Hopper tuners set up wrong

Brady Fontenot

New Member
Original poster
Jun 7, 2016
Lake Charles, La
New customer to Dish from Directv. Had 2 Hoppers w/Sling and 3 Joeys installed Sunday. My issue is that it appears that the tuners have been set up incorrectly. The hopper in the living room has no other tv using its tuners (3) but the other Hopper in the master bedroom has 4 tvs using the 3 available tuners. So our issue is when we want to all watch all the bedroom tvs at 1 time. Called Dish and CSR was clueless. Maybe im missing something, thoughts? Thanks
Link Joeys to different Hoppers. Easy to switch which Hopper at any given time.
Not familiar with Dish setup, could you explain?
I have the Hopper 3 now so I've forgotten a lot but this might help until someone else with more current info shows up......

From the Joey:Menu>Settings>network setup>whole home>highlight and press select on the Hopper you want to link to. This process will take a moment, there is a slight delay of maybe 3-7 seconds at times.
New customer to Dish from Directv. Had 2 Hoppers w/Sling and 3 Joeys installed Sunday. My issue is that it appears that the tuners have been set up incorrectly. The hopper in the living room has no other tv using its tuners (3) but the other Hopper in the master bedroom has 4 tvs using the 3 available tuners. So our issue is when we want to all watch all the bedroom tvs at 1 time. Called Dish and CSR was clueless. Maybe im missing something, thoughts? Thanks
Hopper 3 will eliminate this type of conflict. It's got 16 tuners that you can share anyway you want -- recording and viewing. Tell dish they installed the wrong system and have them change you over to a H3.
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I have the Hopper 3, and overlooking a few "bugs", I love it. NO more tuner conflicts, and (almost) never the need to skip or reschedule recordings. Coming from a 2 (and at one point 3) previous-generation Hopper family, I find that there is one (relatively minor) issue to consider, and this would largely be a matter of your viewing habits. Anytime that you need to reboot the H3 (or it is rebooted for you) you lose all of your TV's for those few minutes, because there is only 1 Hopper controlling everything. Like I said, it's a minor technicality but depending on kids, spouses, etc, they might not necessarily view it as "minor". Just something to consider.......
I have the Hopper 3 now so I've forgotten a lot but this might help until someone else with more current info shows up......

From the Joey:Menu>Settings>network setup>whole home>highlight and press select on the Hopper you want to link to. This process will take a moment, there is a slight delay of maybe 3-7 seconds at times.
That worked, easy enough. Thanks
I dont know why the most current system wasnt set up to begin with. I'll have to call them.
Maybe because you told them you wanted 2 Hoppers and 4 Joeys? Maybe because you told them that you needed up to 6 tuners? I can't imagine, today, that they would not have tried to sell you their latest and greatest....
They tried to set my brother up like this.
receivers to Be Installed
2 Rcvr Joey
2 Rcvr Hopper with Sling

The only benefit I could find is being able to watch sling on 2 accounts at once and having privacy between your recordings

They said there would be a deposit with his credit for the hopper 3. He decided it was worth it to get a hopper 3.