Anybody else dreading the XBOX 360 interface update?


Overall, an O.K. Guy
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Supporting Founder
Mar 15, 2005

I know WHY Microsoft is doing the big revamp of the Xbox 360 dashboard interface...but their aesthetic tactic still turns my stomach. I think that there are a 100 ways that they could be going about updating the lookand streamlining the navigation--but the chosen 'kiddicons' approach is NOT cool. At all. The elegance and usability of the 360's blades is one of my favorite things about the system. If they'd drop the banner ads that cheapen the look/feel, that'd be a start on a real upgrade, imho.

If I wanted a Wii and some cutesy fisher price on-screen 'other me', I'd have purchased such. Anyone with me?
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Ummm... no. I welcome the change to the interface. Blades aside, there are issues with finding basic things on the dashboard, especially with the marketplace. I wouldn't say that the current interface is BAD, but there is definite room for improvement. The problem is that the current interface just isn't very intuitive. You shouldn't have to go searching for basic things like your arcade games, current downloads, and listening to remote music. Don't forget that the change also brings some nice improvements, such as Netflix support, user avatars, and installing of 360 games for quicker loading times.
Dont really mind the blade interface, looking forward to the new one though.

Will probably be more useful than Home... wish Sony would ditch the XMB for something a little more modern/vivid.
Could care less about the Mii avatar knockoffs, but they do need to find a better way to organize content. It's too tough to drill down and explore looking for content in the current format.....
The only thing i dont like about the current interface is that it's clear it's made for the lowest common denominator - non-HD users. Same goes for the XMB. I want it to take advantage of the fact that I am viewing my 360 GUI in 1080p please.
The only thing i dont like about the current interface is that it's clear it's made for the lowest common denominator - non-HD users. Same goes for the XMB. I want it to take advantage of the fact that I am viewing my 360 GUI in 1080p please.
I hear what you're all saying--I'm all for organizational tweaks, but the cutesification thing bums me out.

I don't want to have the fact that I'm a grown man playing a video game rubbed in my face by a kiddy interface. The blade design (and the XMB for that matter), speak largely to a more adult sensibility that I appreciate. Except for the garish banner ads that trash the dashboard, that is.

If they want to sleek it up and make it easier to navigate, God bless. But they seem to be chasing the mystical 'casual gamer' by way of a real dumbing down of the interface look and feel imho. 3D glassy world is good...but I would really like it if they'd give us the option to toggle OFF the cutesy stuff.
I cannot wait for the MiiToo's or Avatars or whatever they are calling them. I think it is one of the best ideas they've had. I'm also looking forward to the Netflix addon. Probably the most awaited thing for me since Xvid support.
I look forward to the new interface.. I think it'll make the xbox easier to navigate.. the blades on the pop are cool just so you can do anything from inside a game.. they said you can use the mini popup blades all the time never getting to the main interface if you just pop in a game and have it load the game on startup...
Quite frankly I prefer an Avatar over having a "gamerpic" that I can't customize and have to buy or get on a free promotional gimmick.

Ya I am going to prefer the avatar myself as well... as far as customization some friends have their faces as their avatar, which leads me to believe you can probably make it anything you can take a picture with, with one of the 360 compatible cameras.
No matter how they make the dashboard people will love it and people will hate it.
You can't please everyone. And I heard Major Nelson say you will be able to keep some stuff the way you like it and not change some things. I think it's a great step for the xbox because it will allow more studios to make more kid games for it because I have 3 yr old and 7 yr old and there's hardly any games for the 360 but there's lots of games for me. So it will be nice if we get some new kid games besides Viva Pinata and Hot Wheels. I don't want to buy a Wii and have 2 consoles.
I'm heartened by the suggestion that in the end, the interface will have some customization preferences, i.e. the avatars are mandatory. If I can keep the interface feeling 'adult' then I'll be satisfied.

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