"info" on programs - confusing.

Please reply by conversation.
Kelly, from TMS, called me this morning, and we had an excellent 16-minute conversation. She checked past, present, and future guide info for CSN, and they do not provide an original air date for the programs I record. TMS passes the info they receive from all of the stations onto the various providers; they make no changes. She did say that the various providers have different ways they present that info, but she couldn’t say whether they make any changes or not. Kelly also said she had a contact at DirecTV and would pass along that I requested they add once, weekly, daily, and M-F to the recording options. She gave them my number but I doubt I will hear from them. Kelly went far beyond what I expected her to do; she was outstanding! Everyone I have spoken to at TMS were pleasant and a pleasure to communicate with.

And for all of the negative things I have read about DirecTV and their horrible customer service, at least the people that I have spoken to over the last 4 months (around a dozen times) have been exceptional in their attitude, friendliness, and desire to be helpful. And, unlike Dish, I have yet to be connected to someone in India, the Philippines, or on Mars. Communication is a critical factor in attempting to resolve any issue, and if you can’t understand each other then it becomes incredibly frustrating. I don’t mean to offend anyone outside of the continental U.S., but I think others understand exactly what I’m saying. Whether D* resolves all the issues that are presented to them is another issue entirely.

The comment I keep hearing over and over from the D* customer service reps and supervisors; they aren’t getting complains about recording issues. They have a list of known issues and this issue isn’t showing up. Until those calls add up, I’m afraid we are stuck.


I just got off the phone with another supervisor, Justina, and had her submit another request to add daily, once, weekly, and M-F to the record options. She said my requests go immediately to the Escalation Team where they are reviewed. I suspect they are sick of seeing my name pop up. Anyway, Justina suggested writing to the Office of the President as the best and quickest option. I asked her if emailing Ellen Filipiak, Sr VP of Customer Relations would help, and she said yes.

That’s about it, guys. I’ll be contacting those two individuals and recommend you do the same. At this point, as far as I’m concerned, calling customer service is a dead end. I have little faith my requests will result in any changes by the software engineers.

Email Ellen Filipiak at: eafilipiak@directv.com

Office of the President
DirecTV Inc.
P.O. Box 6550
Greenwood Village, Co. 80155-6550
And do ALL GENIES have this issue ?

All of mine do...the only one I have :), can't speak of others. But isn't what partly this thread is about? Not sure of your point but let us support Aliens on this.

I'll be emailing my experience with the only intention of just giving feedback to DirecTV to help them improve their already good product. Loving my experience so far except for this minor recording issue.
I sent Ms. Filipiak an email today at 12:41PM, and received a call at 1:50 from a person in her office. I explained the recording issues that we have been discussing, and that adding more recording options would make things easier and help eliminate repeat recordings. He appreciated the email and said they would pass the info along to the software engineers. Because it costs money for them to do any software updates, he couldn’t say whether it would be a week, a month, or several months, until any action would be taken. But he also didn’t guarantee any action would be taken; just that he would pass it along. He understood what I was talking about because he has encountered repeat recordings of programs he has already seen. It never hurts when you are communicating with someone higher up who has encountered the same issue. I also dropped a copy in the mail to the Office of the President. We’ll see, guys. Hopefully one day when we go to record we’ll see these additional options and cut down on those repeat recordings.

I highly encourage others to send an email to Ms. Filipiak, and soon. The more of us that bring this to their attention, and quickly, the better. Don’t forget to include your phone number.

Email Ellen Filipiak at: eafilipiak@directv.com

Office of the President
DirecTV Inc.
P.O. Box 6550
Greenwood Village, Co. 80155-6550
I sent Ms. Filipiak an email today at 12:41PM, and received a call at 1:50 from a person in her office. I explained the recording issues that we have been discussing, and that adding more recording options would make things easier and help eliminate repeat recordings. He appreciated the email and said they would pass the info along to the software engineers. Because it costs money for them to do any software updates, he couldn’t say whether it would be a week, a month, or several months, until any action would be taken. But he also didn’t guarantee any action would be taken; just that he would pass it along. He understood what I was talking about because he has encountered repeat recordings of programs he has already seen. It never hurts when you are communicating with someone higher up who has encountered the same issue. I also dropped a copy in the mail to the Office of the President. We’ll see, guys. Hopefully one day when we go to record we’ll see these additional options and cut down on those repeat recordings.

I highly encourage others to send an email to Ms. Filipiak, and soon. The more of us that bring this to their attention, and quickly, the better. Don’t forget to include your phone number.

Email Ellen Filipiak at: eafilipiak@directv.com

Office of the President
DirecTV Inc.
P.O. Box 6550
Greenwood Village, Co. 80155-6550

He gave you a line ...
"Because it costs money for them to do any software updates"

You should have at that point told him that you KNOW they do software updates weekly ....

It really wouldn't take much to implement the changes were asking about.
He gave you a line ...
"Because it costs money for them to do any software updates"

You should have at that point told him that you KNOW they do software updates weekly ....

You and I both know that, but there is a time and place for everything. I’ve made 6 calls to tech support and talked to 3 supervisors over the past week, and today I got a call from higher up the chain (I’m on the verge of being labeled a harasser:)), so in these early stages I’m not about to be antagonistic just to prove I know a few things. If this had been ongoing on for several months then my patience would be at an end. I’ll be anxiously waiting to see if my snail mail will precipitate a phone call from the president’s office.
You and I both know that, but there is a time and place for everything. I’ve made 6 calls to tech support and talked to 3 supervisors over the past week, and today I got a call from higher up the chain (I’m on the verge of being labeled a harasser:)), so in these early stages I’m not about to be antagonistic just to prove I know a few things. If this had been ongoing on for several months then my patience would be at an end. I’ll be anxiously waiting to see if my snail mail will precipitate a phone call from the president’s office.

I didn't mean to get angry with them ....
I didn't mean to get angry with them ....

I know. But for me to tell him that I know they are constantly working on and doing updates, would go no further than him and wouldn’t change anything. I want to be agreeable, yet insistent without being obnoxious at the same time.

BTW, I have found no reason to believe DirecTV is manipulating the guide. When I think about the totality of it all, it just doesn’t make any sense. But I haven’t completely ruled it out. What I need is several screen-caps from the Dish guide with programs that I know have no original air date to compare the two. My friends are with D* and I have no local retailers where I can get some shots. If I could find a discrepancy, then when/if D* calls within the next week or two, I would have proof to dispute what they say.

Aliens, you're my hero! :)

Thanks, Kaygirl. We’ll see if something comes of it. I just hope everyone takes a couple of minutes to send a simple email requesting more recording options to Ellen’s address. I sent a fairly comprehensive letter to outline the situation, but that isn’t required of anyone else. Just mention that we have an active ongoing discussion and you’d like to see more recording options. Asking for an original air date will do nothing because that is out of their hands. They only provide the info presented to them. And unless I can prove otherwise (see above), then more options are the only solution to cut down on these repeat recordings.
Sent my email to Ellen and someone from her office replied within a few minutes as below:

RE: Directv Program Info Recording Issues

Discussion Thread
Response Via Email(DIRECTV) - 09/20/2013 10:39 AM
Hello Mr. Xxxxxx,

I am sorry to hear about the series recording issues you are experiencing. Ms. Fillipiak has personally reached out to our engineers to confirm whether this is an issue on our end. We will follow-up with you if there is any action required by you. We hope to find a resolution to better your TV experience and appreciate the kind words you shared. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional concerns.

For further assistance, please email or contact me at 1-800-778-3417, extension 29288. My office hours are 10:15 AM to 8:15 PM EST, Wednesday through Saturday.


DIRECTV Office of the President

Response sounds standard but yet I feel sincere. I'm impressed with their quick response so let's hope there's some resolution soon.
I got a reply. It couldn't have been more generic. I asked about the DVR recording and program info issue... the reply told me to check to verify that I had "first run" checked and to press info twice to see the first-air date. I asked about the AM21 database, I was told that I could receive subchannels with Directv's AM21 OTA tuner, which I can buy online or by calling.
BTW, I have found no reason to believe DirecTV is manipulating the guide. When I think about the totality of it all, it just doesn’t make any sense.

I may be eating those words. I don’t know what is going on, but something is.

I’ll post screen-caps from the D* & E* guides comparing the same shows tomorrow.

For further assistance, please email or contact me at 1-800-778-3417, extension 29288. My office hours are 10:15 AM to 8:15 PM EST, Wednesday through Saturday.


DIRECTV Office of the President

Sleep well, Veronica, I’ll be calling. :D
I easily found and limited myself to 5 programs that did not have an OAD. Unfortunately, Comcast is the local favorite among retailers for displaying TVs, so I was out of luck in that regard. I was fortunate enough to have someone on AVS send me these screen-caps from Dish. In the interest of saving space I have only posted 3.
It is clear E* includes their OAD. We don’t know the process these providers go through in making up their guides, but it is obvious D* is either removing the OAD they receive from TMS, or they are not including it, for whatever reason. The amount of programs missing the OAD is surprising and perplexing. I’ll be contacting Veronica today and sending her these pics, if she accepts them. I hope to have some encouraging news to report later today.

Whats up with your 1st screen cap ?

Air Date: Friday 9/20 ....

But the 1st Air Date is different, which is it ?

1st air date : 2/18/13

also, what service is it your getting these from ?
You've been discussing the differences between Dish and D* with D*, is this a DISH screen cap or someone else ...

Also, you do realize there are some programming that never has an air date listed, I'm guessing thats done by the program, not the provider, currently on D*, ESPN is showing College Game Day, there is no 1st air date listed, don't think it's ever had one. I think SportsCenters the same way.

Curious, any one with DISH ... can you check thier info and see what ESPN College Game Day shows for Air Date, if any, I'd be interested to see.
Last edited:
Air date is the specific showing. First air date is the first time it aired. The show in the screen cap first aired in February and is re-airing now. Directv DVRs would record it both times because they don't "know" it's a repeat.
Whats up with your 1st screen cap ?

Air Date: Friday 9/20 ....

But the 1st Air Date is different, which is it ?

1st air date : 2/18/13

also, what service is it your getting these from ?
You've been discussing the differences between Dish and D* with D*, is this a DISH screen cap or someone else ...

Also, you do realize there are some programming that never has an air date listed, I'm guessing thats done by the program, not the provider, currently on D*, ESPN is showing College Game Day, there is no 1st air date listed, don't think it's ever had one. I think SportsCenters the same way.

Curious, any one with DISH ... can you check thier info and see what ESPN College Game Day shows for Air Date, if any, I'd be interested to see.

What ejb1980 said.

I mentioned those caps were from Dish’s guide in my post.

See, and not to sound nasty, but this is what longtime people from D* don’t realize, it doesn’t have to be this way, and by and large isn’t with Dish. That is why I posted the exact same programs from each provider. Dish included the OAD and DirecTV didn’t. Why? As I have stated previously, TMS sends the EXACT same programming to the providers, so DirecTV, for whatever reason, is not including them. Why? That is what I hope to find out when I call Veronica in a few minutes.

What ejb1980 said.

I mentioned those caps were from Dish’s guide in my post.

See, and not to sound nasty, but this is what longtime people from D* don’t realize, it doesn’t have to be this way, and by and large isn’t with Dish. That is why I posted the exact same programs from each provider. Dish included the OAD and DirecTV didn’t. Why? As I have stated previously, TMS sends the EXACT same programming to the providers, so DirecTV, for whatever reason, is not including them. Why? That is what I hope to find out when I call Veronica in a few minutes.

Like I said earlier, more than likely it's in the software they use, they probably have a set number of items they want and don't see the need for the rest, that said, more info is always better.

Personally, I would like to see them add the other things you have mentioned, like being able to tell something to record M-F or weekends only ... would also like to be able to have it record the second showing of an episode (same ep) if the first time slot would become a conflict with another show ... such as the shows that are on at say 9pm and rerun over night, if I have my allotment of recordings already accounted for at 9 pm, it should automatically see the same EP and Record the later one ...

From talking with a friend, DISH does this and ATT does as well.

More recording options the better .

What ejb1980 said.

I mentioned those caps were from Dish’s guide in my post.

See, and not to sound nasty, but this is what longtime people from D* don’t realize, it doesn’t have to be this way, and by and large isn’t with Dish. That is why I posted the exact same programs from each provider. Dish included the OAD and DirecTV didn’t. Why? As I have stated previously, TMS sends the EXACT same programming to the providers, so DirecTV, for whatever reason, is not including them. Why? That is what I hope to find out when I call Veronica in a few minutes.

What Aliens said! That's the most annoying thing about these forums. The long-time, lifelong Directv people have never seen, or have minimal experience with, how much BETTER the guides are for other providers. Directv is best provider for PQ, channels, NFL ST, etc, but the interface/guide/GUI whatever you want to call it is almost as bad as the old Scientific Atlanta cable boxes. I saw TWC's new guide at my friends house, I couldn't believe it. It's SO FAST and it DOES WHAT YOU ASK WHEN YOU ASK. The guide info is more complete than Directv's, too. It's still 4:3, but at least it works. It looks a lot like Directv's guide, too, ironically.

I had him look and see if College Game Day has OAD info, and it does not. Sportscenter doesn't have the info listed either, but it only records new episodes, not the identical repeats. If you DVR Sportscenter on D*, it records EVERY SINGLE episode! Another friend with Comcast up north said that if you set a Comcast DVR to record shows like Sportscenter that appear on multiple channels (ESPN, ESPNews, ESPN2), it will ask you if you want to record from "This channel only" or "all channels" meaning that all you have to do is record "sportscenter" and it will find it on all 3 channels. Does D* do that, I don't think they do.

I am not trying to bash anyone, but the Genie (and general HD DVR) interface is slow, buggy, and inferior. And now the "Directv is #1 in technology - we won 7 emmy's and Dish only has 1" propaganda is on, haha.

Dish guide > Directv guide. (Once you make the Dish channels appear in the correct order.)
Please reply by conversation.

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