How many have worked a 622 deal already?

Perhaps misleading info posted, but before 01/05/06 data with 159 serial numbers, there wasn't any limitation, just whole range of SN did covered: 1-4000000000.
So we can now assume that on Feb 1 there will be somewhere between 300 and 4 billion of these receivers. I like the idea of nearly one for everyone on the planet.:D
Dude, 'no offense' but you are a condescending person who slings insults without provocation and then provides information that isn't relevant and that nobody asked for.

jsanders said:
No offense, but you don't know what you are talking about iKramerica.

YOU chose to reply to my post re: the cost of OTA tuners vs. the cost of paying dish a $6 fee with a rude statement calling me ignorant. You were not part of the discussion before that, and nobody addressed anything your way, but you still decided to insult me. I didn't appreciate it.

Then you proceded to demostrate nothing that showed a cheap alternative to get an OTA tuner, showing you complete lack of understanding about the fee being discussed, confusing it with every other fee and service in the world. We weren't discussing how to build a DVR or an HTPC. People were asking (and others bitching) about the $6 fee to use OTA without an HD package. That's it. Nothing else is relevant. Not the Sony unit, or a free linux system, or anything else, unless they cost less than the $6 a month.

Then you continue to argue...

jsanders said:
iKramerica, you're just not worth the effort to continue that discussion.

...and then insult me again. "it's not worth the effort" would have been the a nice way to respond. "you're not worth the effort" is a an a$$hole statement.

Again, who asked you to reply in the first place?
You can share your account with your neighbors that is the only way to get leverage over high Dish prices and exploitative practices (like the 921 $1000 ripoff).
tm22721 said:
You can share your account with your neighbors that is the only way to get leverage over high Dish prices and exploitative practices (like the 921 $1000 ripoff).
Um....dude....thats illegal.

DISH NETWORK: The most horrible cust service ever!!!

Price increases higher than they appear

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