4dtv work with KU Dish?

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If you have subscriptions on 4DTV you will have to let the receiver guide the the dish to G1 TP 3 to get the hits. Otherwise, the receiver will not function much at all.
You cannot set the clock on the 4DTV at all because the "hits" does these things.
After setup, the receiver will be programmed to go to G1 TP3 at early morning hours to receive the necessary hits.
Weird? You bet! I got a 4DTV system and it is ok.
There are websites dedicated to 4DTV.
Gee, you got me wondering about using a smaller dish for 4DTV.
I use the 4DTV system to get the C band FTA channels.
So it will work to If I'd like to subscribe to those channels without a cband dish?

If all i'm missing is the channel guide thats no big deal...

thanks for the info
So it will work to If I'd like to subscribe to those channels without a cband dish?

If all i'm missing is the channel guide thats no big deal...

thanks for the info

In order to get the guide, you have to have a subscription, and get the hits needed from G1 TP3.
If you do go on smaller dish and it works, let us know. I am using a 8 foot dish and it works. Are you talking about using like a 1 meter or smaller dish to get the
4DTV programs?
Thought If possible would be to use a 90cm dish with the 4dtv, and just not worry about the guide.

The question I guess would be do you have to get the Hit from G1 to have the subcription work.

I'll keep searching
You will need to get a used 922 or maybe even a 905 that was already authorized for digital, if you do not have problems with brown outs or bad power you should be ok, you can setup a 90cm dish on Galaxy-4R and SRL will be able to activate your programming on X4-430, you may need to set the feed to rotate 90 deg to make it work.

If the 4dtv is new you will need a buddy with C-band to authorize the unit for digital on C-band, a 920 will lose this after a master reset a 922 will not, the 905 should be like the 922 so you should be good to go.
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After setup, the receiver will be programmed to go to G1 TP3 at early morning hours to receive the necessary hits.
Weird? You bet

The allow dish to move for updates can be turned off if you wish, but if you have C-band you are better off with it on if you want the guide, for a Ku-band 4dtv setup it would be best to turn this off.
Oh it would be best not to do a master reset on any 4dtv's for a Ku-band setup since the maps are only on C-band, so you can ask the fellow you buy it from to make sure the tdt count is not at 1920, one bad thing about this type of setup is if new channels are added to X4 or some are remapped you will have a issue.
As far as I know, PCI cards can't do DigicipherII, they only handle DVB.

SRL/Skyvision Ku programming comes from HITS (ComCast). I've heard the picture quality is decent, but not up to par with other 4DTV programming. I think this is because the signal is not first generation, so it is slightly degraded.

Keep in mind the cost of the receiver when considering Ku-only programming. Most DSR-922's are over $400. You could buy a lot of programming from another provider (with cheap/free equipment) for that price.
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Keep in mind the cost of the receiver when considering Ku-only programming. Most DSR-922's are over $400. You could buy a lot of programming from another provider (with cheap/free equipment) for that price.

Since he should not do a master reset, a 920 should work, and if he wants a movie pack or some other package it is worth it to do, no need for a basic package.
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Question on Roof Mounts

Channel Master 1,8 m or 2,4 m offset

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