Anyone considering Voom?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 16, 2003
In light of the recent development of their lease program...anyone considering it? I know it is another 40-50 bucks per month...but is anyone besides me considering it because they NEED Hdef now?

New voom deals!

Just wondering.....
I would order VOOM, if I could see the satellite at 61.5. I wish they had another satellite.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am actually considering it.

Although I think the only way my wife will let me have it is if they can use my existing 61.5 Dish.

I think with prodding they will let you keep your old dish
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am actually considering it.

Although I think the only way my wife will let me have it is if they can use my existing 61.5 Dish.

I switched from Dish to Voom about 2 weeks ago. Didn't even go up on roof...just spliced the Dish 61.5 feeds around the switch in the attic and swapped out the 2 receivers. (You don't need a switch with only 1 satellite).

I already had an OTA antenna. This took all of 30 minutes and I was on the new Voom system. Love the HD!

I could switch back in a few minutes by reattaching the switch and swapping the receivers. As of today, I don't plan to...Voom is fine!
I ordered VOOM and it will be installed on 3/1/2004, if they can get LOS to their satellite... which I highly doubt. I'll use the two services side by side until either DISH Offers a better HD selection or my commitment rus out and I can sign on with VOOM for good.

In the beginning I wanted to go with VOOM anyways. They didnt have the leasse option at that time -- hence the reason I have DISH Network.

New Offers:
Monthly Equipment Charge option:
$199.00 Installation and Activation fee WAVED (at this
$9.50 per receiver per month. (up to 6)
$5.00 Additional outlet charge PER receiver PER month

Additional charges which may apply.
3-4 IRD's Multiswitch $60.00-$100.00
5-6 IRD's Multiswitch $125.00-$200.00 (non-refundable)

There is an addition $50.00 installation & activation
fee for EACH receiver over three.

This offer has NO money back guarentee or Free preview
period. You are charged for your first month of
service and equipment apon activation.

If you chose to add additional receivers, AFTER INTIAL
SETUP, there will be a $199.00 installation and
activation fee, per visit.

*Money back guarentee is on the Equipment only.
$199.00 for each additional receiver (up to 6)

There is no Free preview period with this offer,
monthly billing begins at activation.

There is a 30 MBG with this offer, beginning at

$5.00 Additional outlet charge PER receiver PER month

Additional charges which may apply.
3-4 IRD's Multiswitch $60.00-$100.00
5-6 IRD's Multiswitch $125.00-$200.00 (non-refundable)

There is an addition $50.00 installation & activation
fee for EACH receiver over three.

If you chose to add additional receivers, AFTER INTIAL
SETUP, there will be a $199.00 installation and
activation fee, per visit.

*any additional charges for installation or
multiswitches are not refundable.

When deciding to add an extra IRD to an exsisting
order, please consider time to ship additional
equipment to the installer before your intial
installation. 4 days is generally enough time

The VOOM package (basic) is {{39.90 right now}} it is
going to be $49.90 after 3-31
The Va Va Voom package (everything) is $79.90 w/no
current plans to raise.
As soon as they pick up HDNET and put out their PVR, Dish is history & hello VOOM. I'm tired of waiting for Dish to get more HD and refuse to watch their overcompressed SD channels. With Voom's MPEG 4 gear coming down the road, they should have a great picture for years to come.
I would love to drop Dish and go with Voom. However, Voom is still missing a few things.

1) No DVR available yet. Anyone have a date?

2) Girlfriend requires Bravo and BBC America. Anyone have a date on these channels?

3) Is there still a possibility of Dish selling Voom's services?

Right now, I'm running E* and VOOM and Adelphia
1. E* has best compression factor for HD ... that is, best HD pictures, though VOOM is a close second, Adelphia is last.
2. E* has the worst SD pictures, by far, very soft, etc. Adelphia SD analog is fair, their SD digital is great. VOOM SD is pretty darn good (MUCH better than dish), if ... you use 480p for SD.
3. VOOM has TONS of HD: HBO, Cinemax, The Movie Channel, Starz, Showtime; all except TMC has EAST and WEST. Plus, the variable proprietary channels.
4. All but VOOM has some SD critical channels like ESPN (coming soon, though) and Fox news, etc. (coming?)
5. Only E* offers PVR, so far. Adelphia and VOOM say one is coming.

I am getting fairly spoiled to sooo much HD. I don't know if I can pull the plug on VOOM. The other two only have a small smattering of HD, and sometimes some of them are not doing HD at a given moment. It will all depend on final package as seen at the end of March.
Wally said:
Right now, I'm running E* and VOOM and Adelphia
1. E* has best compression factor for HD ... that is, best HD pictures, though VOOM is a close second, Adelphia is last.
2. E* has the worst SD pictures, by far, very soft, etc. Adelphia SD analog is fair, their SD digital is great. VOOM SD is pretty darn good (MUCH better than dish), if ... you use 480p for SD.
3. VOOM has TONS of HD: HBO, Cinemax, The Movie Channel, Starz, Showtime; all except TMC has EAST and WEST. Plus, the variable proprietary channels.
4. All but VOOM has some SD critical channels like ESPN (coming soon, though) and Fox news, etc. (coming?)
5. Only E* offers PVR, so far. Adelphia and VOOM say one is coming.

I am getting fairly spoiled to sooo much HD. I don't know if I can pull the plug on VOOM. The other two only have a small smattering of HD, and sometimes some of them are not doing HD at a given moment. It will all depend on final package as seen at the end of March.

Sorry to hear that VOOM is not as good as Dish for HDTV. I had hopes that someone would leave the HD in HD rather than HD Lite. I suspect that Dish Network users will soon be complaining just like DirecTV people are complaining now. Looks like they are about the cram 3 HD channels onto one transponder. If only a few people complain I'm sure they will then go for 4 per transponder.

I would pay more to get real HD - I wonder if anyone else would?
i say watch VOOM like a stock (chart) the others seem old and tired voom is growing and trending up. See if there is another HD add, or a nice (bug)fix,or a PVR announcement as long as they keep this up Voom seems the choice..i sure would expect one of the above by 3/1

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