811, dishTV 40" and OTA HDTV


New Member
Original poster
Oct 16, 2004
After almost a year, I am getting OTA HD after installing Radio-shack V-75 XR, via a diplexor DSV 97, joining the signal from the DP34, in the attic, seperating again with DSV 97 at the 811. I live ~12 miles as the crow flies from the Atlanta stations and get most channels clearly. CBS (19-01) is slow to get (typical message ... or change channel lasts ~1 min EVERY time the channel is tuned). I also use DC Blocker DSV 47 on the OTA RG - is this a signal booster?

If not, can anyone recommend a signal booster?

I own a multiswitch DSV 95 - can I use this to split the OTA signal to the four outlets, and the use the diplexors?

I also own an unused new DP1(?SW) - where can I use this to benefit my setup?

I have a 508 and a 300 receivers on this account - if D* increases the price I will be firing all but HDTV service.

Does anyone see a logic on paying to receive local channels?
Congress really screwed us on this. The initial protest by broadcasters was protection of local market/adverts. Now, they get paid by the us, the target customers and the marketers (TV ad revenue), for watching free OTA channels, and we are stuck watching the local idiots. If I pay for local
channels, I should at least be able to choose NY, LA etc., broadcasts. What is the general view about this rip-off among this forum?
