Customer's Who Are Rude And Want Everything Free

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 26, 2005
So I've Always Wanted To Tell A Customer Off, But I've Never Been Mad Enough To. Plus They Are Definitley Not Worth My Job, But I Just Want To Let You Guys Know A Little Bit About The Directv World, I've Been Employed By Dtv For 2 Years And I've Loved Every Minute Of It, Sometimes The Call Volume Is Out Of Control, And You Have Those Customer's Who Think They Can Scam Us, But Trust Me We Do Have A Signal Integrity Group Who Can Check To See Where The Signal Is Being Broadcast To, We Can Request An Automatic Callback On Your Recievers Through The Satelite, And Your Ppv's Will Download To Your Bill, We Know Every Time That You Have Been Late On Your Payment, Even Though You Claim To Be The Best Customer In The World So You Think You Deserve Everything For Free, I Just Don't Understand How People Think We As Dtv Have Nothing Better To Do Then To Mess Up Your Life, Out Of 13.9 Million Customer's We Choose To Mess With Your Bill Or Your Signal, I Mean Come On Get Real!!!

We Value Our Customers And We Will Bend Over Back-wards For Customer Who Do Have A Good Payment History And Who Do Not Call In Every Month To Get Something For Free. That Is The Most Annyoning Part Of My Job When You Customers Think That Just Because You Threaten To Disconnect Your Account We Are Going To Give You Whatever You Want, Using The Whole "i'm Going To Dish Network!!" That Is So Old. I Love Disconnecting People's Accounts Because They Think That Works Hahahaha......i Love My Job And I Honestly Believe Dtv Is The Best Company Out There, At My Call Center Everyone Loves It, No Matter How Irrate You Customer's Are, And You Need To Understand We Are People Too, If You Call In Cussing And Screamming Because You Didn't Pay Your Bill Last Month And You Demand Your Late Fee To Be Waived, If I Was To Get That Call I Would Advise You Of Your Date Due, And If You Didn't Like That Then Your Outta Luck, There Is A Due Date For A Reason, We Don't Just Make Things Up, Seriously Pay Your Bill On Time And Then Call And Say You've Been A Good Customer And We'll Believe You.

And The Whole "you Treat Your New Customer's Better Than Your Existing Customers!" That's Getting Old As Well, It Is What It Is, You Recieved A New Customer Offer Too, Don't Forget!!!

We Do Contract Out To Local Installation Offices, So If Your Tech Doesn't Show Up Or Call You, Why Would You Get Mad At The Messenger: Being The Customer Service Representative Taking The Call, Do You Think We Have Some Little Magic Button To Get Them There Asap For You!! Sometimes I Just Have To Laugh At People And How They Think Their World Is So Perfect And That They Never Do Anything Wrong, And Their Time Is So Expensive, Our's Is Too!

I'm Not Trying To Sound Mean But I Think If You Would Think About The Person On The Line And How You Would Feel If You Were In Their Shoes, I Think You Would Be A Little Nicer, We Do Not Know What's Going On, And If You Do Not Tell Us Then How Are We Suppose To Know? We Do Not Have A Crystal Ball. We Understand Your Frustrations And We Are Willing To Assist The Best That We Can, But Yelling And Screamming Isn't Going To Make Us Feel Like You Want Our Help. So Just Remember That Dtv Is Willing To Help You And We Do Value Our Customer's. Thank You
But Trust Me We Do Have A Signal Integrity Group Who Can Check To See Where The Signal Is Being Broadcast To, We Can Request An Automatic Callback On Your Recievers Through The Satelite,And Your Ppv's Will Download To Your Bill

Dont think so !!
No way they can tell where the signal is being broadcast to,and definatly no way the ppv purchases will be uploaded via satellite and not phoneline.
Actually I think candy girl meant to say they can request that your receivers call in via the phone line by sending them a signal via the satellite data stream. This way they can tell where your boxes are receiving the signal at. The way it was phrased was a bit ambiguous.
Like others said they have no system to tell where a receiver is located without the phone line plugged into the box so that is pure BS and I now question if that poster is a real D* CSR or a regular clueless CSR and don't take that the wrong way but some on here have higher contacts than you could ever imagine and we would know about this I promise you.

Now I was a D* customer and I went through an installation nightmare to get HDTV upgrades and I have always been nice to the CSR and have always asked for a supervisor when I had togo further with it. Now as a D* customer its D* problem when an installation company does a botched job or doesn't show up and that is the breaks about having independent contractors doing their work to get a customer. Now I blame D* for this because they can change what is going on but they won't because of money and they would rather not pay the installers what they deserve for their work. The company I worked at several years ago which installed consumer based products didn't have a union in place. What is amazing about it is that I came in and convinced the company to put in a union and I said they could have my job if I didn't prove their benefits. Now the fact is that it will cost more money but I left this company in very good hands having if best year ever in one of the worst years this indistry has had.

Turnover is down greatly and employees are working harder to satisfy customers. Customers that had install problems that required a second visit were reduced by 85%. They had more new customers than they ever had in one year. Now again I was brought in because they were doing badly but not bad enough and they need a turnaround and they got me to try and save money but to their suprise I said you have to spend money to make money.

The fact is that D* can do just that but they choose not to because of two reasons.

First is money and second is if a contactor does damage to a customers house the contracting company has to pay for that and D* cannot be sued for this because they are out of the loop.

Sadly to say I had a great installer my first time with D* and I talked with him for a good hour and he was getting ready to quit because he kept on having to travel a large distance when a customer said to pack it up when their free install cost them 70-100 bucks and he couldn't do anything unless he paid for his own hardware and gave his labor for free for that task and that is what he did for many years but he couldn't keep doing it.

I know I went on but as a CSR you have no idea what really goes on behind the scenes because the reason why so many customers are getting bad installs is staring you right in the face and this is DirecTVs fault no matter what way you slice it. Now I do agree that a customer shouldn't be yelling at you about it but that has nothing todo with whos fault this is and sadly because your a D* employee and represent D* as a company you will get the blame because you are D* just as much as a CEO would be.
LonghornXP said:
I know I went on but as a CSR you have no idea what really goes on behind the scenes because the reason why so many customers are getting bad installs is staring you right in the face and this is DirecTVs fault no matter what way you slice it.

I disagree, it's normally management at the tech level. If an HSP is not doing QCs or staying on top of their guys, you get a mess going.

I've spent the last couple of months cleaning up an office where we had to fire half of the staff, including all management, because the office was crap.

DirecTV doesn't become aware of this unless tons of customers call in and complain, however, HSPs are instructed to leave the HSP Customer Service number, so most complaints actually go back to the HSP, and not DirecTV.
Raydr said:
I disagree, it's normally management at the tech level. If an HSP is not doing QCs or staying on top of their guys, you get a mess going.

I've spent the last couple of months cleaning up an office where we had to fire half of the staff, including all management, because the office was crap.

DirecTV doesn't become aware of this unless tons of customers call in and complain, however, HSPs are instructed to leave the HSP Customer Service number, so most complaints actually go back to the HSP, and not DirecTV.

You have just said what I've been trying to say and that is these problems are caused because D* is using a middleman instead of doing installs in house. Anytime you use a middleman todo installs you will have problems. I promise you that every single installer in this country would be better off if they were an employee with a union and as hard as this is to belive even the company would be better off but that can't be shown on a sheet of paper the way they want it nowadays. The problem we have is that the contractors don't stand up and fight for themselves anymore.

Also we see the middleman problem occuring with call centers and just last week I had a billing error and had to call D* and I could barely understand this guy on the phone and had to nicely ask 5 times to be transferred to a supervisor. The fact is I'm an american customer and I should be supported by an american worker both on the phone and for our countries good as well.

Whats funny is that everyone complains about these types of things but will do nothing to try and change them and that is the america that is growing up today where people are more troubled by gay marriage than they are their own jobs and healthcare. Again this is somewhat of a rant but it all stems from the same process and maybe if people think outside of their box they could see into world as a whole.
The middle men for the most part are all good hard working installers! Yes you have the few bad apples which should and can be weeded out, but you won't be seeing D start their own install department anytime soon. Basically what you have now are installers who are basically D employees, they must be certified and go thru training. D would have the same problems they have now even if they made us all under the same blanket for name purposes. Instead of calling our company Joes satellite we would just be called say Directvs Florida office.....there are going to be glitches with a company that does work all across the states. It apparently is not so bad tho, they have won the JD powers customer satisfaction award amongst cable and satellite companies. So for a large company they are doing rather well.......just my 2 cents, also the Union comment is ludacris....I've lived in a steel area all my life and let me tell you UNions ruined this place. IF unions got in to satellite work they would be telling us it takes 2 guys to do ones job, no thanks been there done that. Its not a bad idea that directv hires us all, but it would be very difficult for them to arrange.....
SatinstallerhatesVOOM said:
The middle men for the most part are all good hard working installers! Yes you have the few bad apples which should and can be weeded out, but you won't be seeing D start their own install department anytime soon. Basically what you have now are installers who are basically D employees, they must be certified and go thru training. D would have the same problems they have now even if they made us all under the same blanket for name purposes. Instead of calling our company Joes satellite we would just be called say Directvs Florida office.....there are going to be glitches with a company that does work all across the states. It apparently is not so bad tho, they have won the JD powers customer satisfaction award amongst cable and satellite companies. So for a large company they are doing rather well.......just my 2 cents, also the Union comment is ludacris....I've lived in a steel area all my life and let me tell you UNions ruined this place. IF unions got in to satellite work they would be telling us it takes 2 guys to do ones job, no thanks been there done that. Its not a bad idea that directv hires us all, but it would be very difficult for them to arrange.....

Bottom line is you are the farthest thing from being a D* employee. Now your steel town must be one of the very very very very very very very very very few towns or plants that would ever say this because a Union wouldn't destroy a company but I could see workers that always complained and wanted more destroy it but unions aren't designed so the workers could get everything they wanted they were designed so that the employer couldn't screw their workers like what is being done today.

I promise you a national union isn't a problem just look at UPS and if you ask UPS drivers how they like their job and than ask a FedEx driver how they like their job I promise you will be amazed.

Right now in my area I talked to a FedEx driver who was getting 8.75/hour and has been a driver for 5 years and worse they gave him a piggy back truck so he does the next day people that need it by 10am and drops off the back truck and goes back on his route and does the rest. They have no benefits and they have been given more and more work.

Now I happened to talk with a UPS driver that was a driver for 2 and a half years but granted he had to work inside at the starting job for about 3 years at 10+ per hour and once he got an opening to get a drivers route he got bumped up to 17.25/hour and UPS pays for health insurance and offer all the standard benefits such as 401K and profit sharing. They don't piggy back to save the cost of another driver. During Christmas UPS hires extra temp workers to help the drivers so the drivers can just driver and bring up packages while the helper delivers to the houses which is something FedEx doesn't do. That right there is a shocking difference and the FedEx guy said he was working at UPS at night becaue he needed the extra money plus he was waiting until he could get a route with UPS. Just think about that for a second.

Here is how helpfull a union is to UPS workers.....drivers aren't quitting so getting a route is near impossable. Now one other factor to point out is that even with all those big advantages that FedEx has money wise you wouldn't think that UPS would be number 1 with FedEx not even being close. UPS bottom of the barrel workers make more money per hour than FedEx drivers of 5 years while some drivers at UPS make over 20 an hour plus overtime which I think they said was double time but it could be time and a half.

Now you just read that carefully and tell me if you actually believe what you just said. If you do believe what you said than it wasn't the union to screwed things up in steel town it was the workers that screwed it up.

i live in a steel area and the unions did kill the golden cow, and if the unions are so great in this industry, why did comcast workers in western md, upper wv and southwestern pa (the birthplace of unions) just de certify the cwa???

i agree with satinstaller and ray, the unions only protect the lazies.

BTW, the csr that posted, is an outbased center csr, a real directv csr would never say half the cr*p she said. the only REAL directv csrs are at colorado,utah and idaho. these are the only ones that actually work for the directv group, and they make more money and have benefits

LonghornXP said:
I promise you a national union isn't a problem just look at UPS and if you ask UPS drivers how they like their job and than ask a FedEx driver how they like their job I promise you will be amazed.

Yeah, the FedEx guy comes in with a smile and a joke. :) The UPS driver storms in grumpy and crying about his work load. :no
dragon002 said:
and if the unions are so great in this industry, why did comcast workers in western md, upper wv and southwestern pa (the birthplace of unions) just de certify the cwa???
Simple, Comcast is one of the largest union-busting corporations in the country. They're known for tactics such as telling workers that unionizing will result in lower pay and less benefits, terminating employees who have any direct involvement with the union, and promising workers "manager" positions if they decertify. Also, the Pittsburgh workers reversed their decert -
1st off your comparison is nice. Thank God I know a UPS driver. I know for fact that at Christmas yes they hire more help cause otherwise he would work 24 straight, as it is he works 16 plus a day during that time and DOES get piggy backed. 2nd the union did ruin the steel industry take it from someone whose been there, when you need 3 people to do the job of 1 how can your employer survive? The union made sure every Tom, Dick and Harry had their hands in the cookie jar, don't blame the workers they just took advantage of what the union handed them. Unions are being decertified in all areas now a days. Employers are afraid of them because they know that they will not be able to afford the changes a union will bring in. Don't be fooled the unions USED to work but now its just about the bling, I had a friend in a union that went on strike the union let him strike for 8 months and then said sorry we're outta money! Fortunately his employer rehired him with his benefits and same rate. Unions arent the answer smart and people oriented management is the answer.
dragon002 said:

i live in a steel area and the unions did kill the golden cow, and if the unions are so great in this industry, why did comcast workers in western md, upper wv and southwestern pa (the birthplace of unions) just de certify the cwa???

i agree with satinstaller and ray, the unions only protect the lazies.

BTW, the csr that posted, is an outbased center csr, a real directv csr would never say half the cr*p she said. the only REAL directv csrs are at colorado,utah and idaho. these are the only ones that actually work for the directv group, and they make more money and have benefits


Ahh no you are wrong. There are 3 DTV owned call centers. Mainbank/Billing mostly is Idaho and they do some basic tech trouble shooting , then you have Oklahoma & Alabama which are t1 & t2 call centers these are the only DTV owned call centers, everybody else is outsourced.
dragon002 said:

i live in a steel area and the unions did kill the golden cow, and if the unions are so great in this industry, why did comcast workers in western md, upper wv and southwestern pa (the birthplace of unions) just de certify the cwa???

i agree with satinstaller and ray, the unions only protect the lazies.

BTW, the csr that posted, is an outbased center csr, a real directv csr would never say half the cr*p she said. the only REAL directv csrs are at colorado,utah and idaho. these are the only ones that actually work for the directv group, and they make more money and have benefits


I work for the one in Oklahoma and it's most certainly a D* owned center. This is the 2nd time you've said something totally off base. The first was the issue about the credit changes....
Scott and perhaps the other mods know if the person that started this thread is a real CSR or not by tracing the IP address if one is in doubt that its a real CSR. If it traces back to a location around a call center then more than likely its a CSR.
DTV-T2-Tech said:
Ahh no you are wrong. There are 3 DTV owned call centers. Mainbank/Billing mostly is Idaho and they do some basic tech trouble shooting , then you have Oklahoma & Alabama which are t1 & t2 call centers these are the only DTV owned call centers, everybody else is outsourced.

oklahoma is outsoursed, so is alabama, so is georgia, and so is the new one in pittsburgh

the center in boise is the old primestar center it is dtv o+o so is colorado at the castle rock earth station/ up link center. utah is also o+o all the rest are outbased, does your pay check have "directv group on the top?? :no

dragon002 said:
oklahoma is outsoursed, so is alabama, so is georgia, and so is the new one in pittsburgh

the center in boise is the old primestar center it is dtv o+o so is colorado at the castle rock earth station/ up link center. utah is also o+o all the rest are outbased, does your pay check have "directv group on the top?? :no


Yes my checks come from LA Which is DTV head office , Why do people get on here who think they know what there are talking about. Oklahoma & Alabama is not out sourced. And we was talking about call centers not broadcast stations, geez :confused:, apparently your checks don't have the DTV logo on it, mine does
one should know by now most people here don't know what there talking about......they repeat hersay they saw at another forum or just plain make stuff up
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