Are there any links to MPEG4 receivers that are coming out?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jun 21, 2005
The WAF (wife acceptance factor) finally kicked in and we got a 42" Plasma HD monitor. :bounce Now I've got antique equipment holding me back from really enjoying it. :( After reading numerous threads on this site, I feel that waiting to upgrade my D* receiver to a HD model for a few months is the way to go. But in the mean time, is there any information out there in cyber space about the new receivers? Such as connection options (component, HDMI), possible release dates, etc. With the upcoming (rumored) upgrade by D* for HDTV consumers and with D* already demonstrating that technology, isn't there some sort of review or article somewhere on the actual receivers?

Any help is much appreciated!
I've been digging on mpeg-4 receivers for HD. I've found information for E* but not D*.

There's a lot of seeing and sawing over the upcoming move to mpeg4. Obviously, people who've plowed lots into their receiver will need credits if their units become incapable of handling the new standard/bandwidth.

D* has proposed remedying this with credits. Unfort, the dishes will still need replacing and that could lead to dominoes falling as incompatibilities arise down the line with the new equipment and old and various permutations :no . TG for satelliteguys and their considerable help on these issues :D

Unlike D*, you can rent receivers from E*, which has led me to E* (combined with reaction over D*'s NFL package pricing and HD tax)

Back to new receivers, I don't know when E* will produce its new 411-422, or 962 (DVR). There is a independent company listing them at vssll

I guess this all makes me want to wait for the new receivers in mpeg4. Maybe by next year D* will clean up its act on the NFL deal, or at least offer more HD channels. I might try to go independent with a reputable installer (happens to be E* distributor) once we can order the new mpeg-4 receivers, using "my own equipment" so to speak if it's not avaliable thru E*'s ordering system.
The above is pure speculation and not based on any official release.

There is no "seeing & sawing", DirecTV has their gear in the build & warehousing phase, there just has been NO official announcement on distribution or pricing/credit yet.

You will surely have access to at least one s-video, component and HDMI connection. I would be shocked in there wasn't at least one RCA video set as well. There should also be both RCA and optical audio out, and hopefully a coaxial audio out also.

There will be plenty of press reviews and hands-on reviews once and official release is announced and then units are distributed.

There is no NFL pricing issue AND HD Tax. Its just ONE thing. People are upset that DirecTV decided to create a separate "superfan" package that results in a higher price point for those wanting HD that was free last season. The result of this was given a buzz word of "HD Tax", but they are NOT two separate things and it is not a real tax.

Rental of equipment does not mean better. Not in quality, service, nor in principal. Rental gear generally costs you more than the item's worth during the first year or two of its life, and you NEVER own it.

Dish's gear is generally considered inferior in quality, just reference current hands-on experience and reading.
charper1 said:
There is no NFL pricing issue AND HD Tax. Its just ONE thing. People are upset that DirecTV decided to create a separate "superfan" package that results in a higher price point for those wanting HD that was free last season. The result of this was given a buzz word of "HD Tax", but they are NOT two separate things and it is not a real tax.

I and over 1200 other petitioners would disagree with you. I cannot think of a clearer example of a surcharge or tax on HD than this superfan sham. I would also disagree that it is just one issue. Directv charges Canadians far less for STHD than Americans. That sounds like an issue to me.
I was pointing out that they (the NFL pricing & tax) the poster mentioned as multiple things, were not two separate issues, yet they are in fact the same thing.

Nor by legal billing standards or definitions is it a real tax:

"A contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government."

A surcharge YES I agree:

"An additional sum added to the usual amount or cost. An additional or excessive burden; an overload."
I wouldn't hold off buying a MPEG-2 HD receiver. You may be waiting for years and that HD plasma isn't being used for much in the mean time. It will have already lost a significant amount of its brightness by the time you finally hook it into an HD source. Since your already a subsciber I would get on ebay right now and start looking at a Hughes HTL-HD, Zenith 520 or Sony HD200. All are top receivers and are better then the H10 in many ways. when DirecTV does upgrade everything to MPEG4, your receiver will be replaced free of charge. Its a better deal if you invest $150 or so now and get a brand new free upgrade later then having to pay $200+ for a new MPEG4 receiver and dish later. Never hold on for non-ETA HD arrivals.
charper1 said:
I was pointing out that they (the NFL pricing & tax) the poster mentioned as multiple things, were not two separate issues, yet they are in fact the same thing.

Nor by legal billing standards or definitions is it a real tax:

"A contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government."

A surcharge YES I agree:

"An additional sum added to the usual amount or cost. An additional or excessive burden; an overload."

there are multiple issues concerning the pricing. Not just the surcharge. Revisit the website .

"Other issues to consider when evaluating the fairness of the HDTAX

(click each to read more):
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1)Is the NFL anti-American? If not, why do Canadian NFL fans pay approximately $145 ($179 CDN) for NFL Sunday Ticket for all games, including HD, while Americans pay $239 plus the $99 HDTAX for a total of $338.00? [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2)[font=&quot] [/font]Read the fine print: The new Superfan features are not even available in HD and are not compatible with DirecTV’s current HD equipment![/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3)[font=&quot] [/font]“Over 100 HD games available” with Superfan – TRUE. Up to 51 of those games may be blacked out by DirecTV and will not be available via Superfan – ALSO TRUE. [/font] [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

4)[font=&quot] [/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Is DirecTV HD really even HD at all?[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]5)[font=&quot] [/font]Is the “Leader in HD” conceding the HDTV market by claiming that HD cannot be delivered competitively via satellite – or are they simply exploiting their existing HD subscriber base?."[/font]

I find arguing the meaning of the word "tax" to be a trivial issue.
I find using the correct word VERY appropriate as 99.99% of all Americans associate the word TAX with a governmental fee that they are required to pay or face punishment. This is NOT the case here. Although I also DO NOT agree with the pricing plan they have adopted, it IS NOT a government requirement that I pay it. I can choose or lose, it is totally up to me. I am not 100% behind using TAX scare tactics like cheap politicians, I prefer users understand exactly what is really happening and prove my points based on that. I have read that site many times and no where to a decern TAX. I see we are being "arm twisted" into paying more for less. I uderstand there may be additional blackouts. I see that they are charging Canada less. Canadian's also probably make less money on average compared to the US and DirecTV has less market penetration there. So they are still trying to grow that market so next season they can screw them with the NFL surcharge. DirecTV should have done the right thing and just raised it accross the board, to all users. The botton line on superfan is that they are trying to force us all into their branded crap boxes, maybe that should be another beef.
vurbano said:
I and over 1200 other petitioners would disagree with you.
But then your trail of trolling posts show that you live for have originated tons of threads using this kind of bogus logic and terminology. Another derailed anti-D*TV thread on yet another message board. I haven't seen weeds sprout this fast.
charper1 said:
I find using the correct word VERY appropriate as 99.99% of all Americans associate the word TAX with a governmental fee that they are required to pay or face punishment. This is NOT the case here. Although I also DO NOT agree with the pricing plan they have adopted, it IS NOT a government requirement that I pay it. I can choose or lose, it is totally up to me. ...
R.I.P. "HD Tax" - it never was a tax to begin with.

In answer to the original poster, which pertained to something entirely different that the derailed tax lingo stuff --

Your decision on hardware really comes down to 2 best bets - if you live in one of the first 12 markets that will be getting the new MPEG4 D*TV HD boxes, you should probably wait 2-3 months or so for them to come out. I don't believe Milwaukee will be included until the second tier of 12, so you may want to try eBay for a used HD receiver, and then get your swapout when your market has the MPEG4.
I guess my comments on the mpeg4 upgrade and D*'s management of its NFL offering is still nothing more than speculative reality. Which is precisely why I need answers to these issues to make a buy or not buy decision now.

If I am forced to spend close to $1,000 for an HDTV, pick up mpeg2 receivers for $300 or so each, and install a satellite as a new customer, I could be failing to optimize my configuration when the inadequacies of mpeg2 force the conversion. I don't want to redo an install for 2 years. Consequence: not buying into the current config offered by D* for HD.

There's obviously a great deal to debate here, and the call to go with HD based on current offerings by D* and competitors requires speculation. But this is still a tech decision, which requres prudent estimating at the very least to make such a big bet on a new standard--HDTV and a corresponding config package and programming.

I need to know:

1) if a satellite installation will need to be redone and why. If the satellite brings more channels, good; if I have to spend more monthly for HD channels, bad. How many more HD channels can D*'s receivers handle? If I need to spend more out-of-pocket on an top qual install that's OK for now, but don't screw me later.

2) what if any money I'll have to spend to pick up next gen receiver without waiting or losing HQ viewing options when they become avail. Size and capabilities of the platform need to be known vis-a vis future service delivery possibilities. This uncertainty leads me to conclude that I should rent not buy. If there's any threat to losing equipment value, rent. It' $ 5/mo more per receiver to rent on E*. That could be DVR rental, or whatever. A $699 hole shot is speculating that a new, better DVR won't be available at same- or lower cost. Not wise technically.

3) Future HD programming will cost how much more--including ST packages-- than non-HD? I need to know this because future subscription costs are part of the decision matrix.
HD subscribers seem vulnerable to unfair pricing--later, after I'm onboard I'll be in penalty box because to get new HD, I'll have to pay more. D*'s ST is case in point.
I just need to know if I'll be penalized (call it whatever you want.)
amateurjournalist said:
I guess my comments on the mpeg4 upgrade and D*'s management of its NFL offering is still nothing more than speculative reality. Which is precisely why I need answers to these issues to make a buy or not buy decision now.

Sometimes you just have to make a decision and live with it. There are not answers to all of your questions at the moment concerning D*.

My advice, wait and see.

As far as the NFL deal is concerned, my thoughts... take it or leave it, it really should have no bearing on what you do in the meantime.
vurbano said:
I and over 1200 other petitioners would disagree with you. I cannot think of a clearer example of a surcharge or tax on HD than this superfan sham. I would also disagree that it is just one issue. Directv charges Canadians far less for STHD than Americans. That sounds like an issue to me.

I'm obviously showing my MPEG4 "newbieness" but I don't get "Directv charges Canadians far less for STHD than Americans"? Canadians can only receive D* thru the grey market - how are the related charges less than what an American would pay?
Perhaps when the great swapout occurrs and many HD channels become available there will be a new greater market for HD televisions at that time and that Dish Network and DirecTv would start selling HD televisions. Hopefully by that time the prices will have dropped a bit and perhaps a special deal can be had with a longer term commitment.
pradike said:
But then your trail of trolling posts show that you live for have originated tons of threads using this kind of bogus logic and terminology. Another derailed anti-D*TV thread on yet another message board. I haven't seen weeds sprout this fast.

R.I.P. "HD Tax" - it never was a tax to begin with.

Charper1 and I were discussing an issue without hurling insults, calling names (trolls) or whining. You should try it sometime.
With regards to the original post... I haven't seen anything yet, and I've been combing the net for any info at all. The one good thing to think about is that D* usually posts the manuals for their boxes online before they actually launch. (I remember drooling over the HD DVR manual before it's release...) Just keep looking, and if you are trying to decide to buy now and hope for an upgrade or just wait, I think we're all "picking our ponies", so to speak, and since no one knows for sure what the best bet will be, I myself have chosen to wait for more intel from the boards or D* or whoever... Good Luck on the search for info!
Thanks to everyone for their comments. :)

The plasma monitor is the beginning of an overall upgrade to my family's entertainment system. Most of my A/V equipment is going to need upgraded including the D* equipment for HD content. I am, as cr0mag put it, "picking my ponies." Hence, I was curious if there was any documentation on receivers for the new format. Where there's documentation, there's usually an anticipated release date. I was also hoping to get a D* box with HDMI on it to hook up to the monitor or my future A/V receiver. As far as the older D* boxes go, I don’t know about them yet because I haven’t been researching those.

FYI, for anyone who wants to recommend OTA HD, thank you, but don't bother. A friend here at work, a mapping and GIS master, has proven that I would need a tower approx. 125ft tall to get OTA HD. BTW, that’s taking into account the height of the broadcast towers. Also note that is for line of site to stations approx. 80 miles away. I’m a computer geek not a broadcast freak so I used line of site calculations in the hopes of over coming an expected broadcast range of 75 miles for HDTV.
Umbra_Vipera said:
Thanks to everyone for their comments. :)

The plasma monitor is the beginning of an overall upgrade to my family's entertainment system. Most of my A/V equipment is going to need upgraded including the D* equipment for HD content. I am, as cr0mag put it, "picking my ponies." Hence, I was curious if there was any documentation on receivers for the new format. Where there's documentation, there's usually an anticipated release date. I was also hoping to get a D* box with HDMI on it to hook up to the monitor or my future A/V receiver. As far as the older D* boxes go, I don’t know about them yet because I haven’t been researching those.

FYI, for anyone who wants to recommend OTA HD, thank you, but don't bother. A friend here at work, a mapping and GIS master, has proven that I would need a tower approx. 125ft tall to get OTA HD. BTW, that’s taking into account the height of the broadcast towers. Also note that is for line of site to stations approx. 80 miles away. I’m a computer geek not a broadcast freak so I used line of site calculations in the hopes of over coming an expected broadcast range of 75 miles for HDTV.

Man, OTA really is out of the question for you! :shocked

As for the new recievers using HDMI, I would be absolutely floored if they weren't included on the new models. That is now pretty much an 'industry standard' (what ever that means, these days), and I would bet they will be there for sure.
parkim said:
vurbano said:
I and over 1200 other petitioners would disagree with you. I cannot think of a clearer example of a surcharge or tax on HD than this superfan sham. I would also disagree that it is just one issue. Directv charges Canadians far less for STHD than Americans. That sounds like an issue to me.

I'm obviously showing my MPEG4 "newbieness" but I don't get "Directv charges Canadians far less for STHD than Americans"? Canadians can only receive D* thru the grey market - how are the related charges less than what an American would pay?
I think you should send your question here
cr0mag said:
Man, OTA really is out of the question for you! :shocked

As for the new recievers using HDMI, I would be absolutely floored if they weren't included on the new models. That is now pretty much an 'industry standard' (what ever that means, these days), and I would bet they will be there for sure.

I guess my message was a little confusing. I would be floored if they didn't also. I was referring to the fact that I didn't know about the older models. I should have made those comments a little clearer... ;)

My whole thought process was that if I could find some evidence of a release date I might hold off on other parts of my system to get a new MPEG4 receiver for D*. Yet...even that idea is kinda stupid because I won't be in one of the first 12 markets to benefit from the new sats anyway. (BTW, I'm in the KC market.)
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