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  1. W

    Olympics Will be the Death of me and VOOM

    Um, that's not true. Dish and DirecTV viewers are in the same boat. I don't know how many more ways it can be said: blame NBC not VOOM. vurbano tried to tell you, perhaps a little bit harshly, the facts. Simply stating that you don't care about the facts, you're just mad, isn't really a...
  2. W

    If you don't like what VOOM provides, why are you still whinning about it?

    I'm not getting anything for free from VOOM, but I sure am tired of the whining on this forum. When I don't like what I'm getting from VOOM, I'll cancel and move on; simple as that. I don't understand the need to complain endlessly without cancelling, nor do I understand the need to...
  3. W

    Its July 1, 2004 and no software.

    None of the above. Can't believe how worked up some people get - 'VOOM LIED", etc. sheesh.
  4. W

    Canceling Voom

    Cancel or don't cancel, but I'm so tired of people treating their decision like it's a momentous public event worthy of an announcement in a forum dedicated to people who are subscribing to Voom.. It's like announcing a decision to take a dump. Don't announce it - just do it and move on...
  5. W

    Eventually Voom will have to be FREE!!

    I guess I disagree. That's not what I considered in getting VOOM. I got it because it offered things no other provider did. I hope VOOM continues to bet on content, not deals.