Dish Has ‘Free Speech TV’ Problem

First of all, thanks to Cablewithaview for starting this topic. I didn't realize that the availability of a channel could be so controversial.

Quite frankly if FSTV is part of the family package Dish just got me back as a subscriber. I won't say that I like every program that they have, yet I can't say that about any channel. They provide a true alternative to mainstream media which spends most of its time telling us how we should think about issues, etc.

I'd rather make my own decisions and form my own opinions...hmmm...I thought that's what being a responsible citizen and voter was all about.

For the last several years the FCC has done just about everything it could to squash competition in the media and stepping back from the attitude of broadcasters being trustees of the public airwaves. We even had commissioner Abernathy (since resigned) who said that media consolidation provided more local and diverse programming. (Pause for laughter.)

As far as content on FSTV I don't consider that an issue. The channel can easily be blocked. If you can't, won't, or don't have the parenting skills to take the time to see what your kids watch, then don't expect everyone else to do it for you. (And I feel sorry for your kids).
techpuppy said:
First of all, thanks to Cablewithaview for starting this topic. I didn't realize that the availability of a channel could be so controversial.

Your welcome, I didn't relize this would be so controversial to discuss. As I mentioned earlier, I will remain neutral on this until I get a chance to watch it for myself (sometime after DirecTV contract ends).
techpuppy said:
First of all, thanks to Cablewithaview for starting this topic. I didn't realize that the availability of a channel could be so controversial.

Quite frankly if FSTV is part of the family package Dish just got me back as a subscriber. I won't say that I like every program that they have, yet I can't say that about any channel. They provide a true alternative to mainstream media which spends most of its time telling us how we should think about issues, etc.

I'd rather make my own decisions and form my own opinions...hmmm...I thought that's what being a responsible citizen and voter was all about.

For the last several years the FCC has done just about everything it could to squash competition in the media and stepping back from the attitude of broadcasters being trustees of the public airwaves. We even had commissioner Abernathy (since resigned) who said that media consolidation provided more local and diverse programming. (Pause for laughter.)

As far as content on FSTV I don't consider that an issue. The channel can easily be blocked. If you can't, won't, or don't have the parenting skills to take the time to see what your kids watch, then don't expect everyone else to do it for you. (And I feel sorry for your kids).

FSTV is one of the few PI channels included in the $6 access fee. Not sure if you have to subscribe to anything but if you did you could get a superstation for $1.50
nope. Dish nuked a lot of "freeview" channels on unsubbed boxes.

Now its just 101, PPV previews (103 & 500), NASA and Angel One.

I should have made myself clear, sorry. I was talking about Multichannel News.

I didn't realize what all had been nuked on Dish, I haven't checked it in a good while.
FSTV was moved into the "Public Interest Channels" package. If you don't subscribe to Top 60 or higher you can call in and request the package at no charge.
this is a free speech country, if you don't like what's on, put a lock on it, believe
me i have a lot of channel blocked.
FSTV and Link are two satiations that are not broadcast by my local cable provider, and the ONLY reason that I have stayed with Dish.

If I lose them, I will no reason to renew my subscription.
Your TV is not a nanny - you have to keep an eye on what your kids watch and give them good judgement as well.
Which channels aren't left wing, other than Fox News? (Even that is far from "right wing", though it is a pretty big support of neo-con stuff.)

Why should an avoidly left wing channel get free carriage? Make them pay their own way!


Ok, I have watched this network, and it makes no bones about being leftwing(unlike some right-wing stations that pretend to be fair and balanced). However, 90% of the programming is boring news stuff that would put most kids to sleep. DemocracyNow, INN World, and Gay USA may be left-wing, but contain nothing sexual or profain. Most kids would think they were just watching the news and hate it.
I stopped watching ABC Family shortly after ABC took it over. It quickly strayed out of the "family" area. They certainly didn't keep their original target audience.


It will be interesting seeing what runs on these "family-oriented" channels anyway.

Will there be family PG-13 flicks like the Austin Powers series, James Bond movies, X-Men 2, and classic teenage PG-13 sex flicks like "American Pie" and "10 Things I Hate about You"? How about slightly edited versions of Die Hard, Blade Runner, and Rambo? Or slightly edited Nightmare on Elm Street movies? Likewise for Sex in the City reruns.

Are they going to show any of the daytime soap operas?

Even the ABC Family comedy series "Whose Line is it Anyway?" is filled with sexual jokes from time to time.

I hope there is not a significant outcry against FSTV being included free in the package when there is so much dubioius "family-oriented" programming usually included in these channels anyway.
I think all PI channels have to pay a standard rate that covers costs to carry.

There are plenty of religious right channels on dish.

I think PI channels are carried "free" to meet the legal requirements of having such channels.

I don't know how many of the other channels are "religious right", but few are not full have programming similar to that on this station with a right leaning spin. Many channels have the left spin already, why the need for another PI one? Of course Dish is free to do as they wish, and we are free to complain about it. :)

I do get annoyed when people drag out the old "religious right" bogeyman. The argument is far deeper than that, but usually that is just used to scare away any dissent.

These types of issues will continue to arise as long as consumers don't have the right to have more control over their programming. I would favor eliminating the FCC and removing all broadcast "licenses", letting the market work things out. We are nowhere near that though, so these issues need to be discussed.

IMHO, "Free Speech" TV seems to be "free" only if the speech is liberal or anti-conservative. I am all for truly "free" speech where opinions of all sides are allowed and respectfully tolerated. I don't think FSTV satisfies this.

PI channels should be truly in the public's interest, allowing some degree of balance and not reflecting the agenda and bias of the producers, carriers, etc. However, as others have pointed out, Dish (and any other carrier) is free to carry any channel that they deem suitable.
I thought I read the PI channels pay a small amount to get carried but I might be remembering wrong.

I don't know why you are complaining about a package and channel available at no charge but when I added the PI pack they also turned on TBN,EWTN, and BYUTV. Seems like enough to me to counter FSTV and probably Worldlink.

These types of issues will continue to arise as long as consumers don't have the right to have more control over their programming. I would favor eliminating the FCC and removing all broadcast "licenses", letting the market work things out. We are nowhere near that though, so these issues need to be discussed.

None of the PI channel need a license. If you had no regulations for spectrum use that the FCC implements you could forget your wireless devices working reliably.

PI channels should be truly in the public's interest, allowing some degree of balance and not reflecting the agenda and bias of the producers, carriers, etc. However, as others have pointed out, Dish (and any other carrier) is free to carry any channel that they deem suitable.

You might be thinking of the Fairness Doctrine, the FCC repealed it in 1987.
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You might be thinking of the Fairness Doctrine, the FCC repealed it in 1987.

Sorry for the confusion... I was suggesting a moral responsibility (for the good of the people), not a legal one. My issue with FSTV is in what I consider a deceptive name - FSTV is not any more "Free Speech" than Rush Limbaugh's program, yet I can't imagine any carrier providing Limbaugh (or others like him) free or nearly free air time, let alone a dedicated channel.

I just find it offensive to have someone claim to embrace "free speech", conservative or liberal, who refuses to allow any other dialog that does not support their views. To silence opposing views is censorship -- the opposite of free speech.
A religious channel is not the same, in concept as a channel promoting liberal causes. Some religious channels share that focus. This seems to be a common misunderstanding. Religious does not equal right wing. Whether it should or not is open to debate, but it does not in practice. "Public interest channel" does generally equal liberal though....


Moving service address possibly have some questions

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