"info" on programs - confusing.

Please reply by conversation.
I find this interesting ....
IF this had happened, why would it ONLY happen on YOUR DVR, wouldn't it have happened on others as well ?

In all the years I have been using D*, this is the 1st time I have ever heard of anyone posting that they had a show disappear from the Series Manager list.
IF it were a BUG as you said, it would happen on all the DVR's at least the ones of the same model.

IF its a bug, you can usually duplicate the issue, let us know when you can replicate the trouble and we will try and see if we can as well.

Wow!! You DirecTV fanboys are incredible!! You wrote 'IF this had happened..', so I suppose you're implying that I lied? Or I can't read my Series Manager?

And how do you know that it 'ONLY' happened on my DVR? Only a miniscule portion of DirecTV's millions of total subscribers read and post to this forum, so, for all we know, it may have happened thousands of times.

Regarding replicating the 'trouble', that implies that I could actively do something to replicate it. When the program disappeared from my Series Manager, I didn't 'do' anything; I simply saw that the program was not recording and, on further inspection, saw that it had disappeared from the Series Manager.

I've wasted enough time on this thread. I'm unsubscribing to this thread because you implied that I'm a liar and, besides, talking to you DirecTV fanboys is like talking to a wall: you are unable/unwilling to listen when somebody says ANYTHING negative about DirecTV. As someone wrote to me in a PM, "They are fanboys for life. As you said, NO WAY will they EVER even consider that cable or - gasp - Dish can do something better!"
Wow Spencer you need some kool aid or a cookie after that rant:)
I think the only thing to make you happy is to pay ETF and head to another provider.
Good luck!
Wow!! You DirecTV fanboys are incredible!! You wrote 'IF this had happened..', so I suppose you're implying that I lied? Or I can't read my Series Manager?

And how do you know that it 'ONLY' happened on my DVR? Only a miniscule portion of DirecTV's millions of total subscribers read and post to this forum, so, for all we know, it may have happened thousands of times.

Regarding replicating the 'trouble', that implies that I could actively do something to replicate it. When the program disappeared from my Series Manager, I didn't 'do' anything; I simply saw that the program was not recording and, on further inspection, saw that it had disappeared from the Series Manager.

I've wasted enough time on this thread. I'm unsubscribing to this thread because you implied that I'm a liar and, besides, talking to you DirecTV fanboys is like talking to a wall: you are unable/unwilling to listen when somebody says ANYTHING negative about DirecTV. As someone wrote to me in a PM, "They are fanboys for life. As you said, NO WAY will they EVER even consider that cable or - gasp - Dish can do something better!"

I never called you a liar .

YOUR the one that said it was a BUG, if it's a BUG, people can replicate the issue .
Are you honestly trying to say that if other D* subs that are here on the board, (there are plenty of them), that if they had this issue they would not say something about it ?

That IS what this board is all about after all, sharing info to make the experience better.

Say we have 3000 D* subs here, don't have any idea what the actual number is, many have D* and E*., you think none of them would have posted about this issue ?

I know your gonna not believe this, but , most of the people that post here are here to HELP others.

You call us fanboys ?
Sounds like your just the opposite.
People have been here trying to help you, but you won't listen to any of them.
Many of the people posting here are techs or former techs that actually DO know what they are doing, I know it's beyond belief, but it's true.
Spencer, I understand your frustration but I don't think any of these guys are personally attacking you or are being fan boys. I even think some of the ops responding to you have/had both systems. I too have come from Dish & having problems with duplicate recordings (specifically English Premier League programs on NBC Sports) and was the op that mentioned about Dish's dvr "set it & forget it" quality. But as annoying as this problem is, I find overall that Directv offers a superior product over Dish. Their pq, response to customer concerns and just general policies towards their customers come to mind. The Hopper & Dish dvrs intuitive recording capabilities are some of the more superior offerings by them over Direct. The strengths of D* over Dish are definitely more important to me so I'll continue to live with these recording issues till someone at Direct figures out that they have a real issue here and deal with it.

In the meantime, do what you think is best for you but try not to get upset with some of the other ops here, especially the more experienced ones. I find that some of their responses can be a little terse and devoid of empathy but I don't think they mean harm or trying to be personal. .... just my two cents. ..... :)
The duplicates on English Premier League are because the "episode" has "No Information Available" (presumably from Tribune) and so the DVR will record it - I get the duplicates also.
I'd much rather get a "Duplicate" vs not getting a Recording at all ... fortunately the DVR errors on the Positive side, it records it when it doesn't know.

Then, it takes about 10 second to hit the little Red button to delete something . (somewhere I'm sure DISH Deletes fasted than D* too :rolleyes:)
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Just posted a question about duplicate EPL recordings on Dish to determine if they're having the same problem, as they should be, since they are getting data from the same source as D*. Hopefully their response on that side of the forum can help us determine what's going on with these recording issues. As I and others have mentioned here previously, we had little to no recording issues when we were with Dish, which for me was only a couple months ago.
Just posted a question about duplicate EPL recordings on Dish to determine if they're having the same problem, as they should be, since they are getting data from the same source as D*. Hopefully their response on that side of the forum can help us determine what's going on with these recording issues. As I and others have mentioned here previously, we had little to no recording issues when we were with Dish, which for me was only a couple months ago.

Thing is, if the Tribune is sending over the same info to both providers, it's quite possible that both are not using all the info sent to them.

Both providers probably have x amount of items they want addressed and those spots get filled and moves on.
Think of it as a log of info that has to be filled in, one company has 10 items they want filled, the other 7, well the same info is sent over and the provider decides what they don't need gets pushed by the way side.

I'm not sure this is what is happening, but it could be, if Tribune is truly sending both the same info.

Of course the only way we would know for sure is to talk to all three parties at the same time.
Good point Jimbo, I too suspect that's what is happening here. As I & some others have said, it's a little annoying but nothing to shutdown the place for (tongue in cheek lol), and I'm sure Direct will fix these little glitches eventually..... it's not like we're signing up for health care. ....oh, should I have taken that to The Pit? Lol
Good point Jimbo, I too suspect that's what is happening here. As I & some others have said, it's a little annoying but nothing to shutdown the place for (tongue in cheek lol), and I'm sure Direct will fix these little glitches eventually..... it's not like we're signing up for health care. ....oh, should I have taken that to The Pit? Lol

If you re-read this entire thread, you'll discover that what you suspect is happening is really happening. It has been confirmed by Tribune (see earlier posts) that they send the same info to everyone and there are screen shots from other providers with correct info. This is 100% a Directv issue and "eventually" doesn't cut it when others get it.

Like I have said before, it's not worth leaving D* over - at this point - because of the better PQ and Sunday Ticket. But if Sunday Ticket was ever available on another provider and said provider had more reliable equipment, I would jump ship for it. We PAY for these services (some people pay $25/month for HD/DVR/MRV services - the day that's on my bill is the day that they will come and put an H25 where my Genie sits now) and should get what we pay for.
To be accurate, we don't actually know they get the same data, only that it all comes from Tribune. It's PROBABLY the same......
Also, faulty guide data doesn't explain a program disappearing from my Series Manager; this indicates a bug in DirecTV's software, and they can't pass the buck to someone else. This is especially troubling because if I go away for a few days and then come home expecting to watch programs recorded while I was away, and then discover that my scheduled recordings mysteriously disappeared from Series Manager, I'm going to be disappointed. I know it's only TV, but many of us (especially we older folks who are not as active as we once were) really enjoy the entertainment provided by TV. ;)

I've never had a series disappear from my list. The only time it leaves is if I delete it....
I record alot of A&E programs and as its well known those shows are on for 2 months a year then dont come back til next year...and yet those series timers are still there
If you re-read this entire thread, you'll discover that what you suspect is happening is really happening. It has been confirmed by Tribune (see earlier posts) that they send the same info to everyone and there are screen shots from other providers with correct info. This is 100% a Directv issue and "eventually" doesn't cut it when others get it.

Like I have said before, it's not worth leaving D* over - at this point - because of the better PQ and Sunday Ticket. But if Sunday Ticket was ever available on another provider and said provider had more reliable equipment, I would jump ship for it. We PAY for these services (some people pay $25/month for HD/DVR/MRV services - the day that's on my bill is the day that they will come and put an H25 where my Genie sits now) and should get what we pay for.

So, go ahead and jump back to DISH, no ones stopping you, if a piece of info on a recording is enough for you to change providers, then your way more upset than the majority of the people that use a provider, I hardly find people leaving or at least telling you that THAT is the reason they are leaving.

Personally, I would think that Programming would be the #1 item on everyones list. (If they don't5 have a channel you need, why would you sign up with them) 2. would be Picture Quality.
Most hear have commented that D* PQ is better than DISH.

Btw, chances are your already paying that $ 25, that covers your HD fee, the DRV fee and the WH fee, thats all, if you have those three items, your already paying it, it's nothing new, they just bundled it together which I think was a bad thing to do because it sounds worse that way.
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I'm not really sure why this thread is still going. We can all agree with 1 thing, regardless what's given to each provider the guides on each providers is different. That's what makes 'Mercia so great! We have choices, if you don't like what 1 company has you go back/to a different company :D 'Merica!
I'm not really sure why this thread is still going.

It is/was an ongoing effort to see one or two changes made and to update the status.

We have choices, if you don't like what 1 company has you go back/to a different company :D 'Merica!

This response always baffles me. Its as if certain complaints are off the table. Complain about the PQ. Check. Complain about the content. Check. Complain about how slow the HR34 is compared to the HR44. Check. Ask for more data and a better recording option. You Communist! How dare you! Go back to where you came from! I had a similar response in another popular satellite forum when I brought this up. The resistance was striking. It was like I killed their mother, rapped their wife, and kidnapped their only child. It’s a COMPANY that people pay their hard earned dollars (I would guess an average would be close to $1K per year) to a provider for a service. If you lose your job, D* isn’t going to find you another. If you get hurt and are hospitalized, D* isn’t going to pay your hospital bill. I like D*. I also liked E*, but I hold no loyalty or have any emotional attachment to either. This isn’t about trashing D*. When the DVR experience can be better for the whole, I don’t understand why there is so much resistance and pushback.
I've spoken with TMS three times, and they have all said they send the exact same info to each provider.

If that is so then why does it take Tivo sometimes 3 days longer to update the college football games from "TBA" than other providers?
My HR34 this week updated the 2:30 ABC game on Wednesday to reflect the right game whereas the Tivo took til Friday night (both do updates daily)
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