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    Trouble with HDMI use with 211

    I guess I'll have to call tech support and get another one shipped...........sheesh
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    Trouble with HDMI use with 211

    Did this as well............. no dice...........
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    Trouble with HDMI use with 211

    Did this multiple times.............didn't help
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    Trouble with HDMI use with 211

    I have had a 211 for a few years and have always used component. With my new TV (Panny TH50PZ8OU) I decided to utilize the extra HDMI port on the tv to connect my satellite reciever as I would like to do a 1080p VOD now and then. I hooked it up but get no signal from the HDMI port. I tested the...
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    Iron Man blasts out on Blu-ray

    That is great news.............I wonder what percentage the Dark Knight will be?
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    Panasonic DMP-BD35 and DMP-BD55

    Wow, the SD DVD playback must be amazing. I think I need a 55! Hopefully there will be a great holiday sale somewhere!
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    All HD package clarification

    I have spent the morning reading on Dish's website and on this forum. I called Dish network to clarify and I can't believe my ears. Can someone clarify this for me? I want to make sure I didn't get a rep who doesn't know what they are talking about as it happens frequently. I know at one time...
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    So the channel on 9495 is in HD? I wonder why they don't list CBS C as an HD channel.
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    I noticed that this channel isn't listed in the Turbo HD options. It was there a few weeks ago. Is this channel still available in HD or not? Thanks in advance.
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    Good Concert BD's?

    Dave Matthews is awesome!!!!! Reference audio/video. Come on studios, more concerts please.
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    BD Live will be priority for Disney

    As usual Disney is leading the way for BD. Good for them.
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    First BD50 Review CNET

    Oops, sorry about that!:)
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    First BD50 Review CNET

    Review of Panny BD-50 up Panasonic DMP-BD50 Video Players and Recorder reviews - CNET Reviews I expected a better review. It's not bad by any means, but not glowing either.
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    Simple. Money and financial incentives. There were zero technical advantages. The only theoretical advantage was the replication costs were somewhat less. However, in time that advantage goes away as well.
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    I addressed that on two different just don't want to hear it. Did I not say that movies like Transformers and the Mummy (and hundreds more in the future) should look and sound a bit better? Go reread my responses. Hot Fuzz with DTS HD MA will be great. If it didn't make for a better...
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    Sorry, but even the studios disagree with you. A quote from a Paramount exec........ “We’re so happy to finally bring Michael Bay’s true vision to life with this release,” said Rob Moore, vice chairman of Paramount Pictures. “Because of Blu-ray’s expanded capacity, we are able to elevate the bit...
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    I have been on a couple of much heavier used forums since I bought my HD-A1 back in 2006, so I have read all of the rhetoric you are talking about. Proven? Nothing has been's all subjective as you say. Besides the past doesn't matter. HD DVD has's over. Time to...
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    HD DVD was more inexpensive and the spec was completed from the start. So, yes in some ways it was the more consumer friendly format no doubt. But better technology????? No way. That is the whole point. We know that Warner used the same encode for both HD DVD and BD which was very limiting. Now...
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    I won't defend Sony........they have done unethical crap in the past. But so has Microsoft, Toshiba and a myriad of other CE companies. You say that it's not about HD DVD or BD technology..........but it is, and we are just now realizing the true potential of BD. All discs will be authored to...
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    Current Walmart Player Prices

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    Paramount beefing up the Top Gun BD

    From Hi def digest "Unlike the bare-bones HD DVD (released last November), the Blu-ray edition will port over all of the supplements found on the previous special edition DVD release, including audio commentary (with producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Tony Scott and co-screenwriter Jack Epps...
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    No I'll get it on amazon for probably 24 bucks or so. You can say what you want, but I CAN tell a difference between lossless and lossy audio.......not everyone can, the differences are not night and day, they are subtle. I didn't disagree with you about the blind audio tests, because some can't...
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    Wow, you really took a lot of time to construct that entire multiquote response. A little obsessive are we? I have defended BD, but have always been very aware of it's flaws...........that is why I bought into HD DVD first and waited till later to buy into BD. I defend BD now because it is all...
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    I don't really disagree with everything you said...........I'm interested if I will be able to tell the difference........I think I will but we'll see.
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    Could VOD be BD biggest threat??

    There is no doubt that the Transformers audio track was excellent.....I own it at have watched it about 15 times or so. I can't wait to hear the lossless audio track when it comes out. It is one of the few that I will double dip with the BD version. Lossless tracks were left off many Universal...