For Sale: Dish 508 $200 plus trade


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Rocklin CA
For Sale: Dish 508 $200

FOR SALE: like new Dish 508 receiver with platinum remote for $200. Clean card with no balance.
Free shipping to you via UPS. Please email or PM me here. Thanks.


(Other 508 unit offered with trade has sold)
Iceberg said:
If you dont mind me asking....why do you want any old receiver working or not??

I have changed back to Comcast cable and want to trade-in my "old" receiver and dish for the credit program they are offering.


2/18: This unit has sold. Another is avilable without trade.

Dish Network UHF Antenna - Ebay

For Sale: Dish 508 $200 with free shipping

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