Fantasy Football


Supporting Founder
Supporting Founder
Dec 12, 2003
Erie, PA
I have run a satellite guys FFB yahoo league for the last 3 years. However, this year we are a bit short on players. If you are interested in joining the league the information is below. We have 6 openings available with the draft set for Tuesday evening.

League ID#: 612694

League Name: Satguys FFB

Password: FFB

Custom League URL:
We still need at least 1 more player to be able to draft tomorrow. We could add a max of 3 more people.

Come and join in for the fun!
Played in the league a few years ago, but set in another league now. Didn't really care for some of the scoring choices and position options that you use in this league. But, I hope it works out for you.
I'm in. Won't be able to be at the draft so just auto pick for me.