Initial reaction on Sling Adapter

I went back several pages and did not see comments or suggestions from any of them. It would be nice if there were a set of diagnostics to run through to isolate the problem of hardly ever connecting on a local network. Someone from Sling could possibly provide same. Without this, we are just shooting in the dark. The fact that many forum members have DVR/Sling Adapters that work tells me that the hardware is OK. It appears that the SlingPlayer for the MAC works, but the SlingPlayer for the PC does not work when the DVR and the PC are on the same network. Are there any Apple folks with error 36??
i have passed along what we are seeing and the troubleshooting stuff we have tried. so far they're not able to duplicate so it's hard to fix... at least that's the feeling i get...
If someone technical from Dish or Sling wants to link to my computer via a program like "Go to My PC", I am perfectly willing to have them do so to find what may be a problem. So far, my experience with Dish tech support is fairly negative. Once they have gone through the script telling you to reset everything, they are out of ideas. Not once have I been asked for the log.
If someone technical from Dish or Sling wants to link to my computer via a program like "Go to My PC", I am perfectly willing to have them do so to find what may be a problem. So far, my experience with Dish tech support is fairly negative. Once they have gone through the script telling you to reset everything, they are out of ideas. Not once have I been asked for the log.
Lets just face what you're getting ... First level techs are call screeners. What they can't handle they pass up.

The problem becomes the 2nd level techs have no resources. Take the Dish IRT .... they started off from that Level 2 position ... although some have "some sort" of contacts that they've either made, developed, or falsified ... but even Dish IRT has limited to no resources officially sanctioned and or provided for, by Dish proper.

Dish is playing a numbers game. Most companies do the same .... throw resources at the biggest problems ... for all we know, all it would take is the right person, at the right place, at the right time, and the problem would be found, documented for repair and dissemination, and that knowledge then gets passed onto the rest of the Level 2's.

If this problem were happening near me.. I'd be there already trying to trouble shoot or look at this problem from inside.. and outside, and every which way I could... there's a couple people here that have noticed resource usage (dot net stuff) and might have a good clue on the programming side of things.. but without getting confirmation from inside .. its still a loosing battle.

Take DishOnline for instance ... up until a couple of weeks ago it appeared to be operating in much the same way as Dish Remote Access ... but for the past few days.. I've been digging in because of how crappy its been ... and it seems now that things have changed.. some of the changes have also negatively impacted DRA ... such as.. authentication.. before.. most of the communcation i'd see was self to dish, self to sling ... now it seems authentication is being passed off to the amazon cloud for both DishOnline and DRA (dra wasn't effected by external conditions before recently) and then the streaming seems to be coming from other servers *not* your DRA server hidden (ie. going to Dish Remote Access, you see "your" server as now it seems Dish is heavily using Akamai for some form of load balancing or redirecting... and with each step, originally designed to make things better, dish has made them WORSE!
I have had the same experience as lotusguy. When I contacted Dish, the first level of support tried the usual...reset the receiver, reset the sling box, etc. When I told them I had tried all of that, they passed me on to 'broadband support', but they really did not have any ideas at all. They just told me the same thing that the error message was already telling me...that I could not connect to the receiver.

This is a strange problem. The sling works fine when I am away from home. It works every time on the first try with both my laptop computer, and my iPhone4. However, when at home, on my own internal network, it almost never works with either my laptop computer or my desktop computer... but it works every time with my iPhone4 (at home on my internal network). I have tried connecting to someone else's sling box with my desktop computer, and that also works with no the same computer that does not work on my own internal network does work remotely. (Strange that it works with a system several states away from me, but it won't work with my own receiver that is only 30 feet away).

My internal network works fine for everything else. I have a Western Digital media streamer and I have no problem streaming videos, music, and photos from my desktop to the WD device. Also, my desktop computer can view my DVR contents and the Program Guide contents with no problems, and I can program my DVR, add a recording, and erase things I have already recorded with no problems.

At home, my laptop has only connected to the sling adapter once (in about 50 tries). When it did connect, it worked fine with bitrates as high as 8000K. At home, my desktop computer connects once in a while (very rarely). When it does connect, it works fine with bitrates over 8000K.

I really appreciate the help that TG2 and pabeader has given me. Thanks a lot guys! My 722k has not downloaded the new firmware yet (L686), so I am hoping that that will solve the problem, but I am not counting on that. I have run out of ideas. I wish I knew what the problem was.
If this problem were happening near me.. I'd be there already trying to trouble shoot or look at this problem from inside..

Thanks for the offer TG2. Let me know when you are on the left coast.

I know all about tech support as I was a product manager for a medical imaging company and as a side task, I provided tech support for the more complex problems. I would not get off the phone until I heard "Aha!" at the other end. My batting average was 1000. All it takes is someone who (a) knows what they are doing and (b) is willing to invest the time. The folks at Dish seem to have neither.

Oh well, I just got my rebate card, so the Sling Adapter was free. Now I won't feel so bad when I throw (sling) it into the neighbor's back yard.
Oh well, I just got my rebate card, so the Sling Adapter was free. Now I won't feel so bad when I throw (sling) it into the neighbor's back yard.
:) what's that you got there Lassie... timmy's got a Dish Everywhere problem?

Hoping the test with DD-WRT would go through.. just to make sure its not some quirk of UPnP support or some such.. because if it doesn't work with DD-WRT on the router either.. then it leaves one last issue out there.. the config that's getting tossed around from PC to Dish/Sling & back ... which again would take someone really knowledgeable in Sling to get resolved..

And worse now is the DishOnline changes that seem to have further removed servers originally there were a few problems that were in some way related to which server a specific user was on, and their account as that server "kept" it ... the fix involved the magic of "the DIRT" and appeared to make a user's account go POOF and thusly onto a new server the next time they logged in ... no way to see that with DishOnline and worse is the akamai and amazon cloud use.. its like those "light bulb" jokes.. how many techs does it take to screw in a light bulb... we'll get back to you on that (they're still counting, or looking for someone TO count, or they're having problems getting enough fingers & toes to count with, etc) :)
I forgot about the front one! Duh! Do you know if a USB hub would work with the wireless adapter and EHD?

Edit: Just searched the forum and learned that the 722 seems to support a powered USB hub. Folks have had a wireless adapter, EHD and Sling Adapter all hooked up with success. Now I'm tempted to get the sling adapter ;)

I have this exact setup on my 722K's with a powered 10 port hub. Works great!


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