622 Ota


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 2, 2006
On my current 921 I can get OTA for both analog and digital signals.

I'm told the 622 only supports digital signal and if something is OTA using analog the screen will just be black when I try to watch it.

Is this true, and how can I tell what my 921 is currently picking up via OTA?
Yes - the OTA tuner in the 622 is digital only. I don't think the 622 will even put analog signals in the system / guide when you do a scan, so there shouldn't be anything there for analogs. You can probably tell by how the channel is logged in the EPG. You should see the subchannel information like 23-01, 23-02 for the digital channels. It would probably show 23-00 for the analog channel, at least IIRC that's what shows-up in my 811's guide. Others please correct me on this...
All my OTA channels are like 004-1, 004-2, 005-1, I dont have and -0's in there. I pick up my OTA from Washington DC and surrounding areas, I cant imagine they would send an analog signal?
For ViP receivers, -0 channels come from the dish locals package, if mapped down from 7xxx/8xxx/etc. The rest from OTA digital. No analog.
Cabby said:
On my current 921 I can get OTA for both analog and digital signals.

I'm told the 622 only supports digital signal and if something is OTA using analog the screen will just be black when I try to watch it.

Is this true, and how can I tell what my 921 is currently picking up via OTA?

You will get the exact same OTA channels on the 622, as you are now getting on your 921.

The only exception will be the channels that are currently showing up in orange in your 921's program guide (those are anolog).
Cabby said:
All my OTA channels are like 004-1, 004-2, 005-1, I dont have and -0's in there. I pick up my OTA from Washington DC and surrounding areas, I cant imagine they would send an analog signal?

Thought process is since analog will be gone in less than 2 years, the space can be used for other features.
tankerman said:
You will get the exact same OTA channels on the 622, as you are now getting on your 921.

The only exception will be the channels that are currently showing up in orange in your 921's program guide (those are anolog).

Ah excellent, there's the answer I was looking for... a way to distinguish between the two. I have all blues so should be good to go! Thanx!!

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