NASCAR on NBC - is it HD and Dolby 5.1?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 20, 2004
I am watching the NASCAR on NBC. It looks like it is in HD though the VOOM PG guide says it isn't. Also, the sound is only coming through as stereo. Is it supposed to be in surround like when its on FOX?
Sean Mota said:
It looks more like fox widescreen (480p). It does not have the details and sharperness of HD.

That is what I was thinking as well...

Looking forward to the true HD/DD5.1 broadcast on the 25h on TNT-HD.

NBC has a wierd way of doing HD, their prime-time comedies aren't in HD like CBS/ABC do, they don't have fear factor in HD, plenty of times I catch shows and movies not in HD, but Jay Leno and Nascar are?

I seriously hope that our local NBC affiliate isn't going to do the Olympic broadcast in HD but instead have BravoHD do it...
Here in Chicago is was 480p and Stereo 3.0

It looked fairly decent without 1080i though the storm warning interuptions that would put black bars on the left and right started to get annoying.
I don't understand why they would get widescreen cameras that were not HD cameras - assumming they were new cameras since I don't think they ever broadcast in widescreen before. Or maybe they were HD cameras and they are just not set up to broadcast.... Wasn't the Daytona 500 on NBC - was that one in HD?

Also, is TNTHD going to carry the races in HD? I tried to look ahead in the PG on but it didn't go that far ahead.
NBC does do HD, Leno and some soaps, plus some others. They seem to drop the ball on sports: US Golf Open not in HD, Wimbeldon not in HD, US Olympic Field and Track not in HD, NASCAR not in HD. I hope they don't screw up the Olympics.

Oh Yeah -
The program guide on the voom web site now includes the listings for sat and sun the 24th and 25th. Both the Busch and Nextel Cup races are listed as HDTV. I hope the sound is as good as on FOX as well.
this is kinda off topic but i was watching conan last nite and i saw a HD logo on the side of the camera but thats not in HD or even widescreen so hmmm
jnardone said:
Oh Yeah -
The program guide on the voom web site now includes the listings for sat and sun the 24th and 25th. Both the Busch and Nextel Cup races are listed as HDTV. I hope the sound is as good as on FOX as well.
I don't know about this...I am hopeful but keep in mind that everything on TNT-HD has the HDTV moniker next to it and most programming is not true HD. It should definitely be widescreen but probably not HD. TNT is 5.1 so I hope that they have the equipment there for 5.1. It would be nice to have it in HD but there is no sign of it being HD on the TNT website.

Starz-HD East: Buffalo Soldiers 9pm EST


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