A "TV Exec" is complaining over on Engadget. Here is his rant, "As a broadcast TV exec, it chaps my ass, and if I were sitting across from the table with Dish negotiating retransmission consent the price would go up thanks to this move. I realize people are going to skip ads (Hell I do it myself). But automating the process is going too far. I want viewers to have to take action in every break to avoid my spots, not to have the provider do it for them. If Dish wants to keep doing sh*t like this then they can cover ALL my lost spot revenue. Sounds fair?"
Here is my reply, "What chaps my ass is having to pay for "free" over the air T.V. Every time a contract is about to expire, both companies act like children and slander one another. If the networks are forcing Dish to pay for something that is free, they should be able to do whatever the hell they want with the commercials. You guys are double dipping. You're making Dish pay you and you're still reaping the benefits of the advertising."