Hope this guy wins against Dish

No matter what state makes it legal I still agree with employers making it so you can't be under the influence. Same with alcohol as in you can't drink a bunch of beers and go to work...this all falls back towards insurance companies too and how they will insure a place that lets people run around when having anything from pot or alcohol in their system. I wouldn't want to do many jobs around someone that was under either just for my own safety.
Until the federal government decriminalizes it, it's illegal everywhere in the country. States that have "legalized" it have essentially told their law enforcement to ignore it, and current federal policy (by no means binding to future enforcement) is to generally turn a blind eye in those states.
If the Supreme Court rules, they would need to rule on the Federal laws which says pot is illegal. That is the only way I can see that going in the Supreme Court did rule.

How can you tell which employee is stoned at work? he's probably the on that spends most of his paycheck at the snack machine on munchies. :)

Playing video games is legal, watching porn is legal, watching a sporting event is legal, listening to music is legal, surfing the web is legal as are a lot of other things. It appears most people believe if it is legal the employer must allow the employee to do anything while being paid to work for the employer as long as it is "legal". Is this the law? I don't think so.

"Sorry boss I was too busy surfing the web, watching the ballgame, listening to new music to get anything done for you. If you fire me I will sue your sorry *ss because I wasn't doing anything illegal. You can only make work rules which prohibit illegal acts so get off my case."
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Playing video games is legal, watching porn is legal, watching a sporting event is legal, listening to music is legal, surfing the web is legal as are a lot of other things. It appears most people believe if it is legal the employer must allow the employee to do anything while being paid to work for the employer as long as it is "legal". Is this the law? I don't think so.

"Sorry boss I was too busy surfing the web, watching the ballgame, listening to new music to get anything done for you. If you fire me I will sue your sorry *ss because I wasn't doing anything illegal. You can only make work rules which prohibit illegal acts so get off my case."

The article clearly states that the use was while he was off-duty. If an employer wanted to fire an employee for doing the legal things you mentioned while at home, there would definitely be an issue.
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Obviously, no under the influence at work.

Yep- other ways of consuming. I wouldn't smoke it, but one day I may get to have a cookie. I look forward to it. Not so much as to travel to try it. Way too cheap for that.

Pot does NOT warp you and change you into some nut- Reefer Madness is fiction. It came to be banned due to racism. And if you study it as I have, it's hard to avoid that conclusion.

At least the fed is feeling the pressure to at least admit it has medicinal value.
I seen first hand its medicinal value. A fellow railroad worker had stomach cancer, was dying. He was prescribed Marinol, "pot pills". They did nothing. Someone got him the real thing. This man never smoked pot in his whole life. He went to his room, smoked some and came out relieved of nausea and was able to eat for the first time in days.

So yes, it has medicinal value.To me, it is inhumane to let people that are terminal suffer.
I agree sky trooper. Like I said earlier, anyone who thinks it doesn't have negative affects is crazy. But there are medicinal values. I feel, if you want to hold the "how high can you be at work card" my answer will remain the same. If you can pop a Valium or Percocet, and be dazed, you can smoke a little weed. If you cannot do a drug like one of those two at your job, legally, for whatever reason it may be, then you can't be high either. Essentially all three mellow you. If you do to much of any of them you are useless. But do they truly have the right to go against the doctors best wishes. Dish in Phx is not against medical marijuana. Btw. They are not for it, but it was proven by a buddy of mine that they will not fire you for it. He tested positive, gave them his card proving he had it prescribed, and they sent it to corporate. He still works there. No matter what, you have to abide by your employers rules, but they have to abide by certain rules that are laid out before them as well.
Playing video games is legal, watching porn is legal, watching a sporting event is legal, listening to music is legal, surfing the web is legal as are a lot of other things. It appears most people believe if it is legal the employer must allow the employee to do anything while being paid to work for the employer as long as it is "legal". Is this the law? I don't think so.

"Sorry boss I was too busy surfing the web, watching the ballgame, listening to new music to get anything done for you. If you fire me I will sue your sorry *ss because I wasn't doing anything illegal. You can only make work rules which prohibit illegal acts so get off my case."
Absolutely no one is saying this.
I seen first hand its medicinal value. A fellow railroad worker had stomach cancer, was dying. He was prescribed Marinol, "pot pills". They did nothing. Someone got him the real thing. This man never smoked pot in his whole life. He went to his room, smoked some and came out relieved of nausea and was able to eat for the first time in days.

So yes, it has medicinal value.To me, it is inhumane to let people that are terminal suffer.

Most people with "medical" marijuana like to just get high. I agree though it should be allowed for use in patients with nausea and appetite problems. I'm just saying the "medical" thing is just an excuse to get high for most. Not that I have a problem with that. Legalize it!

I got some cali bud a few weeks back and man was I blown away. Very rare around here.
I have medical, for extreme back and leg pains. To the point I can barely walk some days. Been a lot better, so I haven't smoked in a few weeks. There are those that abuse t, but even still, what is abuse in a product that helps the mental stability of someone and calms the nerves everyday work related stress. It is as much mental as physical aid.
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I was just joking. I wasn't here at that time. I joined March this year, so I wasn't atound for that last one.
Some guy told me that they should legalize since it's a natural drug
then started laughing for no reason, I didn't heard a joke from him or anybody else
So he was obviously high, and told him you're the reason we should keep it how it is :piethrow
Some guy told me that they should legalize since it's a natural drug
then started laughing for no reason, I didn't heard a joke from him or anybody else
So he was obviously high, and told him you're the reason we should keep it how it is :piethrow
The joke is the contrasting of the words natural and drug. No drug is natural they all have to produced. In fact the majority are no longer even made from natural substances.
Marijuana is as much a drug as tea is. They both have mind altering effects. They both are grown naturally. They both have been used throughout the world.
Making recreational marijuana legal nationally would free up a ton of resources. Resources that could be used for prevention, treatment & education of addictive substances. Addiction is a disease & is treatable. Tax money from tobacco & alcohol should have already been funding programs for addiction.

I’d vote “yes” in a heartbeat if the proceeds would help people in need. Let's help the people that want help & let the proceeds from those that don't pay for it.

As far as the guy in question is concerned. I don't believe he's got a case.........
The biggest fault in his case, is his state does not protect medical marijuana as an actual treatment. I compared it to Valium and Percocet earlier, and if someone popped hot on those they would be fine... If they had a prescription. If MM had the same protection, he'd be fine. But Co does not do that. Arizona is the only state to protect it. And luckily they protect it for PTSD now as well. That is one of the reasons I'm retired from the Army. As soon as federal approves it, then the VA will start to support it. Maybe not sell it, but getting the MMC would be a lot easier for vets.

Red Zone out

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