D 1000.2 Extra Skew Bolts

Makes sense that it will help keep it in place, but doesn't make sense that it would increase signal strength at all.
Makes sense that it will help keep it in place, but doesn't make sense that it would increase signal strength at all.

I completely agree. Call me a "bad tech", but I very, very rarely use them; and the SKEW in this area is 125. The few times that I have used them is at the peak of 3rd story buildings -- windload issues were my concern.
The extra skew bolts are necessary to increase the rigidity of the dish. The wind loads on the reflector are such that it requires the use of the extra bolts. You can use it without, but I wouldn't recommend it. I've had a couple trouble calls where the bolts were not used, and it bent the metal where the skew plate attatches to the reflector back plate. Keep in mind that the 1000.2 is not that much smaller than a superdish, and they had a 4 bolt skewplate assembly. The myth of the signal strength gain is possible when talking about the life of the dish over time. Without the extra bolts and after a few wind storms, it's possible that the dish may deform to the point of altering the skew/elevation to where the signal strength may drop somewhat. Using the bolts at time of original installation and getting a higher signal....very doubtful.
I completely agree. Call me a "bad tech", but I very, very rarely use them; and the SKEW in this area is 125. The few times that I have used them is at the peak of 3rd story buildings -- windload issues were my concern.
Three story buildings?!!! brave soul, you are....We don't see those around here..Some town homes are three stories but we don't see a lot of them..a 40ft ladder is all we've got..
Three story buildings?!!! brave soul, you are....We don't see those around here..Some town homes are three stories but we don't see a lot of them..a 40ft ladder is all we've got..

LOL! I meant 3 story homes. Take a standard 28 foot ladder up to the 2nd story (in the case I'm thinking of, a 1 1/2 story tall garage w/crawlspace-storage area) and THEN bring a smaller (approx 10') ladder, straddle the peak of said 2nd story with it, to get to the 3rd story.