Michael Bay on the Format War


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 13, 2005
DVD Formats - The Official Michael Bay Forums

What you don't understand is corporate politics. Microsoft wants both formats to fail so they can be heroes and make the world move to digital downloads. That is the dirty secret no one is talking about. That is why Microsoft is handing out $100 million dollar checks to studios just embrace the HD DVD and not the leading, and superior Blu Ray. They want confusion in the market until they perfect the digital downloads. Time will tell and you will see the truth.

Microsoft wants both formats to fail so they can be heroes and make the world move to digital downloads. That is the dirty secret no one is talking about.
Nobody is talking about?
It looks like he started reading AVS but mixed up the year and is at 2006...:)

Let's give him some time to get to 2007.

DVD Formats - The Official Michael Bay Forums

What you don't understand is corporate politics. Microsoft wants both formats to fail so they can be heroes and make the world move to digital downloads. That is the dirty secret no one is talking about. That is why Microsoft is handing out $100 million dollar checks to studios just embrace the HD DVD and not the leading, and superior Blu Ray. They want confusion in the market until they perfect the digital downloads. Time will tell and you will see the truth.


Hmm, methinks Mr. Bay needs to retract this statement. MS hasn't paid anyone to go HD-DVD and this could be considered libelous.

Hmm, methinks Mr. Bay needs to retract this statement. MS hasn't paid anyone to go HD-DVD and this could be considered libelous.
He already did (retract) once his statement... It'll be hard to do twice.
I think he'll claim it wasn't him who wrote it, his account was hacked or something...

RE: Microsoft writing checks - even Blu Shill Bill did retract such a statement.
I think if there is not much to lose between MS and Paramount, MS should just sue him.
Losing money for those drunk smart a$$es is the best lesson...

I think its kinda true that M$ wants HD DVD to win or still wants a format war. In late October there was a deal to buy the 360 HD DVD drive and get Heroes season 1 HD DVD free with the purchase. I wonder who paid for all those free copies. Thats a $70 box set. I'm sure M$ paid for all those and not toshiba. I don't care who paid for it, I bought it just to get that box set free.
It's possible microsoft could be putting cash flow into hd-dvd, however it is THEIR format for video they are using VC1 if i remember correctly.. they do stand a chance at making bux off the deal..

sony stands a bigger chance at making cash due to owning the rights to blu, part of the mp2 format, etc..

so in the end it's just a money game for everyone..

think of hd-dvd like OTA, it was created by the dvd group to upgrade the format.. then think of blu-ray like cable.. it cost alot more to setup the infastructure, but had more bandwidth at first..

I also wonder why no one mentions the other dirty secret of blu-ray's larger disc sizes, is it needs all the space because the drive is slow as sin and to improve response times they wind up duplicating data on the disc.. if ever there was a reason to have a larger disc that's not one of them..
...it [BD] needs all the space because the drive is slow as sin and to improve response times they wind up duplicating data on the disc..
Not true.
BD is actually faster than HD (reads more bits per second).

But since PiP on BD will come only next year, some of the released movies had "fake"
PiP: two versions of the movies - one with and one without PiP - was put on disc.

Response times have increased on some BD players when the first FOX movies using BD+ showed up...

makes a lot of sense to me. i cant wait for the day toshiba says they're quitting the format and all of you HD-DVD lover boys will finally have to shut ur trap

And here all this time I thought you were attending college, not high school. :(

As to the OP, I think Bay's handlers need to install a Breathalyzer on his keyboard.
How does duplicating data speed up access? I could see data be duplicated for error correction. just curious
By reading different consecutive chunks of data from different copies at the same time.
Works only with different copies being on different physical discs and
only when reading the data is the bottleneck, not trasmitting it (e.g. RAID1).

Neither of those conditions are met in optical disc technology.


Harry Potter

High-Def 2.0 HD-dVD a no-show...

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