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  1. pjmrt

    Dr Who Favorite Companion

    Same here. I take it she (Mary Tamm) was not so popular with the producers. Pity as I enjoyed the good-natured sparring - the Doctor certainly had a match. For the same reason, I think Jenny would be great to return as a companion (a bit reminiscent of the first Doctor traveling with his...
  2. pjmrt

    Dr Who Theme songs over the years

    cool link! Its interesting how each doctor has subtile changes to the theme, with the occasional big change (Colin Baker for example). I like the current version best, at least so far.
  3. pjmrt

    Torchwood - Children of Earth Miniseries

    Not so much for me. I think the occasional tie-in to "The Doctor" is the only thing that has kept it afloat thus far.
  4. pjmrt

    Dr Who Favorite Companion

    The first Romana or the 2nd? Romana (I can't spell her actual name) was also a favorite - the 1st one that is. Another favorite - Leela.
  5. pjmrt

    Dr Who Favorite Companion

    Rose Tyler seems to be on top of everyone's list, which makes it a pity the producers are so set against bringing her back. My favorite is Sarah Jane, Peri, Rose, and (had she actually become his companion) the doctor's daughter (in fact I liked her character the best).
  6. pjmrt

    Favorite Doctor

    Same here. He was the first I saw. But having later seen all the others (albeit, limits versions of Hartnell and Troughton due to the extreme age of the video, most of which was unavailable (some still is I think), I still rank Tom Baker as my favorite. I have to admit however, that Tennant has...