IS there collusion against Barry Bonds?

Yeah I owe you an apology. It was HD MM's post that got me going. I re-read it and thought it was you who wrote that.

I would edit my post but thats not fair to you. I screwed up.

As for HD MM his comment about race was the one that set me off and I mistakenly attributed it to you.

As for boozing it up its only 1:30 PM Im not good and liquored up till 1:30 AM. (and if you knew me, then youd know that that isnt really true because I dont drink that often.)

Again sorry Salsa. As for collusion, how in the hell can you find fault with noone hiring Bonds, who up until Clemens came to light, was labeled the biggest bad guy in the sport?

I was wondering where you saw the race worries! I am just surprised that in this day and age of winning at all cost....and don't think that for one moment that the owners didn't know about McGuire and POSSIBILY Sosa juicing up during the big attendance years AFTER the lockout....suprised that he can STILL HIT, STILL get on base and still draw....goodo or bad....that no ones has signed him. ALSO, local talk has brought up whether if some folks think it had something to do with his race.....
Yeah I owe you an apology. It was HD MM's post that got me going. I re-read it and thought it was you who wrote that.

I would edit my post but thats not fair to you. I screwed up.

As for HD MM his comment about race was the one that set me off and I mistakenly attributed it to you.

As for boozing it up its only 1:30 PM Im not good and liquored up till 1:30 AM. (and if you knew me, then youd know that that isnt really true because I dont drink that often.)

Again sorry Salsa. As for collusion, how in the hell can you find fault with noone hiring Bonds, who up until Clemens came to light, was labeled the biggest bad guy in the sport?

Um, do you have reading comprehension problems boston area dtv??? :mad:

I was actually the first one to respond and argue AGAINST the comments made by "tomcrown1". HE was the one who suggested RACE was the issue with Bonds, NOT ME!!!

Here is the original post by tomcrown1 and my remarks afterwards in response. Read very slowly, maybe you will get it this time.... :rolleyes:

Now you owe me a huge apology too!

Can it be that Berry is black and on steriods. If he was white he would have been signed

Is has less to do with him being Black and more to do with him being an ass and club house cancer.
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Um, do you have reading comprehension problems boston area dtv??? :mad:

I was actually the first one to respond and argue AGAINST the comments made by "tomcrown1". HE was the one who suggested RACE was the issue with Bonds, NOT ME!!!

Here is the original post by tomcrown1 and my remarks afterwards in response. Read very slowly, maybe you will get it this time.... :rolleyes:

Now you owe me a huge apology too!

Id like to apologize to you, salsa, my mom, wife , daughter and the acadamy. Ive decided to take up drinking to help my comprehension as blogging sober isnt working.
Thank you all for you support.

I must have comprehension problems! I think I should be pissed at Tomcrown1...but I think Im gonna STFU for a bit.

But yeah race stinks in this case.

As for Bonds, he has such a negative stigma attached to him now, I dont think anyone wants to touch him with a ten foot pole.

Although, if Georgie was still around and he needed one bat down the stretch I wonder if he would take the shot.
[QUOTE=boston area dtv;1352916]Id like to apologize to you, salsa, my mom, wife , daughter and the acadamy. Ive decided to take up drinking to help my comprehension as blogging sober isnt working.
Thank you all for you support.

I must have comprehension problems! I think I should be pissed at Tomcrown1...but I think Im gonna STFU for a bit.

But yeah race stinks in this case.

As for Bonds, he has such a negative stigma attached to him now, I dont think anyone wants to touch him with a ten foot pole.

Although, if Georgie was still around and he needed one bat down the stretch I wonder if he would take the shot.[/QUOTE]

ROFLMAO, now that's an apology if I ever heard one.
As for Bonds coming to DETROIT - not in a million years. We don't need the media circus that will come with this idiot. Not to mention his king-sized ego and the clubhouse damage that will bring. I'm betting this guy is in jail before the season is up, anyhow.
I just realized that Barry Bonds has NOT retired and yet NO ONE has signed the guy??!! YES, he is a lighting rod of controversy, from being a a**hole to the steriods, but come cannot tell me some team like the Tigers or the White Sox or the Indians cannot use him as DH?? I mean in only the last 2 years...though injured, he has AVERAGED 27 HR 72 RBIs .490 OBP .545 many 30 year olds in the major can do that....much less a 40 year old!

Don't forget: Bonds is going to have to deal with the looming perjury charges he faces for lying to a grand jury during the BALCO steroids probe. That is no MLB team in their right mind that would want the circus that would surely follow.....

Like I said in my original comment and has recently come to light.....

Bond's indictment includes 15 felony charges!!

Mystery solved.
The sox dont need them. We have Thome and Konerko to fill the DH spot. While they both suck right now, there is no room for Bonds or his big head on the south side.

I have heard that Seattle might be interested, but who knows thats what Tim Kurkjan, the loser on Sportscenter says.
I just hope his June 6 trial does NOT coincide with the NBA or Stanley Cup Finals.

Otherwise, we could have another incident like what happened during Game 5 of the 1994 NBA Finals.
Oh please......

Here's your reasons for him not getting signed.....

1. He's a one dimensional player now - If a ball got hit to him the outfield, he's not gonna catch the tough ones anymore...
2. He is going to be in court a LOT. In a world where baseball's money is guaranteed, someone would have to pay his salary while he went to court....
3. He's all about Barry and Barry only. Not a team player. Who wants to poison their clubhouse with him?
4. Before he set the HR record, he was valuable for one reason. Every seat ticket over the outfield wall potentially held the winning lotto ticket in the form of a baseball worth big bux. You might get some residual value there if he kept adding to the total, but the big media coverage of his pursuit will never come back.
5. How many World Series rings has he won since he started, um, excuse me, allegedly started taking steroids...
6. He's 43 now. There just aren't many DH positions open as a halfway house to retirement for him.

If I were him, I'd sell the house and move to the islands where there is no extradition. His reputation is already shot. He should take his money and disappear.... The same goes for Clemens.....

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