No Warning Before DVR Changes the Channel!


New Member
Original poster
Jan 12, 2012
United States
Our Dish VIP-922 Receiver is beautiful and outstanding... but there is ONE FATAL FLAW that I cannot fix. I have come here for help in resolving this:

On our old Dish 522 Receiver, the DVR would give us fair warning that the channel was about to change. For example, if we were watching a movie and the DVR had to change the channel to dual record, we would receive a 30-second warning that the channel was about to change and be given the option to skip that timer and stay on the current channel. Apparently not so on the 922!

On our VIP-922, if we're engaged in a movie and the second recorder needs to change the channel, it just DOES it. Abruptly and with no warning.

Imagine this: your family is watching a mystery movie in glorious high definition on the VIP-922. Full of intrigue, twists and turns. 30 minutes into it you pause the movie to take a 10-minute break for bathroom, drinks, etc. You resume the movie. Keep in mind: you are no longer live, but on a 10-minute delay. Just as the movie is about to end and the detective says "... and the killer is..." The channel just CHANGES to start recording a scheduled program! :eek:

Of course, you could try to cancel the recording once you're on that channel and go back to the movie (which is now over because you weren't live) and your family has just wasted an infuriating hour or two and you'll never know who done it! :mad:

Does Dish Network actually expect us to coordinate our viewing activity around the DVR schedule??? It' supposed to be the other way around!

Other than making sure that none of our scheduled recordings start early or end late and hoping that there is no conflict, I see absolutely no fix for this complete show-stopper. The VIP-922 is a phenomenal piece of hardware... but if we have to be servants to the DVR and be completely at its whim as far as channel changing goes, I'm sending it BACK. We will not live like this.

Does anyone here have a suggestion or recommendation? Does the Duo 722 Receiver give fair warning like the 522 did? Thanks in advance!
I always missed the warning too. It is in the upper left of the screen and it does blend in with the pic unless you really look for it.
Thanks for the input, folks. I set my DVR timers to start 0:00 early and end 0:00 late, so hopefully everything can stay recording on TV2 while we watch TV1. It's behaving so far, but I WILL keep an eye out for the warning. I'll keep you posted :)
When the little green clock shows up, is there an option to skip and remain on the channel or are you doomed to leave your current show? Right now everything is happily recording on TV2 now that I have all timers set to 0:00 early and 0:00 late, so I haven't seen this clock yet :)
When the little green clock shows up, is there an option to skip and remain on the channel or are you doomed to leave your current show? Right now everything is happily recording on TV2 now that I have all timers set to 0:00 early and 0:00 late, so I haven't seen this clock yet :)

If you press the select button it will bring up the option to stop the recording.

Prime Tme Anytime

Called dish for realignment

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