Anyone making a spring FTA "to do list"?

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With that much land, a 10' C-band will look small :) Plus, I thought it was the law that you had to have a BUD out in the country? :)
I plan to move to a 15 acre "dish farm" paradise!!!!! Now to convince the significant other that a 10' dish is necessary.............ideas????

one dish? Heck with 15 acres I'd have 2 or 3 C-Band dishes (one motorized for sure) :)
one dish? Heck with 15 acres I'd have 2 or 3 C-Band dishes (one motorized for sure) :)
I only have a small lot and am working on a 2nd c-band dish (just gotta scrounge up the right size pole for less than 75 bucks!) 15 acres would require at least a 1/4 acre set aside for dishes :)
Oh believe me, I would...........just have to do a little more convincing. I tried the "I'll hide it" rational, no dice........Just hoping and praying that the property in question is still available when I'm ready to purchase. Could put in a conditional offer to at least tie it up for awhile.
well just got done running new cables. Found a way to jam 3 cables through the metal hole behind the coax plate in the lectrical box and out the siding of the house. Ran a new cable for the 2nd feed from the motorized (the old one was spliced) and ran a straight line to the Hispasat dish to hook up an older receiver to.

Also moved the big dish to G3 and got that tuned in properly.
well just got done running new cables. Found a way to jam 3 cables through the metal hole behind the coax plate in the lectrical box and out the siding of the house. Ran a new cable for the 2nd feed from the motorized (the old one was spliced) and ran a straight line to the Hispasat dish to hook up an older receiver to.

Also moved the big dish to G3 and got that tuned in properly.

Sounds like you had fun today :)
Finished big project number two today.

I replaced my 10 foot Winegard with a 7.5 foot Perfect 10 mesh dish because of a wind problem I was having. I don't think I will have the wind problem I had, but the 7.5 footer doesn't perform like the 10 footer did.

I gave the old Winegard to one of my nephews, and he picked it up today. He is about to embark on his first experience in FTA. :D

He only has dial-up where he lives, so I'll probably have to help him a lot. It is going in at ground level, and he is going to put up a wind fence around three sides of it.

I also ordered another VBox II from Sadoun today. Getting ready for big project number 3. I need to get the 10 foot Pinnacle up for my family's setup.

BTW, this will be my 3rd C-Band dish on a 50x125 foot roof. :D

If I had 15 acres, I would probably kill myself putting up C-Band dishes. :D
I spent yesterday morning, and finishing up yesterday evening (I thought), tuning my T90 from it's temporary testing place. I got my EMP-Centauri 8x1 diseqc switch in the mail, the day before. I'm using four 4x4 muti switches (currently, would like 4 more) with this set-up. At dark I had 13 sats from IA7/G27 @ 129.0w to AMC9 @ 83.0w tuned in (including IA7/G27, G10, E7, SM5, SM6, E8/E10, AMC1, AMC4, T5/IA5/G25, T6/IA6/G26, IA8/G28, AMC3, and AMC9). All were working great outside with the receiver and small tv next to the T90 dish. I channel surfed for an hour or so before dark sent me into the house. I hooked the T90/EMP 8x1 switch to a coaxual line going to a bedroom. I hooked my Coolsat to the other end of the coax and to the bedroom TV. It was only getting the 4 "Uncommitted" (5-8) ports and the Pentagon channel from port 3 (22k off) of the "Committed" (1-4) ports. At this point, I'm not sure what's gone wrong? Maybe a bad cable going to the bedroom? Maybe a switch went bad? Maybe something bumped the dish during moving equipment into house? Maybe something else? This morning, I'll get back into the yard and try to figure this out?

Got the Twinhan 1025 successfully installed in a PC I just built, picked up standoffs from Rat Shack for the Starbox conversion project, took down temporary satellite feed for FEMA trailer...
I have channel surfed a time or 2 once I get a satellite scanned in. If anybody would see they they would probably wonder what the guy is doing with a little tv, sitting in a lawn chair by a dish. :)
This morning, I'll get back into the yard and try to figure this out?

Well, I didn't go out this morning. After I wrote post #130 and got off the internet, I cut on the receiver in the bedroom (before unhooking everything to go outside) and all the channels were working. Now I'm baffled even more? Just glad it's working now! Can't figure why it wouldn't work right last night? Oh well, got to get up the nerve to move this dish to it's permanent home, on the roof of my sisters 2 story garage/shop/house... that may take a while. I'm not as young, but maybe dumber, than I used to be.

don't be dumberer

Oh well, got to get up the nerve to move this dish to it's permanent home, on the roof of my sisters 2 story garage/shop/house... that may take a while. I'm not as young, but maybe dumber, than I used to be.
I found it hard enough working at the edge of a 1-story yesterday, without any help.
Nowhere to set a receiver/TV, all the tools want to roll off, you know the drill.
If you're going up a 2-story, make sure you have some help, or at least someone to call the ambulance when ya fall. :(
We need to keep our best men ('n women) on the forum, and can't afford to lose any.
Just make sure you have a sturdy ladder, something to put your tools in that can't fall off the roof. I had more tools roll off my shed roof, and countless trips up and down the ladder. Good luck! :)

Well, I didn't go out this morning. After I wrote post #130 and got off the internet, I cut on the receiver in the bedroom (before unhooking everything to go outside) and all the channels were working. Now I'm baffled even more? Just glad it's working now! Can't figure why it wouldn't work right last night? Oh well, got to get up the nerve to move this dish to it's permanent home, on the roof of my sisters 2 story garage/shop/house... that may take a while. I'm not as young, but maybe dumber, than I used to be.

my neighbors know that when they hear something bounce on the deck, it isnt me. It's usually a tool or some cable

If they hear some cussing then a loud THUD...then they should call the ambulance :)
I make SURE that all my roof expeditions are done while someone is home :-D Sure would hate to be laying there all day till someone came home...
When I am up on my roof, there is usually someone around that can call the ambulance. Even if it's the neighbors.

Course my roof is flat, and pretty good sized. The only dish that makes me nervous to work on is the one on the edge.

The rest are like working on the ground after you get up there. :D

I've managed to get one of my spring FTA projects done. I have a nice sunburn to boot. I moved and re-mounted my motororized dish. The pole was moved about 2 feet over from where it was, which cleared up a bit of a line-of-sight issue from the house next door, and it is far sturdier than it was before. I was having troubles with wind making the dish move ever so slightly in the breeze, and that was causing signal quality issues. I can now scan the skies from 43W to 129W, and possibly further in each direction, but that's all I had time to play with yesterday.

Iceberg, I took the suggestion that you gave to somebody in another post a few days ago. My true south satellite is Nimiq @ 82, but since that one is circular polarization, and all I have is a linear LNB, I told the receiver to move to 97W which moved the dish to where it thought 97 should be. I made sure that pole was plumb, angles were set correctly on the motor, and then I tuned in 97W. It tracks the arc perfectly. :) I had never seen 43W before. I was surprised at the content of the "free" channel on that bird.
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Problems setting up (AMC4)on 101.0w with GT-S40 LNB

newbie needs Ultra hook-up help

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