Ditched the DVR


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Nov 7, 2003
Well, I turned in the DVR today. I got tired of incorrect guide data and their incompetence to come out to the house to replace the box like they said they would. Plus it isn't worth $15 a month.

So I get a normal cable box and low and behold the damn thing doesn't work. When the tech on the phone went to send a hit to the box the box shut off and that's all she wrote. I still can't get it to power back on. So now they are sending a tech out here to give me box #4 in a little over a month's time.

I miss Directv..... August will be here soon......

EDIT: Now on box #4. The idiot tech insisted that I needed the coax cable plugged into the TV from the cable box for it to work properly... sigh.... I ignored him and am going through the RCA inputs.
You must have some bad luck. Wish I had an idea whats causing your problems. I have Cox DVR and have no problems with it.

I to might switch to D* if Cox doesn't get more local channels in HD by th end of this quarter. Also would like to wait to see what D* is going to be adding to their HD channels since they have launched 2 new satellites up already. Sure wish D* will allow equipment rental.
jimmykce1 said:
You must have some bad luck. Wish I had an idea whats causing your problems. I have Cox DVR and have no problems with it.

I to might switch to D* if Cox doesn't get more local channels in HD by th end of this quarter. Also would like to wait to see what D* is going to be adding to their HD channels since they have launched 2 new satellites up already. Sure wish D* will allow equipment rental.

Look this summer for a potential lease option for D*.

Cox won't have HD here for another year. They suck in Texas. Word is Time Warner is going to buy out all of the Cox areas in Texas.
Neutron said:
Look this summer for a potential lease option for D*.

Cox won't have HD here for another year. They suck in Texas. Word is Time Warner is going to buy out all of the Cox areas in Texas.

As a former Cox Crapmunications customer from Tyler, I fully concur. I have never had more problems with any company than I had with Cox. I have a dozen different horror stories from those idiots but here is just one: It took me a 18 months to get Cox to come cut a tree off of a line. The limb was so large (and was just laying on the line) that a tree service refused to cut it for fear the shifting weight might snap the line and make them responsible. They estimated the line was sagging about 5-10 feet from where it should have been. Cox's policy (and, yes, they actually said it was their "policy") was to trim trees ONLY if a line goes down. I finally got them to agree to come out. Here is that tale:

The old saying about 'how many whatevers does it take to change a light bulb' goes perfect here. It was ONE limb that had to be cut. If I could have reached it, I could have cut it down by myself. Cox didn't send just a single bucket truck. Not just two. Not just three. Not just four. They didn't even stop at five. Six wasn't enough. No, Cox sent SEVEN BUCKET TRUCKS to cut ONE LIMB. Then, just to take up more space, they sent two F-150s for a grand total of nine trucks and 14 men to cut ONE LIMB. You would think that 14 men, 7 bucket trucks, and 2 F-150s would mean that limb would go quickly. You'd be wrong. It took them just under 1.5 hours to cut it down. When they finally cut it and the pressure was released, the line re-coiled like nothing I've ever seen. Then, in a final effort to piss me off, they refused to take the limb! They said they had no way of hauling it off. I pointed out the NINE trucks they had scattered in my driveway, my neighbor's driveway and yard, and the road and suggested they might easily haul off the limb. After a brief discussion, they decided to do it. One month later, DISH Network was installed and it was my pleasure to cancel my Cox account forever.
You're in Tyler?

According to the Cox CSR they are just now rolling out HD in Tyler. That's sad for a city area of over 80,000 people.
Neutron said:
You're in Tyler?

According to the Cox CSR they are just now rolling out HD in Tyler. That's sad for a city area of over 80,000 people.


We aren't at 80,000 anymore. As of 2005, the estimates place our population at a staggering 5-year growth from the 2000 census: 103,000. Cox just finished their "Tyler Rebuild" which was the reason the final drop in the bucket. They told me that I would be without service from 7am-7pm everyday for as much as a week. (My cable internet would be down as well.) This was right in the middle of the Olympics, something I love to watch. It wasn't out from 7am-7pm. It was out from the morning of Monday, August 23, through the evening of Thursday, August 26, 24 hours a day. (Our neighborhood was just livid.) Monday evening, a CSR had the nerve to tell me that my TV was working. That was news to me since I was STANDING IN FRONT OF IT LOOKING AT SNOW! Tuesday morning, I ordered DISH. Wednesday afternoon, it was installed. September 2, SBC Yahoo DSL was installed and my days with Cox ended for good.
We have a pretty good system over here in College Station/Bryan ;)

I too hope TW buys out cox because their lineup in waco (our main dma) has a very impressive HD lineup. Hopefully after our rebuild is complete (hope the possible sale didnt screw with the timing on the rebuild but since it cox im sure they stopped all work).

But I also have verizon dsl... cox offers very nice speeds now but their uptime was bad in the past when I had them.... I hear the uptime is alot better now but with fios in the pipeline for us I think I can stick with dsl.
I took my SA8300 back today. I'm down to analog cable and FTA now.

Cox's cheapest digital cable package + HD + the DVR cost me an additional $60/mo. For the extra $60 I gained InHD1/2 and a couple discovery channels as far as channels I would actually watch were concerned.

BUD seems to be the promised land for lots of HD and I plan on going that route. I haven't seen much in the way of DVRs for the big dish platform but I can live with the Tivo's SD recordings :). It's hard to believe how much more usefull the Tivo is compared to the SA8300!
Man, this is a shame to hear... I was just on the phone to Cox in New Orleans thinking about ditching D* to save some money. I have a SD tivo and a HD stb. The price seems good, but here in N.O. they don't even carry all 4 major networks in HD! Can you believe that? I would have thought that those would have been first on the list, considering all of the locals broadcast in HD OTA already. My buddy has Cox DVR already, and he seems to like it, but then he never had a D* tivo :p Guess I'll just wait for D*'s big announcement (but it had better be good!)

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