Channel 114 Showing HR20 and Ka/Ku Assmb.

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 22, 2005
South of Heaven
Channel 114 is showing the differences between the 1st and 2nd generation of dishes, as well as a segment on the HR20.
FWIW, some tidbits from the HR20 segment, apparently, if the customer has HDMI available, it is MANDATORY (their own words) the installer use it, with the installer providing the cable, otherwise, the installer is to use the best quality connection possible, with cables provided.

It then says that a phone line is required (as always), but this time, it states that future (inter)Active functions will depend on the line being connected, and that without a line, such functions will not work, it does not elaborate further.
I saw that, but what's up with connecting composite as well, when using an HDMI connection? Was kinda odd IMO.

Sorry for late reply, but wanted to watch it again to catch that part, it seems like, the idea is to have BOTH connections hooked up, maybe for preperation for failure (a backup?), or maybe one was to the TV and one was to the VCR?, or, they may have done it just for the example.
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