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  1. ussexplroer

    Cygwin or Linux

    one or the other if you want to play with linux. A full distro. Unbunto, etc, etc. If you want to write scripts and run some things. You can use CYGWIN. But it lacks alot of stuff. later, Josh
  2. ussexplroer

    my almost death computer

    I never heard I never heard of somebody really praising a name brand computer. Well I really should say that. But yes that retore comes in handy. 1. Backup data # System Recovery can be in the form of F10, F11, or in the start menu on windows XP under sometimes the mfg name. Also it might...
  3. ussexplroer

    How many computers do you have in your house?

    Let me count Okay this is my list. Might be thinned out a little: 1. Thosiba Tecra 500cs notebook with 64 meg of ram. Pentium90 (Runs Windows 98) - Thinking of putting linux on it. 2. Kaypro 2 (Brother picked it up from the junk yard.) (Missing key and keyboard and one of the two...
  4. ussexplroer

    Is HD radio dead?

    Hmmm, 3-4 years now Well, I heard about the HD radio about 4 years ago. Back when they first started talking about it. Heck before I think even they had sat radio. They said how now you could get weather, titles of songs, etc, etc on the display, emergancy reports, and even advertisments on the...
  5. ussexplroer

    Upgradeing Wireless Router G to N ?

    Well I was going to add my 2 cents but you already cover most of it I work on computers all the time and was going to add my 2 cents in. But looks like you guys got it covered. Place the router in a good place. Better antennas. Warned about some equiptment not working with others. etc, etc...