New Satellite Internet provider?

Whats your prediction?

Would like to here you guys/gals prediction on what happens to Dish in 5 years "IF" Musk and also Branson have success with their Satellite Internet moonshots.

Looks like all/most of TV will be Internet based. (slingTV,AppleTV,etc.etc.). Ms. Shotwell (real name, Musk right hand girl) has stated there is a real need for internet services in rural U.S.. I do not see how Dish will survive in it's current form. With low latency internet (LEO) at an affordable price seems like it would knock Dish/Direct tv and satellite internet services out of orbit?
Dish has an Ace in it's Spectrum holdings, how must Dish play this card (what technology/ service/merger) will it offer, to be relevant in 5 years or will they just sell/rent spectrum holdings and quietly (Charlie) fade away?

Will the KU band be their final band for the full service or just easy to get and test with for now?

With Apple TV going for 30 million customers with their local channels and plans to be the king of internet tv services, will Dish be forced to up their offerings (full DVR, much larger channel lineup, etc. etc...) on Sling TV to stay relevant?
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Many years ago Motorola tried low Earth orbit satellites for a sat-phone venture. It was a flop. Just before pulling the plug, it biggest customer showed up and asked how big the check needed to be to stay in business. That was the CIA.

The launch costs have to come way down because low Earth orbit satellites don't last as long as geosynchronous ones do.
Spacex will build and launch their own satellites at a cost of approx. 250 thousand per satellite to build. Guessing 20 or so of these micro-satelllites can be launched on the same reusable rocket Spacex is developing. It is a whole new world with new tech.
its own-developed antenna technology
Musk predicted that SpaceX’s system would reach remote regions and handle up to 10 percent of Internet traffic in urban and suburban regions, “where people are stuck with TimeWarner or Comcast.”

OneWeb is going to launch their micro sats out of a space plane, several multi launches per day.

Ireland is covering 3 million people with 150 mbps cell phone coverage, hoping Charlie will disrupt the US ecosystem with a new tech/ company merge-buyout to utilize his spectrum holdings to stay viable.
What is it?

At Satellite 2015, SpaceX officials didn’t offer much in the way of additional information about those plans. “I don’t think it’s that everyone else is doing something wrong,” SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell said of competing satellite ventures during a March 16 panel session. “We want to participate in this activity.”

“It’s a huge market,” she said, citing the difficulties she’s encountered trying to get broadband Internet access to a ranch in central Texas. “It’s pretty clear there’s a huge need to expand capacity outside of huge population areas.
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Things I'd like to see, in order of importance to me:

1. Self driving cars
2. Hyper Loop
3. LEO high speed Internet access

I'm not sure I'll see any of them before I die.
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These things never become as grand as they are saying, but the Russian knows that and is talking phoney balooney about that big tube shot thing that will propel 2 person pods hundreds MPH. The mad Russian just wants Govt./PUBLIC MONEY that will/is/can be available for such projects. Once such funds are in his hands, who knows if financial legerdemain may find your tax dollars secretly propping up Tesla in violation of terms?

I can see LEO sats to supplement internet access from the terrestrial network, but not its sole access. Frankly, the currently being implemented internet access using customers cable co provided WiFi routers has a far more likelihood of becoming quite large. There is a website (I can't recall it) but it maps out the coverage provided by cable co provided WiFi routers, and it is astounding: coverage just about anywhere there are homes and businesses. Then LEO can fill in the gaps. However, I thought that Google wants to use a network of what amounts to drones or balloons in lieu of satellites.

There is the matter of parties refusing to upgrade the internet backbone for all these growing services, and that might take us to hybrid networks of internet and traditional satellite to make up for the traffic the backbone can't handle. We shall see.

On another front, mini sats about as large as a modest vase are possible today and those very cheap to produce things might work, but then again, don't we get into the crowded sky mess all over again. That brings us back to the traditional communications sat looking even better in the future, just as the old shipping industry was revived by purchasing on the internet, and we still use pneumatic tubes today for quite a lot of things in many businesses and large institutions. Not everything is nor can be transmitted electronically.
These things never become as grand as they are saying, but the Russian knows that and is talking phoney balooney about that big tube shot thing that will propel 2 person pods hundreds MPH. The mad Russian just wants Govt./PUBLIC MONEY that will/is/can be available for such projects. Once such funds are in his hands, who knows if financial legerdemain may find your tax dollars secretly propping up Tesla in violation of terms?

I can see LEO sats to supplement internet access from the terrestrial network, but not its sole access. Frankly, the currently being implemented internet access using customers cable co provided WiFi routers has a far more likelihood of becoming quite large. There is a website (I can't recall it) but it maps out the coverage provided by cable co provided WiFi routers, and it is astounding: coverage just about anywhere there are homes and businesses. Then LEO can fill in the gaps. However, I thought that Google wants to use a network of what amounts to drones or balloons in lieu of satellites.

There is the matter of parties refusing to upgrade the internet backbone for all these growing services, and that might take us to hybrid networks of internet and traditional satellite to make up for the traffic the backbone can't handle. We shall see.

On another front, mini sats about as large as a modest vase are possible today and those very cheap to produce things might work, but then again, don't we get into the crowded sky mess all over again. That brings us back to the traditional communications sat looking even better in the future, just as the old shipping industry was revived by purchasing on the internet, and we still use pneumatic tubes today for quite a lot of things in many businesses and large institutions. Not everything is nor can be transmitted electronically.

The automobile will never replace the horse,Tesla electric cars will never make it, cellphones are just a trendy flash, TV via internet, they must be crazy. The pessimist had their say for sure, but now we see.

Musk is African, he has handed off his idea of the Hyperloop to another consortium, stated he did not have the time to pursue. not looking for public funds.

Smart companies are upgrading the" middle" internet themselves, (Dish and partner must do this or perish.) see link.

The skies will not be as crowded as the media has led people to believe.

The proposed sats are the approx. size of a dorm room refrigerator.

Traditional GEO sats like Dish/Direct and others have been made obsolete as far as mass internet/video is concerned. "innovator's dilemma"

I do like the idea of the wifi routers, as Musk/Spacex has stated they will only be able to handle 10-20 % of urban traffic.

Dish founder Charlie Ergen acknowledged that Sling TV will cannibalize his core satellite-TV business in a March 25 interview with CNBC

"It will cannibalize our business, there's no question about that," he said. "It's the innovator's dilemma. We have to reinvent our self, we have to transform the company.
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The automobile will never replace the horse,Tesla electric cars will never make it, cellphones are just a trendy flash, TV via internet, they must be crazy. The pessimist had their say for sure, but now we see.

Musk is African, he has handed off his idea of the Hyperloop to another consortium, stated he did not have the time to pursue. not looking for public funds.

Smart companies are upgrading the" middle" internet themselves, (Dish and partner must do this or perish.) see link.

The skies will not be as crowded as the media has led people to believe.

The proposed sats are the approx. size of a dorm room refrigerator.

Traditional GEO sats like Dish/Direct and others have been made obsolete as far as mass internet/video is concerned. "innovator's dilemma"

I do like the idea of the wifi routers, as Musk/Spacex has stated they will only be able to handle 10-20 % of urban traffic.

Dish founder Charlie Ergen acknowledged that Sling TV will cannibalize his core satellite-TV business in a March 25 interview with CNBC

"It will cannibalize our business, there's no question about that," he said. "It's the innovator's dilemma. We have to reinvent our self, we have to transform the company.

Do you work? Just wondering, cause you sure to have a lot of time to look up crap about IPTV and the Internet and bombard EVERY post you make with hyperlinks to other sites. If you don't work, you should find some place that needs a pushy salesman for IPTV and Internet service. Perhaps Comcast, Verizon or AT&T.
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Like the wireless side also

Wireless is an interesting play for Dish and the company clearly doubled down on its consumer offer, as announced atCES. Earlier this month, Dish scored FCC spectrum licenses for 150Mbps LTE wireless broadband to rural homes in the US. By developing a hybrid LTE/satellite network, Dish stands to gain significant efficiencies in the delivery of video. If they deploy Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS), Dish can move away from traditional IP video delivery (unicast streaming), where each user is streamed an individual copy of the video and move to multicast, to maximize the use of their satellite resources or create a parallel network for distribution to mobile devices
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carbon UI? when will be getting this?

New to Dish

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