DirecTV Installer!!!GRrrr

Please reply by conversation.
igator99 said:
Hey it is not an easy job as I stated in the original post. I think around here (New Orleans) we are getting a lot of people that are posing as real pros when they are not. The installers deserve real pay and much more than what they are getting considering the service provider will get thousands for their work in the long run. You need some sort of standard or certification to weed out the pros from the pretenders. So far all I've gotten are pretenders.

A E* tech

Our wages are very good in the northwest. You could pay a guy 100 dollars an hour but if your a dick he'll tell you to kiss his ass and leave. If he was there to hook up hd for you and you had nlos he would be running that other line for free.
Do you work for free? It takes about three years for d* or E* to make a profit off of a customer!! and there are standards and quals and tests and certs at least in the D* and E* install dept.
dnsguy said:
A E* tech

Our wages are very good in the northwest. You could pay a guy 100 dollars an hour but if your a dick he'll tell you to kiss his ass and leave. If he was there to hook up hd for you and you had nlos he would be running that other line for free.
Do you work for free? It takes about three years for d* or E* to make a profit off of a customer!! and there are standards and quals and tests and certs at least in the D* and E* install dept.

I was not a dick if reread the post. I offered to help. I really don't care anymore. If they don't do it will do it. I didn't expect anyone to work for free. If his company wouldn't pay him then I would. If some of you installers keep up that attitude you will not have a job. I've been with DirecTV for 10 years and I have always had problems when I upgrade because of installers. You have a nice night.
igator... don't respond to those DNS guys..... they are Dish Network Service techs... underpaid and overworked.... always looking for a hand out as they are paid by the hour and don't get paid for what most techs or should I say real techs... consider custom work. As I mentioned earlier, pay what you think is a fair wage...the people at the call centers for DirecTV and Dish Network will tell you that everything and I mean EVERYTHING is free. I will agree with them (the call center people that is) as long as they send out a Dish Network (DNSGUY) or a DirecTV "employee" As far as myself being a self employed - fully licensed and insured company.. I would charge a few extra dollars for custom work due to the fact that I carry and pay for all my licenses and insurance....Just out of curiousity where are you located??? I'm betting I could find a dependable, quality company to help you out via some other forums that I have access to. P.M. if you'd like.
wobbie said:
igator... don't respond to those DNS guys..... they are Dish Network Service techs... underpaid and overworked.... always looking for a hand out as they are paid by the hour and don't get paid for what most techs or should I say real techs... consider custom work. As I mentioned earlier, pay what you think is a fair wage...the people at the call centers for DirecTV and Dish Network will tell you that everything and I mean EVERYTHING is free. I will agree with them (the call center people that is) as long as they send out a Dish Network (DNSGUY) or a DirecTV "employee" As far as myself being a self employed - fully licensed and insured company.. I would charge a few extra dollars for custom work due to the fact that I carry and pay for all my licenses and insurance....Just out of curiousity where are you located??? I'm betting I could find a dependable, quality company to help you out via some other forums that I have access to. P.M. if you'd like.

Yes I would be very interested. Two guys came over this evening and worked their butts of to get me the dish signal using my current pole setup. They couldn't hit the HD sat after about three hours of trying. I felt very bad for them because what I learned from here they wouldn't get paid. They felt the option with the pole in the front yard to bury the cable would work. I offered them 80.00 and asked them to please run a line to my sons room. I didn't have to offer them anything but I know from here the situation. They both work at Wal-Mart and do this on the side for company located in Longview Texas. I know my attic well and the side kick didn't look like he knew what he was doing. So I offered to walk the attic and pull the line to the room. I have a high celling in my living room which is difficult to navigate while holding a line and a flashlight. I asked the guy to meet me and pick up the line. The guy put his foot through my ceiling! I feel terrible for him and myself. My wife I think is building a guillotine for me. Is the guy insured you think from his company in Longview Texas? I hate to think this is coming out of his pocket. They are just two young guys trying to earn extra money doing this on the side and they worked their rears off. I can't afford to pay for the sheet rock work myself. I don't know much about sheet rock but it is a good foot hole. I had sheet rock work done about a year ago and I remember it being a few hundred dollars. I'm starting to think that HD stands for Hell Defention for me. Dang I wish I hadn't asked him to pickup the line from me.:mad:

I live north of lake Ponchartrain in Mandeville Louisiana. That is about thirty minutes north of New Orleans. Here's my e-mail address if you can help.
Dude this whole thread your knocking the installers that come to your house for being incompetent. Then you actually let one in your attic? Seems to me to be a bad judgement.
sideloaded said:
Dude this whole thread your knocking the installers that come to your house for being incompetent. Then you actually let one in your attic? Seems to me to be a bad judgement.

They were different installers and hey I know to be very careful where you step in an attic. I walk a main beam of two long two by fours which I told him to walk but he said he knew what he was doing. I wouldn't call it bad judgement but misplaced trust. You are blaming me for a guy putting his foot through my ceiling? Come on man and be fair. You guys need some sort of certification and union so not just anyone can call themselves an installer.
(1) At no point in igator99's post about this was he ever a dick towards any of the installers that have come to his house either the E ones or the ones for D.

(2) igator99 offered to help atleast once or twice wich is better than you can expect from most any customer.

(3) No new technician deserves to be paid that of what an experienced tech makes, to say the dns techs are underpaid and overworked is a half truth only in that dish networks dns and depot facilities do not follow the guidelines that the company has set forth in its training manuals. When I left employment with E last month my take home was $3,400 a month working 65 hours a week and having 3 days off to boot. I have run across many subs that would talk about going out and doing 7 - 10 jobs a day 6 days a week and much of the time I get stuck fixing their work and doing the jobs that they refused to do because it would have been a little more time than they could handle putting into an install.

(4) Attic work is a very common part of this industry specialy in the south where alot of homes dont have basements and much of the utilities run in the attics. Florida, Georgia, and alabama for instance are known for housing thats designed this way wether due to the fact that a whole region may be sitting on solid rock 1 - 4 foot below ground level, the water level may be less than 2 foot below ground level, or local ordinances. While working in the 3 mentioned states I only came across one house with a basement and that was in Georgia, all the others exclusively had all utitlities in the attics. Its entirely possible for anyone including an experianced technician to miss step or slip and put a foot through a ceiling, a couple of times my foot has slipped off a rafter and made contact with the board but I always have both hands on cross braces and having taken splinters on a couple of instances so as not to break the board.
Van said:
(1) At no point in igator99's post about this was he ever a dick towards any of the installers that have come to his house either the E ones or the ones for D.

(2) igator99 offered to help atleast once or twice wich is better than you can expect from most any customer.

(3) No new technician deserves to be paid that of what an experienced tech makes, to say the dns techs are underpaid and overworked is a half truth only in that dish networks dns and depot facilities do not follow the guidelines that the company has set forth in its training manuals. When I left employment with E last month my take home was $3,400 a month working 65 hours a week and having 3 days off to boot. I have run across many subs that would talk about going out and doing 7 - 10 jobs a day 6 days a week and much of the time I get stuck fixing their work and doing the jobs that they refused to do because it would have been a little more time than they could handle putting into an install.

(4) Attic work is a very common part of this industry specialy in the south where alot of homes dont have basements and much of the utilities run in the attics. Florida, Georgia, and alabama for instance are known for housing thats designed this way wether due to the fact that a whole region may be sitting on solid rock 1 - 4 foot below ground level, the water level may be less than 2 foot below ground level, or local ordinances. While working in the 3 mentioned states I only came across one house with a basement and that was in Georgia, all the others exclusively had all utitlities in the attics. Its entirely possible for anyone including an experianced technician to miss step or slip and put a foot through a ceiling, a couple of times my foot has slipped off a rafter and made contact with the board but I always have both hands on cross braces and having taken splinters on a couple of instances so as not to break the board.

Thank you Van. I really feel terrible. Those guys worked so hard to get me the Dish signal. I knew they weren't going to get paid a thing for their work. They are working stiffs at Wal-Mart. I really wanted at the least to get a line run to my sons room which I offered them 80.00 for what I could afford and I thought was a fair wage since they are usually given only 35.00 for running a line. It was just a dumb thing that he put his foot through my ceiling. I figured they both made at least 40.00 plus change for their work. If my wife finds out I gave them anything I'm toast but I grew up on boats and I know about hard work without a reward. I hope the company they are affiliated with are going to cover the cost of the ceiling repair. Perhaps they know some nut job that is willing to shimmy up a tree and trim it? LOL! Thanks again.
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igator99 said:
They were different installers and hey I know to be very careful where you step in an attic. I walk a main beam of two long two by fours which I told him to walk but he said he knew what he was doing. I wouldn't call it bad judgement but misplaced trust. You are blaming me for a guy putting his foot through my ceiling? Come on man and be fair. You guys need some sort of certification and union so not just anyone can call themselves an installer.

Now they are pulling guys from wallmart...:eek:
I've called someone local. They are suppose to come out tomorrow. How much should I be willing to pay for a custom job? From what I've gathered they are going to have to plant a new dish about 15 feet from the house and bury cables. The wiring except for one room is already there.

Custom Work Charges per DirectTV:
Prices are not to be exceeded

Pole Mount per customer request: $75
Bury Cable / Outlet $30

That is only two of the seventeen extra charges that I have on my paper. The HSP can charge less and as I have seen first hand, they usually do.
stevo/65 said:
Now they are pulling guys from wallmart...:eek:

Yep. I will tell you this I have never seen two guys work harder. They were able to hit the Dish sats at 90+ strength but not the one with HD. They must have worked four hours. To make things worse his company is not going to pay for the hole in the ceiling. It is going to come out of his pocket. If I could afford it I would absorb the costs because I appreciate how hard these two guys worked. You guys really need some sort of certification and a union.
Crossbones said:
Custom Work Charges per DirectTV:
Prices are not to be exceeded

Pole Mount per customer request: $75
Bury Cable / Outlet $30

That is only two of the seventeen extra charges that I have on my paper. The HSP can charge less and as I have seen first hand, they usually do.

$105? How much does DirecTV pay the installer for all this work? DirecTV needs IMHO to bear the brunt of the costs of getting the equipment in and installed correctly. I've just figured out that DirecTV has made a little over 9,000 off of me since I've been with them. How much did the installer get paid for the original install getting me as a customer (since 1996)?
igator99 said:
Yep. I will tell you this I have never seen two guys work harder. They were able to hit the Dish sats at 90+ strength but not the one with HD. They must have worked four hours. To make things worse his company is not going to pay for the hole in the ceiling. It is going to come out of his pocket. If I could afford it I would absorb the costs because I appreciate how hard these two guys worked. You guys really need some sort of certification and a union.

I agree with with you on certification and union
Those poor guys did not realize ....that after all that hard work and time put into
that job , it will cost them to lose money on that job because of a foot thru the ceiling.
So they pretty much worked for free...."poor bastards":rolleyes:
stevo/65 said:
I agree with with you on certification and union
Those poor guys did not realize ....that after all that hard work and time put into
that job , it will cost them to lose money on that job because of a foot thru the ceiling.
So they pretty much worked for free...."poor bastards":rolleyes:

Actually its worse than working for free. It cost them 281.00 to work on my house.
That is not right. :eek:
igator99 said:
$105? How much does DirecTV pay the installer for all this work? DirecTV needs IMHO to bear the brunt of the costs of getting the equipment in and installed correctly. I've just figured out that DirecTV has made a little over 9,000 off of me since I've been with them. How much did the installer get paid for the original install getting me as a customer (since 1996)?

As a B&A POV, I never charged for custom installs. I was told that I would not make any extra from the work so I never charged. If I make no $....then they don't either. I usually explain the custom charges to the customer and we take other routes. A wall fish is $60. 'Sometimes' that is easier than drilling through the floor.
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One thing I dont understand is how you can aford an hd tv plus the upgrade in equipment yet say you cant aford to pay a few hundred dollars to patch a hole in your ceiling.
Van said:
One thing I dont understand is how you can aford an hd tv plus the upgrade in equipment yet say you cant aford to pay a few hundred dollars to patch a hole in your ceiling.

The HDTV I've been saving for over two years.
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Few years back, when I do an installation in a new house, the customer showed to me the cable guy actually stepped on the ceiling and the whole ceiling fell in the bed room that cost the cable company few thousand bux to fix it, and after cable fixed the ceiling, they just cancel cable service and went tp satellite.
sksatellite said:
Few years back, when I do an installation in a new house, the customer showed to me the cable guy actually stepped on the ceiling and the whole ceiling fell in the bed room that cost the cable company few thousand bux to fix it, and after cable fixed the ceiling, they just cancel cable service and went tp satellite.

I think you guys are trying hard to make me into some A-hole. I'm not a rich person.
If I was I probably wouldn't have helped those guys in anyway. I use to work on a charter boat taking people deep sea fishing. We found the really rich people for the most part were the worst. They wanted to catch every fish in the gulf and wanted to be pampered. The middle class guys were the easiest to deal with and the nicest. We worked hard getting the signal and I wanted to give them something for their trouble and offered them 80.00 to run another line. They had told me they charged 35.00 for that service early on in the job. I offered them 80.00 and they jumped at doing. It was a terrible unlucky thing that happened. The guy isn't going to pay the full amount to have the hole fixed. He started haggling with me and wanting many estimates which unless I want a hole in my roof all Summer isn't a smart thing to do. I live in an area that was devestated by Katrina and sheet rock guys are getting top dollar for their work. One company told me they could get to it in August. My best friend is a lawyer and he thinks I'm crazy for paying anything. He wants to go after the guy and the company. I'm not about to do that as long as the guy lives up to what we agreed upon. I'm also going to do the painting to keep costs down. Some of you guys are installers, how many people have you come across that would be that reasonable knowing what happened? Without this form I wouldn't have known that they weren't getting paid for the time they spent and I would have hit the roof when they put a hole in my celing. I bet most of your customers have know idea. I told the sheet rock guys the situation and they get a foot through the ceiling all the time from bug companies, cable companies etc... and the companies are the ones that pay. I don't think they believed me when I told them it was coming out of some poor guys pocket. Make me out to be an evil A-hole all you want I don't care.
igator99 said:

First let me say that this is hard work installing this stuff and I'm sure for every lazy installer there are 100 hardworking ones. Also I have a challenging setup. My dish is on a pole about five feet from where my roof starts. When the installer called and said he would be here at 5:00 on Friday my heart sank a bit. My experience with these guys has always been bad. I've been a DirecTV customer for ten years. Well he didn't disappoint. He showed up and looked around (No he did not pull out a compass) and said he couldn't do anything. I begged him to run a fourth line to my sons room. I'm getting 95+ signal from all three birds from DirecTV. He said he couldn't do that even though I offered to help him to do it. I told the young man that if he left without doing anything I was going to raise hell with his company and DirecTV. He told me to do what I wanted and left. I understand through this board you get paid by the job. How long would it have taken for me and him to take down the dish and run an extra line? One hour? Two hours? I can do it myself but I have a hard time finding the line in the wall. I'm a professional and I do everything I can to help my clients. This kid was well it is Friday night I'm out of here. Go ahead and flame me but if there are people in your profession that are not acting professional it makes all of you look bad.:devil:

Just a lil advise; the next time you report someone and eventually causing his job, what makes you think he's not coming back for a payback since he already knows where you live? Think about it next time before you do such a thing. The reason he probably didn't do the job was because he's not going to be paid enough for that kind of work (custom work since your dish was mounted customly).
Please reply by conversation.

D* is getting smoked!!

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