Dish Executive VP Resigns

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Big things are going on in Littleton.

It is being reported that Executive Vice President Soraya Cartwright has resigned.
Interesting rumor,she is in a very powerful position and is considered very high up with the corporation. Things that fall under her duties are the call centers, CSR and RA'ing...
A_Noland said:
This is from a message board!!! Please change the subject to rumor!!!

I have confirmed this from another private site which is not available to the public so I can't post a link.

I have emailed Marc Lumpkin for an official confirmation.

I will post it as soon as I have it.
It is being reported at DBSForums that John Scarborough who was the Senior VP of Marketing has also resigned.

Again this has not been officially confirmed, again I am waiting for a statement from Marc Lumpkin of Echostar.
I remember having an issue with the 501's keeping on going bad and they wanted to send me a refurb after the third one going bad and I demanded a new one. They finally transferred me over to her line and I talked to her on the phone and she got me a new replacement instead of a refurb. I was afraid that this would happen again so I just sold it and never bought anymore 501's.
I wonder if Charlie's house cleaning since the recent problems must have been caused by everyone else.

If they want to do some housecleaning do it in the engineering/design area, good ideas, very poor execution.
"If they want to do some housecleaning do it in the engineering/design area, good ideas, very poor execution"

I agree 100%, the 811 is a disaster. The Dish engineers who worked on it should have been fired a few weeks ago.

All this 811 bashing amazes me. Yes, the marketing, sales, and logistics aspect of the 811 role-out were a disaster, but the product isn't. It has some new product bugs that appear to be readily fixable, but it is far superior to the other 2 Dish receivers I own, and the HD is awesome.

In my earlier life I worked in design and project engineering (not in the electronics field) and I can sympathize with those who have to live with management's schedule regardless of the actual status of the product. My guess is someone in management set a "drop dead" date for roll-out of the 811 and that was the date it rolled-out. It is often easy to set a schedule date for certain development problems to be solved. Doesn't matter that it may take more to solve them. Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn't have to do the job.

My guess is that if this senior management shake-up has anything at all to do with 811 roll-out, it is because the roll-out problems were because of management decisions not bad engineering.

Just an old engineer coming to the defense of his brother/sister engineers!
Well whoever was the person that came up with the whole "Dish Video On Demand" load of crap should leave in shame. I suspect it was marketing.

Too bad the bean counters don't take a walk for instituting the DVR fee in 2003. They really ruined Dish's competative advantage over cable and DirecTV on the fee situation.
Carl B said:
All this 811 bashing amazes me. Yes, the marketing, sales, and logistics aspect of the 811 role-out were a disaster, but the product isn't. It has some new product bugs that appear to be readily fixable, but it is far superior to the other 2 Dish receivers I own, and the HD is awesome.

Frankly, I don't understand why people are so willing to cut Dish so much slack when it comes to the quality of their hardware. If you purchased a new cell phone that had to be power cycled after having a call dropped in the middle of a conversation would you just say no problem, it will be fixed at some future date. No, I think you'd be back at the store demanding another one. So why is it OK to say a couple of times a day you need to go and do a hard reset on the 811 to get it back after it freezes up?

The other issue is how long will it be before Dish does actually roll out any fixes? If Dish would post a list of known/verified problems and when they would be fixed it might be helpful but right now everyone is going on bline faith that Dish will eventually get things fixed. But look back at the 721 receiver, the problems that folks had with that box, how long it's taken to fix things and advertised features that still aren't in the product.

Sorry, but I don't agree with this let's just get it out the door attitude that Dish has fix things later that Dish has shown. Is it the engineers fault that the product shipped with so many bugs, probably not. They were told buy Charlie that they had to have the 811 out by a certain date (I heard this directly from one of the designers of the 811), which they did, bugs and all. Frankly, I don't care whos fault it was, I just expect products to be in better shape then what Dish has sold. As a former D* customers I never saw as many problems with the hardware from that camp as I have from E*. I think it would really help matters if Charlie licensed other manufactures to design/make Dish hardware. Let's get some friendly compitition going out there. Overall I liked Dish's programming and pricing, their hardware stinks!

Shuffling in the DISH Management Ranks
A key executive with EchoStar has reportedly left the company, and there was talk of another top management departure from the satellite TV service.

Soraya Cartwright, executive vice president of DISH Network, apparently resigned from the company for personal reasons. Cartwright was best known for running DISH Network's customer service operations, including the design, construction, staffing and operations of seven DISH Network customer service centers. She also oversaw the human resources department.

There also was talk that John Scarborough, senior vice president of marketing, is leaving the company. Scarborough joined EchoStar in 2002.

EchoStar declined to comment for the story.
I don't just blame dish for all these buggy systems. What happens when dish announces they are going to release new equipment? We the public starts going crazy and posting everywhere that they want it now and can wait any longer or they will switch to something else. I guess the only thing that E* could do is not say a word about a new product until the day before that they KNOW that it WILL be released.

Remember that when you point the finger at someone there are 3 more pointing back at you.

Looking for suggestions

501/508/510 Software Upgrade

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