Initial reaction on Sling Adapter

after my initial look through I see what looks like trouble setting up the sockets for UPNP. You can see where it tries a few times to get a response from some process that looks to be trying to set up some port forwarding...
I could have sworn I have UPNP turned off on my Dlink DGL4100 with no such problems on my local LAN.... Yup. I'm right. Try turning the darn thing off and see what happens.
My router has many options that can be turned on and off. Before this annoyance, I had left all options at their default. All I did was invoke WPA2 security and all my network devices have worked fine. Since I got the Sling Adapter, I have tried cycling several options, including turning the firewall off, but I still get error 36 most of the time I try to connect. There is probably a simple fix, but we have to know what the software is looking for.
I have tried turning UPnP on and off in my wireless router. It doesn't make any difference. The sling adapter still does not work most of the time. Like lotusguy, I keep getting error 36 or error 2.
sorry to be late on getting back in.. been very busy.. I've also PM'd MattG and MichaelS again about the link I found and some of the information I've been "reading" at Sling and other sites.

One of the things that appears in the log files as well as the configs, is that *sling* appears to have the ability to tell your PC whether the sling goes local or remote (or is allowed to do so) .. in remote mode it streams out to a server and on to you or back to you.

As for Ipad/Iphone - There was a user that was running a cisco small business firewall and he swore that with his logging, he followed the Video data and it was infact leaving his network and coming back in ... and though he had more than 2 meg upload ability, his ipad would only do 2.1 meg.

For normal Sling use .. since January when I got mine .. mine have *never* streamed video out to the net, unless I'm at someone elses' house connecting to watch.

While I'm also using a wireless bridge as a few others are, with DD-WRT running on the bridged router... in my case my bridge comes back to an access point, which then connects to my main router .. so I'm not doing LAN WLAN bridging on my gateway router as others are ...

at first I thought this problem you guys were having was a bridge issue .. even local lan to wireless lan bridging issue.. but as TonyS tried.. connecting the the PC and the Receiver at the same switch external to the gateway router, external to the bridge'd wireless router .. and with the player still not functioning.. that nixed bridge issues in the bud..

and its that last test that makes me think more on the "local allowed" bit or config option coming down from Dish/Sling as the cause. Even not responding properly .. or the account data holding corrupted data etc..

All of those types of issues related directly to accounts would have to get cleared off from the server side; so that the next time a user logs on, the server recreates what ever user/cache/account settings.

This account issue first connected problems with getting missing Grid Data to return, or channels to play properly ... this was observed through DishRemoteAccess ... because when you connect there, you connect to a direct servicing server dish ... currently I'm using, others may use ... the numbers I've seen are dish1 ~ dish16.

Recently multiple users were having problems getting grid data, and having DishOnline unable to show user DVR content or play some stuff online ... from other threads *that* was also connected directly to user accounts on specific servers having an issue. (ie. I'm on and having no problem, another user may also be on and they get no guide data, their account gets reset, their next login they end up on ... or some other server.. and their problem is resolved)

anyway.. brainstorming away still .. and like I started.. waiting to hear back from Matt and or Michael of Dish IRT for any more info on the "local" connection types etc..
here is more grist for the mill...

iphone on wifi always works fine.

pc on same network, hardly ever works.

what is the difference? besides the obvious ones. maybe the APP is doing a better job of _____ then the WebSling sure wish we could figure out what _____ is!!
with iphone - wifi ... can you watch your upload and download on your gateway router? check to see the number of bytes transmitted & received to see if you see the same as that one guy I found.... said he saw traffic go out to the web and back for iphone.. the thinking process was that perhaps the iphone does not have the ability to handle the stream natively and needed to have it modified externally.. although its never been confirmed from sling or dish's side ...

even just seeing a large increase in upload traffic when on the iphone with the stream running would be enough to show the data leaves...unlike the standard pc/mac plugin.

edit: in my case with ddwrt running on my gateway not only would I be able to get bytes sent, would easily have access to visual graph of wan traffic, increase in wan traffic while streaming to iphone would be an indicator (alas, or gratefully, I have no iphone) :)
I think pabeader was referring to me with the iPhone working and my desktop not working. TG2, I sent my log files and information about my problem to pabeader too (I sent them to TG2 last week).

As I said before, my iPhone4 works every time on the first try. It is using wifi and connects through the same 3700 wireless router that my desktop is using. The iPhone always works correctly with the sling adapter on my internal home network. I am sure that my iPhone4 is using wifi on my internal home network. When I am viewing sling video on my iPhone, there is hardly any internet activity at all on my modem (internet lights on modem), while the lights on the 3700's 2.4GHz radio are blinking like crazy. Also, I am getting bitrates of about 2200K with my iPhone while viewing Dish video. This would be impossible for me on the internet because my DSL upload bitrate really sucks (about 400k). So I am positive that the iPhone is working with wifi on my internal home network.

TG2, you are right about the sling having the ability to go local or remote. As I posted earlier in this thread, very rarely, when my desktop does connect, it connects over the internet as if I am away from home. The video that is streaming is definitely going over the internet, even though I am at home. When this happens, the streaming bandwidth is limited to about 400K because I have DSL and my upstream bandwidth is limited to about 400k. I can see the internet lights flashing on my modem and router, even though I am at home. Usually, when at home and my desktop does connect (which doesn't happen often) it uses my home network and the video does not go over the internet. The streaming speed goes up to 8100K when it is using my home network. Why does it sometimes stream over the internet even though I am at home?
I just had an AHA! moment and thought I would throw it out to this forum to confirm or shoot it down. There are two ways a wireless network can be set up - ad-hoc mode in which wireless devices can communicate with each other directly and infrastructure mode in which wireless devices communicate by first going through the access point (wireless router). What if the Sling device requires an ad-hoc setup? My network connects to my PC wirelessly, but my DVR/sling adapter is hard-wired, so all communication goes through the router making it more like infrastructure mode. For all those reading this thread and whose setup connects without the dreaded error 36 (or error 2), are all of your devices wireless and if so, in which mode is your wireless network set up?
The only problem with ad-hoc vs infrastructure, it wouldn't have been an issue when wired with a lan switch external to a router, and then across the bridge. Thus the PC & the Receiver would have had no problem communicating with each other because the lan switch doesn't have any possible blocks.

With the Iphones that have been tested, being a bust on the traffic to the wan and back in, it then leaves the client application (webslingplayer) and the connection to the Sling Servers allowing or not allowing lan communication.

One of the things amiss in the two log files (working / non) was that one seemed to have gotten a response, with bitrate info, and finder info, and the additional tags that suggest *they* can disable you.. and the other did not. The additional info includes things that suggest it comes from Sling, so of the possibilities .. account info not coming through from sling ... PC's rejecting connection info from sling, or info not aimed at the right port from sling to get back to the PC ?
And yeah.. I wish we had SlingBox/SlingMedia's help on this stuff ... I'm sure they'd have answers if they'd give us the time of day.

**edit** if anyone wants to try the stand alone player I can post a copy I'm using that works with sling adapters (have to have your admin password to connect which was changed in L685 but I can help you find that too)
Dish Tech Support?

I sent an email to Dish Tech Support asking that someone technically astute from Sling take a look at this forum and respond to our problem. I got a nice automated response telling me to unplug my receiver to reset it and all my error 36 problems would go away. Instead, I unplugged tech support to make THEM go away.
**edit** if anyone wants to try the stand alone player I can post a copy I'm using that works with sling adapters (have to have your admin password to connect which was changed in L685 but I can help you find that too)

Can the stand alone player and the Dish sling player both be on your system at the same time? Since I can't get the Dish sling player to work maybe I will have better luck with the stand alone version. I am interested in trying it.
The stand alone Sling box is GREAT. I have used them several years with NO PROBLEM. The sling on my 922 has worked a max of two hours in 6 months. I say SAVE YOUR MONEY ON THE 922! I wish I had. For me the 922 has been a joke and a big rip off and far as the sling goes. I just dont understand how the stand alone can work like a charm and the 922 sling has been junk for me since day one. And the big let know is if it doesn't work,, to bad for you, not their problem!


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