Genie Upgrade..Installer No-Show

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May 25, 2011
I took the day off to wait for the installer to put in the new Genie system since we had issues with our old receiver they offered us an upgrade for a mere $158.00 when my wfe called last Saturday the 30th. Appointment was for 8 to 12 this morning which was fine I work for a farm here and we are not busy yet.

Never got a call or anything, when I called DTV customer service after lunch they said that the installer could not find us (we live right on the state road). Next available appointment is get this...April 15, my bill is due on the 11th so I will have the pleasure of paying for the Genie before ever using it. Plus we are likely to be very busy planting on April 15, not likely to be easy getting a day off.

I have been with Directv since it was Primestar in my area, so was I wrong to expect a little better than this?
If the guy wouldnt find you thats not exactly directvs fault. Were you near a phone during 8-12 to receive a call from directv, because corporate calls the customer when addresses cannot be located.

You say your right on a state rd, well in my experiences state roads can be very long in rural areas and its easy to miss a turn or mailbox. Is the driveway area clearly marked as your address, is there a mailbox at the end (visible from the road) clearly marked as the service address you provided to dtv?

Worst case senario (and i give credit to this idea to a former customer of mine) get a scrap piece of plywood or palet (if your on a farm anything laying around should work) and spraypant a big sign that says directv turn here, and put it at the end of the driveway around 730am.

For your appointment, best best i can say is call in again and say thats unacceptable for you, you need an earlier appointment.

Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
If the guy wouldnt find you thats not exactly directvs fault.
As the OP placed the order with DIRECTV, it is clearly their responsibility regardless of who's fault it is.
Were you near a phone during 8-12 to receive a call from directv, because corporate calls the customer when addresses cannot be located.
The post clearly stated that no calls were received.

A two-week postpone is a pretty big deal.

Is it a sign of things to come? Almost certainly not.

Was the OP wronged by DIRECTV? Probably not, but they owe the OP for standing them up.

Did DIRECTV go out of their way to address the issue? Apparently not.

Is the installer going to be in trouble? One would hope so.
After rereading the op i see the line about calls, thats not standard procedures and any tech here will verify that.

Im not saying this is really anyones fault but more of an accident perhaps i should have worded this better,

Do i agree the op should receive an earlier reroll -absolutely

Should a tech be disiplined for not finding an address, absolutely not... Thats rediculous. Accidents happen, and as i stated finding rr or sr addresses can be rather difficult if you are not familiar with the area. Also techs work off a drip system, as an upgrade its possible this job got added to a route around 9am or so, not likely but possible. Op is cell phone reception sketchy where you live at by chance? And do you have a landline installed at your residence.

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No landline, had my cel phone with me as always. Phone service is good here even with the rural area. If you use google maps on a smartphone with my address you find us in seconds so I am not seeing the big problem to find me other than a lack of effort. But beyond the no-show for what ever reason, it would not be such a big deal if they were coming this Monday the 8th instead of 10 days from now.

Two calls to customer service, the first to report the no-show and get a new date. Then a second call to see if an earlier date could be had. Of course no dice. I have had good luck with customer service in the past and have referred many of my friends and relatives to Directv over the years.

I have always had the opinion that even though Directv is more expensive than Dish the quality and service is worth the extra cost. But this evening the Dish new subscriber deals are looking pretty sweet to me.

I went way back into my checkbook ledger and found that the first payment I sent to Directv was in 1999 when we were switched over from Primestar. May be time to move on.
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If your looking to move services, well thats your decision, but i wouldnt do it just because someone couldnt find your house. Id keep calling back for a new appointment however, threatening to cancel might help. It is actually very strange you got no phone calls at all however, because thats just against all sorts of internal rules. As a tech i can verify that corp will not let me just not do a job because i cant find it, we are expected to call the cx for directions, and if no answer corp calls themselves to verify "not home (cannot locate)" notes the account as such, but first google maps is used in conjunction with our truck gps systems. I know all areas are different and i work for comcast currently, but have done dtv in the past, unless rules have changed this is extremely rare of an unfortunate event.

Keep calling is my advice. Ask for a supervisor or manager and ask to have an appointment forced.

Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
Chances are the OP's phone number was entered into the system incorrectly, not a fault of the OP obviously, the person taking the order may have mistyped.

Why did I think about this, because just today I had a job and called the CBR (Can Be Reached) that was given only to find out that the cell phone would not make the call (Company phone) Why, because when I looked up the area code given, it was for Nova Scotia, While I would love to go to NS, I am working in NW Ohio ...
I am sure the phone number was mis typed on the order, but I had no other contact number for my sub.
Try sending an email here: It's the office of the president. They are very good at resolving issues like this. Let them know what happened. I suspect they can get you an earlier install date.
If your looking to move services, well thats your decision, but i wouldnt do it just because someone couldnt find your house. Id keep calling back for a new appointment however, threatening to cancel might help. It is actually very strange you got no phone calls at all however, because thats just against all sorts of internal rules. As a tech i can verify that corp will not let me just not do a job because i cant find it, we are expected to call the cx for directions, and if no answer corp calls themselves to verify "not home (cannot locate)" notes the account as such, but first google maps is used in conjunction with our truck gps systems. I know all areas are different and i work for comcast currently, but have done dtv in the past, unless rules have changed this is extremely rare of an unfortunate event.

Keep calling is my advice. Ask for a supervisor or manager and ask to have an appointment forced.

Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2

Yeah it's still the same. Takes almost an hour to get that job cancelled because they have to attempt to make contact every 15 minutes for a "no one home" or "can not locate" 3 times. GPS, google maps, and map quest are all used as well to make every attempt possible to locate the house. Also, the new system even gives you driving directions on our handhelds from the job you just closed to the next one. Sounds like either the tech seen a wrong number when post call (it shows us customer service comments now so we know if its a bad number) or the job never actually got scheduled some how.
Yep, didnt really think it was the techs fault, i wouldnt think he should get in trouble either.

Most likely a miscommunication, not a legitamate no show.

Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for your help here. I sent an e-mail to the presidents office explaining the situation, although I don't expect much will come of it.

Since the weather was good I was outside here doing some needed yardwork most of the morning. I did not see any Directv vehicle and my watchdogs never barked except once at the mail-carrier.

Even if they had the wrong number and were having trouble making a call they could have sent an e-mail. It would have went straight to my phone and I would have been alerted to the problem. It does not seem anyone tried very hard to get in touch with me.
My guess is, if he called dish there wouldn't be an 11 day wait. Might be time to light a fire under directv & get them in gear. Regardless of fault, it should be taken care of in a timely manner. Almost 2 weeks out is unacceptable.
Thanks for your help here. I sent an e-mail to the presidents office explaining the situation, although I don't expect much will come of it.

Since the weather was good I was outside here doing some needed yardwork most of the morning. I did not see any Directv vehicle and my watchdogs never barked except once at the mail-carrier.

Even if they had the wrong number and were having trouble making a call they could have sent an e-mail. It would have went straight to my phone and I would have been alerted to the problem. It does not seem anyone tried very hard to get in touch with me.
An email ?

How is anybody gonna KNOW that your email goes to your phone ?

Email me, and I might see it in a day or two.
Thanks for your help here. I sent an e-mail to the presidents office explaining the situation, although I don't expect much will come of it.

Since the weather was good I was outside here doing some needed yardwork most of the morning. I did not see any Directv vehicle and my watchdogs never barked except once at the mail-carrier.

Even if they had the wrong number and were having trouble making a call they could have sent an e-mail. It would have went straight to my phone and I would have been alerted to the problem. It does not seem anyone tried very hard to get in touch with me.

My guess is, if he called dish there wouldn't be an 11 day wait. Might be time to light a fire under directv & get them in gear. Regardless of fault, it should be taken care of in a timely manner. Almost 2 weeks out is unacceptable.
I think Ellen will take care of the issue, given time for her office to get it and look into whats going on, usually people hear back from her in 24 hours or so, or sooner.
Don't hold me to that time frame, but from what others have said that have contacted her, they've had good results.
There is so much good info on this site. I really need to start my own personal archive that can be easily searched & accessed at will. I keep saying that but haven't done it yet. I often times run into an oddball problem on a job & find myself searching a particular thread with my android knowing darn well I just read about it here but can't find it. I swear I'm going to do it 1 of these days. :)
Directv does not send emails under the circumstances you listed. Im still going to blame miscommunication, but it could be anything, im sure oop will fix you up.

Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2
Here is an update on the situation. I got a call this morning apologizing for the mix-up and setting a new time for tomorrow morning (Saturday) between 8am and noon. Apparently my billing phone number was different from my service address phone number and that is why they could not reach us. Hopefully they will get us fixed up tomorrow. I guess e-mailing the top people did get some notice. Thanks to everyone here who chimed in and helped us out.

I am really glad they stepped up and got this solved. We have been with Directv for a long time and the wife and I have been married for 30+ years so we are not the type of people to toss a good relationship down the drain over a mistake. I still have the original Primestar dish, and our first Directv 18 inch dish stored in my machine shed. So Dish network would have been a big scary step for me, lol.
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