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  1. Cyclone

    Star Wars X-wing Miniatures game

    pew pew pew - I win! [Cyclone makes a Tie Fighter roar a couple of times]
  2. Cyclone

    Mike Myers in 'Austin Powers 4'?

    He was in Inglouris Basterds
  3. Cyclone


    Well, usually you two have been dating long enough, that you are pretty sure that she is going to say yes. My guess is that this guy either jumped the gun and proposed way too early, or she was about to dump him anyway. Either way, it sucks to be him at that time. But I'm sure there are...
  4. Cyclone

    Who is your favorite Quentin Tarantino Character?

    Yeah, I saw it on Saturday. Another great movie. This one was not nearly as campy as the other have been, it was actually a much better and well polished movie. One of my favorite parts was the nod to "Kelly's heros" by using the same suspenseful music when setting up the final pieces to the...
  5. Cyclone

    Nazi zombies!

    Just when you thought that Nazis couldn't get any worse, this happens.
  6. Cyclone

    Kaguya Spacecraft Crashes into the Moon

    pull up!!! pull up!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
  7. Cyclone

    What's Playing on Your iPod?

    I have never had a MP3 player until I got my G1 Phone. I use for Podcasts, but I am begining to think about getting some mp3. Stoopid me didn't jump on the Napster bandwagon in the early days. That's what I get for caring about my soul. But I have been listing to The Cars greatest hits...
  8. Cyclone

    $17k speakers from a white van ?? LOL

    Hehe. I remember being approached by "salesmen" one time in Traffic in Virginia Beach. Hey! We have some great speakers to sell. I already knew about the scam, so I responded with a hearty laugh. The look on the crooks face was priceless.
  9. Cyclone

    Popstar parody, BETTER than Weird Al!

    Definately well done.
  10. Cyclone

    All east coasters did you see or hear this?

    I think that you had to be down by the coast near the mouth of the Chesapeake bay.
  11. Cyclone

    Cushions for Hooters bar stools

    Bringing you wife to Hooters? That makes as much sense as bringing sand to the beach.
  12. Cyclone

    Letterman finally marries

    Now she can divorce him for a big payday! You go girl.
  13. Cyclone

    Space shuttle launch seen from East Coast

    I usually go to the following site to see when the ISS and Shuttles are viewable. Human Space Flight (HSF) - Sightings Of course you will have to change your City if you aren't in the DC area. Funny, before it was cancelled they had both the ISS and STS up on the page, now the STS is...
  14. Cyclone

    Blast from the Past

    I was an addict even back then. My name is listed as "online" in the first two links. hehe. Funny how I'm still interested all these years later. Hard to believe that my oldest was just a newborn back then. :D
  15. Cyclone

    What is the ugliest passenger car ever?

    Haha. I am actually thinking about getting a Ford Flex. I like it and its bigger than my Explorer. Its a good think I don't care about what other people think. :D Its just too bad that job security isn't what it used to be.
  16. Cyclone

    Adam Sandler- Bedtime Stories

    Well, if you think about Tom Hanks, he is considered a solid seasoned award winning actor. Pretty much the top of the heap in Hollywood working today. Now think about those first few movies of his. I remember always joking that no matter what movie Tom Hanks was in, he was always the same...
  17. Cyclone

    Adam Sandler- Bedtime Stories

    Over paid? As an actor sure. But he is the producer of many of these hits, hence the big paycheck. So He's really making his own acting opportunities, so you have to at least respect that. He making this work with his own effort.
  18. Cyclone

    Flame -All over body spray

    I guess if you are trying to pick up Fat chicks its the way to go.
  19. Cyclone

    How big is your.....

    That girl has probably never paid for a drink in her life. She'd not hiding them either.
  20. Cyclone

    Cool i been promoted..

    Just need to be proud
  21. Cyclone

    It's ok Beckham, we understand... (pics)

    Thats because between the pics where he changes clothes, he had "hit that". Hence Posh's attitude.
  22. Cyclone

    Cross your fingers $50 barrel of oil

    I remember it was about 1.25 back in 1998 in NJ.
  23. Cyclone

    Great to be back

    First post ever? I'd say we missed you, but since this is your first post, I guess there wasn't anything to miss? Uhm, Welcome back!!! :D
  24. Cyclone

    What Concert in the Past would you have like to have seen?

    I actually had a 2nd row seat for one of those concerts. This was back when Metallica was just moving from being a opening back to head linining, so I had already seen them about 3 times in the past year (Dokken seamed to open for everyone at the time). Anyway, I went to a...