Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

My truck is FlexFuel and made to run on E85, so I use it. It burns cleaner and makes more horsepower. However it has to be at least 10 cents a gallon difference in the price, otherwise regular unleaded with 10% ethanol is what I use. Mileage works out the same for me in my Avalanche until more than 10cents a gallon and then E85 is cheaper for me. Real ethanol free gas is a 40 to 50 cent per gallon premium over regular unleaded around here. I only get it for my mower.
Kum N Go has been adding E85 to all their new or remodeled stores in the Tulsa area for the last year and a half. That's the only place you'll find it here. They're an Iowa company so they are more invested in Ethanol than QuikTrip, Conoco/Phillips or the other local outlets. There are 3 Kum n Go's within 2 miles of my house and 2 of them are the new model stores with E85, so it's convenient for me or I would use regular unleaded like when I'm out of town.

Real gas has been a premium around here for the last 10 years. No clue why other than some of the small independents have used it as a selling point and they have no competition in the areas where their at, so they jack it up.
I was happy that the usual sawtooth waveform that describes the gas prices for us hadn't leapt up before I filled up yesterday. The price for Unleaded 87 was $2.349/gallon.