522- where to send patch HELP/requests??


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 21, 2005
522- Timers! + where to send patch requests??

I cannot BELIEVE that every time I set a timer.. it defaults to 1/3 minutes early/late and to "all" episodes. Who ever thought of that?? :mad: It's truly unbelievable...

Does anyone know an effective method of suggesting (demanding is more like it) changes for upcoming patches for the 522?

Also.. any way to change these defaults on our own?
Slyster said:
I cannot BELIEVE that every time I set a timer.. it defaults to 1/3 minutes early/late and to "all" episodes. Who ever thought of that?? :mad: It's truly unbelievable...

Unbelievable? Hardly.

Why does everyone complain about this one stupid issue? If you want to change the frequency or padding of a timer, it only takes a couple of remote key presses when setting up the timer.

Also, it was designed that way for a reason - many times the networks' clocks are not synchronized to the second with your receiver's clock. So this way you're almost guaranteed that you won't miss the beginning/end of a program.

And, if you have back to back timers set up (like a 3PM to 4 PM recording on one channel and a 4PM to 5PM recording on another channel) the receiver will automatically fix the padding so there isn't a conflict. It will remove the 3 minute pad on its own for you.

Furthermore, these boxes are not meant for archive of programs. They are meant to record a program, then watch the program, then you delete the program or transfer to tape. Maybe you're cry baby for the 1 minute/3 minute padding because you want to have a "perfect" recording to the second on you're DVR list of programs. The box is NOT MEANT FOR THAT. So why make such a big fuss that your program has 4 minutes of extra recording? And if such a big deal to you, like I said, only takes a couple of remote presses when setting up the timer.

The 522 has many, many problems with playback, audio drop, missed timers, disk diagnostics, erase the hard drive, etc. etc. So let's focus on real problems and not trivial issue like "I don't like the default timer padding." If you're going to complain to E* and make requests for patches, how about make request that the box works properly, not for stupid timer padding? Thanks.
Slyster said:
I cannot BELIEVE that every time I set a timer.. it defaults to 1/3 minutes early/late and to "all" episodes. Who ever thought of that?? :mad: It's truly unbelievable.

Many times, it has caught an episode that has run a minute long. Without it, I would have missed the ending. I think it was a pretty good idea. What is truly unbelievable are stupid people who bitch'n'moan about a timer padding that is helpful. GetMeABeer said it very well. Now, Slyster, go change the padding on your timers and shut up.
Wow. A "welcome to the forum" would have been nice :( .... sorry.. didn't know this was such a hateful topic. I do enough recording that it causes problems quite often. Like recording 2 shows at once with a 3rd starting after one ends.

How about the "once" vs "all" feature? Most I would guess don't want to record a seinfeld and end up with 41 times set!
Slyster said:
Like recording 2 shows at once with a 3rd starting after one ends.

Nope. Wrong. That doesn't cause a problem at all because the DVR automatically adjusts when you have back-to-back recordings. GetMeABeer has already accurately described this so I won't do it again.

Slyster said:
How about the "once" vs "all" feature? Most I would guess don't want to record a seinfeld and end up with 41 times set!

What the hell are you griping about now? You either pick "Once" to create a single instance of the timer or you pick "All" to record every instance of the show. If you wanted your DVR to record every episode of Seinfeld, I bet you would want 41 timers set.
Yep.. that's right. It always defaults to "ALL" and if I forget to go over to the loft, then down to "once", click select, then back over to the right and "create timer"... I do get 41 episodes... and I forget too often. That's what I was talking about.. it defaults to all and not once like it should- and I assume most would like that feature so I thought I would suggest that to E*.. it just becomes such a silly pain to have to do this each and every time I set a timer.. and last night I set 47 timers (covering the next 9 days)
Slyster said:
Yep.. that's right. It always defaults to "ALL" and if I forget to go over to the loft, then down to "once", click select, then back over to the right and "create timer"... I do get 41 episodes... and I forget too often.

So, let me get this straight: you're griping to Echostar because you have a bad memory? Seriously, just shut up and go away.

All we need is Comic Book Guy to stroll along and say, "Dumbest. Thread. Ever."
Yep.. indeed... I will "go away".. This forum is downright hostile. I will quit posting now and just continue to lurk only. Thanks for all your help my satellite "peers".. damn.. I can't believe you guys. :( I would guess you don't welcome newbies.. so sorry for stopping by folks. Unreal....
Actually, I agree with Slyster. The default should be to record a single episode. If I select a program from the guide, I want to record that episode. Why assume that because it is a series that I want all of them, but if it's a movie, I don't. Predictable behavior would make the box more user friendly, in my opinion.

As far as the under/over padding, perhaps if Dish got their program guide information more accurate, they wouldn't need to do this.

Lastly, at the risk of being treated the same way you treated Slyster, why are you jumping all over someone, because their priority for problems is different than yours? How about a little respect for other posters?
mrschwarz said:
As far as the under/over padding, perhaps if Dish got their program guide information more accurate, they wouldn't need to do this.

As stated earlier, it has nothing to do with Dish Network. Networks often run intentionally over or exactly to the minute the show's scheduled end time regardless of what a guide may indicate. This is done to prevent tune-out. Traditionally a bunch of commercials would play between shows, and people would tune out by going to the kitchen, bathroom, etc. This results in nobody looking at the commercial and therefore less revenue possibilities. So, if the next show starts right away, you are less likely to tune out and they can hook you for the next show aka a lead-in. Then, within a few minutes, the commercials kick-in.

Actually, I'm making some of this up as a go along, but I heard something along these lines somewhere when this phenomenon started happening. I'm sure a kind poster on this board will correct my errors and omissions. :p
mrschwarz said:
Lastly, at the risk of being treated the same way you treated Slyster, why are you jumping all over someone, because their priority for problems is different than yours? How about a little respect for other posters?
Definitely. Chad, as usual, most of your remarks are rude and insulting. But since this is an open forum, there's not much I can do about it (not that I would want to--everyone is free to show their true colors on here). However, statements (or direct commands, rather) like this:
chaddux said:
Seriously, just shut up and go away.
cross the line. This user has every right to post in this thread or any thread on here as you and I do (so don't flame me for posting in this thread please).

The only time I think a remark like that would fit on this site is when in response to questions about hack talk (signal theft, watching pay TV service for free by illegally circumventing encryption).

Slyster, hopefully my responses in your other thread (about DD audio) can restore some of your confidence in this site.
Slyster: While I think you could have received a slightly warmer welcome, it wouldn't hurt to spend a few minutes using the search button since everything you mentioned has been asked here ad inifinitum.
Slyster said:
Does anyone know an effective method of suggesting (demanding is more like it) changes for upcoming patches for the 522?
We'd all like to know what magical incantation is needed to get features / patches implemented with E*. :( I think most of us, if given the choice would opt for a patch that resolves the sound sync / audio dropouts / blocking errors issue with recorded programs, but you won't see any of us holding our breath for that to happen.
chaddux said:
Nope. Wrong. That doesn't cause a problem at all because the DVR automatically adjusts when you have back-to-back recordings. GetMeABeer has already accurately described this so I won't do it again.
If only that were true. I can't tell you how many times I've had to manually remove timer paddings to resolve conflicts. I also agree that the default should not be ALL programs.
The ability to change the default padding times would be a nice feature but I, too, would rather they focus on fixing the playback problems before adding any new features.
Slyster, please do not get discouraged because of a few rude and uncalled for remarks. Most people on this forum are OK, and are very helpful. Remember, this is a public board so there are many different types of personalities to contend with. Just ignore the childish remarks and continue. Don't let them get to you!
Pablo_New said:
As stated earlier, it has nothing to do with Dish Network. Networks often run intentionally over or exactly to the minute the show's scheduled end time regardless of what a guide may indicate. This is done to prevent tune-out.

I'm aware that they do this on some programs. Quite often the networks actually supply this information. Many times, my Tivo quide show a show beginning at 8:59 or some other odd times. For the same show, the Dish guide shows that the show begins at 9:00. This is what I meant when I said that Dish ought to provide better guide information.

Also, I am a big proponent of programming for the rule, not the exception. If a few programs like to begin early or run over, let the user decide if they want to manually change them.

Why can't there be global defaults that are user settable?
mrschwarz said:
I'm aware that they do this on some programs. Quite often the networks actually supply this information. Many times, my Tivo quide show a show beginning at 8:59 or some other odd times. For the same show, the Dish guide shows that the show begins at 9:00. This is what I meant when I said that Dish ought to provide better guide information.

Wait a minute...Do you mean to say that Tivo supplies exact stop and start times??? AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! E* is foiled again. :eek:

I'm sure once E* buys TIVO, they'll fix that little error (by that I mean that Dish will conform TIVO to its standards). :D

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