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  1. DerekE

    Gas will NEVER be more then $9.99 a gallon.

    I know that was the case for me for a long time. Now I have a job that's 3 miles one way by car. And a car that gets pretty decent gas mileage (28 MPG average last I checked) so I'm not too concerned. However that doesn't prevent me from paying skyrocketing prices on everything else that's...
  2. DerekE

    Gas will NEVER be more then $9.99 a gallon.

    What you do see is less everywhere else, the line at starbucks is shorter than ever. Most car dealerships around here can't BUY a sale unless it's a hybrid. Even the highway seems a lot less crowded during rush hour while bus ridership is skyrocketing.
  3. DerekE

    Who did you have a crush on when you were younger?

    Lynda Carter in her 'Wonder Woman' outfit. Got me through puberty.