal to buy the 360 HD DVD drive and get Heroes season 1 HD DVD free with the purchase. I wonder who paid for all those free copies. Thats a $70 box set. I'm sure M$ paid for all those...
  13. capman

    Is Disney having second thoughts?

    Isn't it true that you need a new player that supports the 51 gb disc spec? Do the new toshiba players play these discs? The only reason I like blu ray better is the storage. More storage, means more episodes on a disc. I hate getting up and chaning discs. So whoever has more storage has...
  14. capman

    Any portable HD format players coming?

    I've heard that sony is going to put a psp version on their blu rays, but not sure how its gonna work. I think you can just put the movie in your ps3 and then copy it to your psp. Seems like a really good idea, but I think it would really kill the UMD movies, but its not like they aren't...
  15. capman

    Spiderman 3 a bust.

    I purchased the trilogy at best buy for $60.99 plus tax so I thought it was a way better deal to get all 3 for the price of 2. I was hoping though that they could fit everything on one disc, but I guess blu ray still doesn't have enough space.