External HDD feature for ViP622 and ViP722: coming 8/15: $39.99

That is really bad news. I have two 622's and had hoped to tranfer the drives between the two to watch programing recorded on one at the other location in the house. I will live.

The biggest problem will come for those of you that are archivists. No more equipment upgrades for you. Upgrade your machine and your video archive of favorite movies and programs is no longer available to you.

The rest of us will have to worry about a warranty swap out of equipment and lose access to our short term recordings.

Let's hope this a bug, and therefore not a supported feature because of the bug and the fix will utimately be found
I had actually considered activating the external hard drive feature for the specific purpose of keeping some things long term AND for the event of a receiver swap AND so that if and when (and I knew this was an "if") they activate teh external HD on say... a 211, that I'd be able to watch stuff transferred from the 622 on my bedroom TV.

As it stands right now I wouldn't give them a cent for this "feature".

I will, however, play the wait-and-see game and if they roll out improvements and get it up to where it's actually useful, then I would still definitely take advantage of it.
Its time versus money.

This will be a HUGE time saver for us. We're both busy and it'll be great to achive an entire season of a series and watch it when we want without filling up the DVR.

$40 is nothing compared to how much use we will get out of it.

Being able to archive an entire season of Soundstage, Beautiful Noise, etc is well worth it to us.

Its better for a 1 time fee than paying another $5 a month for a feature.

I would hope the fee is per household on future DVR's too.

Its a great feature and I'll be signing up the day it comes out.

Now they need to add new features to search. Something like "Record 48 hours" on some of the movie channels.
Well I agree that this sounds like an expensive upgrade for nothing. IF you have external hard drives full of movies and your 622 goes bad, the replacement 622 won't work with the older external hard drives? THis isn't worth $39.99 for the privilige. Dish shouldn't charge for this at all till they make the full benefits of being able to transfer to other receivers on your account part of the upgrade.
I had actually considered activating the external hard drive feature for the specific purpose of keeping some things long term AND for the event of a receiver swap AND so that if and when (and I knew this was an "if") they activate teh external HD on say... a 211, that I'd be able to watch stuff transferred from the 622 on my bedroom TV.

As it stands right now I wouldn't give them a cent for this "feature".

I will, however, play the wait-and-see game and if they roll out improvements and get it up to where it's actually useful, then I would still definitely take advantage of it.

Just like all "new" features and upgrades, the best thing to do is wait a bit, see what bugs show up in the initial release, and then make your decision..I bet that eventually the firmware will allow you to connect this to any reciever in your OWN HOUSE, that will be registered to your external hd(s)..That way, there will be no concerns about sharing stuff with your neighbors.
And, lets be honest for a minute, are there really THAT many things that are on TV that dont get repeated many many times during the same week/month? I mean, outside of the super bowl, world series, etc, I am not sure what stuff comes on only one time that makes it so urgent to be able to archive terrabytes of televised content...
I understand the convienience of recording shows to watch later, at your leisure..but, I mean so much stuff gets repeated endlessly, you rarely have to worry about missing something if you dont catch it the first time..
Just my $.02...
Making the external storage unit work with multiple receivers and making it work with replacement receivers are two separate functions. Granted, they kill two birds with one stone if they fix this but the ability to share amongst receivers was a "wish" feature. Losing access to one's archive of recordings because the receiver dies is NOT the customer's problem.
Making the external storage unit work with multiple receivers and making it work with replacement receivers are two separate functions. Granted, they kill two birds with one stone if they fix this but the ability to share amongst receivers was a "wish" feature. Losing access to one's archive of recordings because the receiver dies is NOT the customer's problem.
Not necessarily.

Upon initial software release the hard drive is intended for use with one receiver; if subscribers try to attach the HDD to a second receiver, they may risk loss of content.
The way I read this is that it doesn't make any difference whether the "second receiver" is a replacement receiver, or a second one on your account. It won't work in either case. Hopefully I'm wrong and maybe we'll get some clarification on this once the feature is launched.

It may have been a "wish" feature, but it WAS announced by E* and subsequently "pulled" at the last minute....
Originally I didn't think this was going to happen anyway. When I asked about this back at CES the answer was no. But reading the news here, it appeared they had changed their minds. Now the truth comes out that it still isn't ready. All in all, it sounds like a software bug they are still working on. Better it be this way than all the bellyaching from the whiners who may commit suicide because they lost their archives of Jeopardy or something. Now all we'll have here is that this was THE most important part of the featureset. Who am I to question that for others. Everybody has their own priorities and I respect that. But what everyone needs to keep in perspective is that you do have options. Why not just record it to two hard drives attached to each receiver.
As for archivists- This is no big deal. I will match my archive against just about anyone here for having the most HD archive movies that have been obsoleted by new technology and these archives will not play in the new machines. In addition to that, I'll bet that issue has cost me far more money than anyone else here in the loss due to obsolescence of playback hardware. Want to play that game? Try me. Most of you all have this as a hobby. I also do this for business and lost business due to hardware obsolescence is a regular occurrence. I am not whining because I accept that as part of life. The toughest part of this is explaining why when someone wants me to make their 8 track Quadrasonic tapes converted to CD's in DD5.1 that the hardest part is finding the playback equipment, not the conversion.

I like one posters comment when he put into perspective- "I'll live!" and so will we all. Some may die before they fix this and make it available but I'm willing to bet that on your deathbed, you won't say, "I sure wish they would have fixed that hard drive swap bug before I die. " :)
I'm sure for some people it will still be a nice feature. Do I think I'd make a TON of use of this? No, probably not. I don't even HAVE a second receiver capable of making use of any kind "record-it-here-and-watch-it-there" kind of thing. Would I use it to clear space on the DVR and make room for additional stuff? Probably. The investment isn't just the $40 activation. It's also $100 or so for a dedicated HD since you can't use the hard drive for anything else. I could tell my son, "You want every episode of Justice League? Buy your own hard drive."

To keep this in perspective... it's a CONVENIENCE feature as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure it's probably more than that to some folks. If I REALLY want Planet Earth for archival purposes I would probably just buy the DVD set. I can't see myself investing in multiple DEDICATED hard drives to take advantage of this feature. Having it available in case of a receiver swap was worth the $40 alone to me. If it's tied to a specific receiver rather than an account, then this feature just went from, "YAY!" to "ho-hum".
It sounds like the noise level for the Ext HD function was enough to get the software out the door before they had a chance to develop an encryption key scheme based on the account versus the receiver. We will get the function but it will not be what we wanted.

If you save content on a drive or drives and wait for the update to change this function to work for all receivers on an account, you may find that the archived content will no longer play when that update comes through. It depends on if they retain the encryption scheme that uses the receiver ID when they finally come up with an iron clad method of generating the encryption based on an account unique identifier, something that probably does not exist and would have to be added into every machine's firmware / card ROM. This is a sytem that does not exist yet and is very complex for the number of machines out there. Dish would need to setup the same kind of validation system used by Rhapsody or iTunes that tracks how many "authorized" machines you have on your account. This means INTERNET - a good reason for activating the use of the RJ-45 jack.

I will not be building any archives until they decide what they are going to do about this and this is very disappointing that Dish is incapable of doing something better than 50% Equus asinus. I'm sure this will reduce the number of customers interested in this function and I have changed my official stance to reflect that we should not be asked to pay $40 for a beta of some thing Dish may never properly provide.

My hope is that there is some miscommunication in this whole development...
Another possibility is that E* is still fearing the wrath of the program providers.

Well I agree that this sounds like an expensive upgrade for nothing. IF you have external hard drives full of movies and your 622 goes bad, the replacement 622 won't work with the older external hard drives?

If a 622 internal drive fails, one is going to be VERY motivated to swap it themselves. This is probably not what E* wants.
Multiple external hard drives supported?

Anyone know if multiple external hard drives will be supported when this new feature is rolled out?
If a 622 internal drive fails, one is going to be VERY motivated to swap it themselves. This is probably not what E* wants.

What about the ones that lease theirs? They go bad often enough and those that all of a sudden will no longer have access to recordings on a perfectly good drive wont be very happy. Im sure they will address this in some way or another. Also, does it mean another activation fee? I cant imagine they would do this either. But you never know.

Oh... and the competitors that also have external storage... when a unit goes bad, do they lose everything on their external?
ces video 622

after all discussion about only being able to use an ext hd on only one 622 I looked at the ces video again and dave the dish rep says that at some point you will be able to swap out your ext hd's and connect them to other receivers in the house " he doesn't say only to other 622's" my 522 has the same options to manage device, I have a pocketdish that works off the 522, so I hope I will be able to transfer my stuff from the 522 to a ext hd and play on my 622 and vice versa. I have alot of movies in sd that I want to keep and be able to play on my big system in a different room, of course I will expect it not to be in the first update. here is a link to that video I got from scott
PID: 08B5h, ID: WGTC, FW: L441, Model: ViP622/ViP722
Wed Aug 08 16:39:55 2007

Upgrading FW:
'L441': 'ABA1'- 'BYB1' 'L040'- 'L440'
'L441': 'ABA1'- 'BYB1' 'L040'- 'L440'
New FW:'L441'
List of BootStraps and BuildConfigs:
'1[3-8]1[AB0-6]' 'RB[BDEGHKL][A-DJ]'
IRD Model: ViP622
List of Serial Numbers:
74411351 74413538 73406755 82364966 75814828 74597221 73406610 82279679 77387653 74411407
74413511 75937636 75094659 74407534 74411399 74413521 78470038 75814775 75814819 77371769
78287990 73406596 76634523 75867922 75761363 74411342 77371835 75139995 74407556 77384870
79850278 75867614 73406708 82342750 77385912 81583882 75896981 74411389 77561800 73406576
74407503 77371759 74411357 76477400 75094683 81475926 78470110 73406754 75867688 75891890
75230096 77374668 73406500 73406709 77393440 74597272 74413557 77385952 74819678 74597174
73406487 77265402 74596250 76205347 82279727 73406510 77385610 74597241 75094448 75766512
74413495 74596280 77564263 73406773 78472686 74413556 77265482 82359263 82676888 74407495
73406652 75829862 75230087 74411372 74413542 74597259 73406579 79412033 79850336 75526752
78472699 79956380 74411391 73406700 74411411 75867873 74407500 74407555 82281018 74596314
75140002 75793927 74596265 80151567 80118610 73406729 77371746 77385944 74411430 75093179
74596290 73406702 74596268 75867878 78469967 77332210 75761230 78469518 74601450 74413508
74413487 77387471 81066578 74411431 77371671 78470127 77332807 74596296 78469538 75094456
74407492 74407502 74597240 73406640 77369944 77393373 74596309 74407489 74411414 73406507
75766925 74407541 74413520 74596258 82364630 73406646 74411428 79850298 74411339 77470090
75094738 75733407 75733412 74407480 74413574 77387725 73406619 77561757 76181933 75094651
74411387 74411350 82676952 82341734 75771507 73406720 82676934 75789248 77387747 77387752
74411379 82342727 82342849 77385485 79850326 77336648 76634158 79850300 77369890 74413544
73406713 79850349 75582092 73406581 77370591 75814703 82363081 74411343 77371549 82342743
74596324 74601440 77425273 79895559 82677123 74407513 74413571 77370009 77385919 79850319
77370332 77331559 79850239 73406607 77279217 73406590 75867680 76478250 76460358 74676543
77371836 74601418 76775126 76477400 80738911 80058920 78278614 81068738 73174765 82676960
82676912 76774671 75768757 77563831 77415969 75310624 80057696 80095575 80057569 80095644
80095041 80057762 80057778 80057643 80095571 80057621 80095031 77388040 74819564 74819391
74819331 74819597 74819448 74819596 74819448 74819474 74819563 74819484 74819432 74819419
74766398 74819528 74413571 74597170 74601498 74413528 74413558 74597278 74411423 74819251
74819985 74407531 78470038 74819513 73406589 74819483 77328810 74407548 73406598 76477200
74411381 74766443 74990064 74990059 75041863 80057116 77412856 77419416 76956194 77624890
'1[3-8]1[AB0-6]' 'RJ[BK][A-DJ]'
IRD Model: ViP722
List of Serial Numbers:
83879571 83956803 83879730 83956451 83956731 83879498 83956502 83956750 80057981 80057988
80057990 80057997 80058043 83956747 83956540 83956782 83956819 83878895 83880266 83956898
83879630 83879681 83879602 83956835 83956753 83956561 83879640 83956748 83956800 80057972
80057984 80057987 80057999 80058005 80058009 80058015 80058024 80058036 80058037 80058046
83956484 83956741 80058041 83956739 83956850 83956771 83956765 83956479 80058002 83956881
83879676 83956831 83879616 83956775 83956849 83879665 83956558 83879745 83880032 83956764
83956845 83956515 83956801 83956756 83879657 83956961 80057994 83879638 80058019 83956778
83956476 83956468 80057998 83956729 83880213 83956784 83880155 83956824 83956947 80058047
83879678 83956843 83879736 80058010 83956531 83879738 83880093 84092877 84093890 83880165
83880235 80057997

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How to transfer recorded items to desktop computer?

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